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"Beetle monster W.I.P" Topic

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Darwin Green29 Aug 2011 9:30 p.m. PST

well, i hit the dollar store, but was dissapointed there was no more plastic T-rexes left and noticed a Triceratops and a Rhino beetle.

I have no idea what compelled me to combine the two monsters but here's a WIP.


any suggestions for how to help transition the beetle parts to the dinosaur body?

Also, any suggestions for Kaiju sounding names for this beast? .

and there a few more pics in my photobucket gallery.

Space Monkey29 Aug 2011 10:39 p.m. PST

That's damn nifty!
Not sure about the transition… what would stick to that kind of… vinyl?
Paintjob will probably tie it together nicely.

Darwin Green29 Aug 2011 10:46 p.m. PST

Greenstuff seems to be sticking to it fine. I imagine there's a few epoxy putties that work on vinyl too.

Darwin Green30 Aug 2011 11:32 a.m. PST

well, here are the mostly finished pictures of Beetallo. Ugh, this thing needs a better name.



I haven't come up with a final name yet, but I imagine it as a kind of benevolent Mothra-like kaiju.

In monster Island, I'm thinking of giving it the Jump ability since beetles don't really fly as much as they crash into things.

I kind of want to make it less strong in striking attacks, but great at ramming, and grappling. So maybe a bonus to throwing and piledriving?

Space Monkey30 Aug 2011 12:52 p.m. PST


Using the Kaiju Name Generator link I kinda like:

Might be cool to have a couple of optional 6mm children riding on his back.

Rubber Suit Theatre30 Aug 2011 3:20 p.m. PST

Volkswagenus Maximus ("scientific" name)
The Great Horned One (native name, translated)
Lord Guardian

Anyway, the critter looks a darn sight better than half the stuff that showed up in Gamera movies. Case in point:


Twig6631 Aug 2011 2:48 p.m. PST

That's really good. It reminds me a bit of Antlar from Ultraman.


How about Monoceros or Chitusk (pronounced Kai-Tusk)?

Darwin Green31 Aug 2011 3:33 p.m. PST

I'm thinking I'm going with Kabutosaur, but I'm tempted by Volkswagonus.

Darwin Green09 Oct 2011 1:28 a.m. PST

well, I rigged up a simple lightbox so I can take better pictures. here's Kabutosaurus.



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