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1,363 hits since 27 Aug 2011
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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ordinarybass28 Aug 2011 5:52 p.m. PST

I saw Bandit86's excellent version of this truck a while back and it got me thinking that I have one of those and I should get it done.
TMP link
Apologies that the pics aren't up to my usual standard. My camera got lost on vacation and these are cell pics.

I wanted to have minis able to stand on it like Mad Max, so I removed the deck, cut it in half and stuck it on the sides. also moved the tank back. ALso put some granny grating on the top for a platform.

Unfortunately the camera was unable to get close enough to capture the driver, a mohawked fellow created from various GW bits.

Painting was just a black spray, base painting and drybrushes follwed by lots of brown wash and picking out the dents in metalic. Ending with a tan drybrush and matte spray.

PatrickWR28 Aug 2011 6:12 p.m. PST

Looks great! Let's do a convoy scenario sometime starring this vehicle.

bandit8628 Aug 2011 9:28 p.m. PST

Looks great! The tank comes off so you could make other type vehicles if you wanted a convoy (rubber ducky. For those old enough)

richarDISNEY29 Aug 2011 6:59 a.m. PST

Very nicely done!

ordinarybass29 Aug 2011 7:42 a.m. PST

I hadn't even thought of that, though you make a very good point. These "Fast Lane" vehicles at TRU are actually just New-Ray toys and they come apart with screws, which makes it far easier to paint interiors, add drivers, or in this case, you could remove the tank for a pretty easy conversion to a flatbed truck.

Here's another FastLane/NewRay vehicle I post-apocified, a Land Rover.


Zeelow29 Aug 2011 8:56 a.m. PST


ordinarybass29 Aug 2011 5:30 p.m. PST

Patrick was just by with his camera so I snapped some more pics of it.





The Driver. Tank Commander body/half-legs, Catachan arms, Command squad wide mohawk head.


I really should have taken the time to trim the mold lines. At the time I wanted to preserve the chrome finsih, but it probably didnt' matter since you can't see it well anyway.


The only parts not from the toy are the grill decoration, front spikes and some crocheting mesh for the walkway over the tank.


One hint, the paint is so thick on this (and most toys) that after you're done adding your paint, you can scratch off your paint (usually with your fingernail) to reveal the original emblems underneath. In this case, the "Peterbuilt" badges on the front and sides of the engine compartment.

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