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2,011 hits since 27 Aug 2011
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Johnny Aces27 Aug 2011 4:59 p.m. PST

Alright, keep the ribbing to a minimum. My wife and I were discussing miniatures(she doesn't play) while she was watch Twilight: Eclipse. She jokingly asked when I was going to get her an Edward figure(two in fact, one normal and one "sparkling").

So as much as I hate to ask, has anyone made a brooding Modern Vampire that would fit the role? She actually requested the whole Cullen Family(for those not in the know, those are the vampires). Has anyone made Not-Cullens? I'd think there'd be a market for them as a means to get those non-geeked loved ones into Miniature gaming(I tried with Necromunda, she says it's like watching paint dry), even something that might help get those teenage daughters into painting…

Thanks for the help.(Ducks behind the first cover available to avoid the thrown objects in response to this inquiry)

Covert Walrus27 Aug 2011 5:05 p.m. PST

. . . Right.

There's probably something in Tumbling Dice's range that might fit, or even Hasslefree. Can't think of anything close off hand . . .

ordinarybass27 Aug 2011 5:13 p.m. PST

Not sure, but there's probably something out there.

As for an actual game, if she finds Necro to be to slow, perhaps Fear and Faith by Ganesha games would be fast and easy enough to keep her interest.

Covert Walrus27 Aug 2011 5:29 p.m. PST

Oh, as for the rest of the Cullens? You could convert the many not-Firefly crew to serve. Seriously, they both share a big bruiser and a terminally cheerful brunette . . .

skinkmasterreturns27 Aug 2011 5:49 p.m. PST

While I understand nothing that you are asking for,(other than Vampires) I did lob a tomato at you,just because….:)

Fabe Mrk 227 Aug 2011 6:47 p.m. PST

Hey, a Not Edward figure would be perfect for a modern day hunt the vampire scenario,first one to find and stake him wins. Hows that for justification for such a figure.

Zephyr127 Aug 2011 7:38 p.m. PST

And you'd better start searching for some sparkly paint now, too…. ;-)

corporalpat27 Aug 2011 8:20 p.m. PST

Objects thrown, but can't fault you for trying to keep the Mrs happy. Let me know when the Twilight Vampire Hunt is scheduled I don't want to miss it! LoL

JSchutt27 Aug 2011 8:47 p.m. PST

It is refreshing to see the notion of sending your loved one on an impossible quest has not been forgotten. I do not believe however that historical statistics support your survival.

Just any parrot from the proverbial parrot shop will just not do… It will need to be dead on.

I can't believe the plastic action figure folks have not done this already though I guess it's a good thing 6 year olds are not playing out "Twilight" with action figures.

Good luck with that…

Dr Mathias Fezian27 Aug 2011 8:59 p.m. PST

You might try starting with some of the licensed "Vampire the Masquerade" figures- pretty good sculpts overall- goofy poses aside- although you might have to do some head swapping to get the right look.

If anyone could do a legit lookalike, it is Kev of Hasslefree. His Not-Willow is frikkin' spot on.

Gotta be honest, I'm not familiar with all the individuals, although one has to be blind to have missed Edward's face with all the marketing :P

Raynman Supporting Member of TMP27 Aug 2011 9:02 p.m. PST

You don't need sparkly paint. Look for the super fine glitter and use it sparingly. You can get it in different colors, try to match the paint color and apply after it has dried. Voila, sparkly!

Gunner Dunbar27 Aug 2011 11:19 p.m. PST

find a male fairy mini, clip the wings and glue glitter on it.

WeeSparky28 Aug 2011 5:45 a.m. PST

Didn't Ground Zero Games do a not-Buffy set? The not-Spike figure should work. Reaper has some modern vamps, but I didn't see any sparkly brooding types.

Battle Works Studios28 Aug 2011 5:46 a.m. PST

I can't help with a mini, but I can make the movies much less painful for you:




troopwo Supporting Member of TMP28 Aug 2011 5:58 a.m. PST

If you find them, do yourself a figure and find a 'Blade' figure.

The Tin Dictator28 Aug 2011 7:31 a.m. PST

I believe the correct answer to your wife's question is…"Never!"

Ambush Alley Games28 Aug 2011 8:21 a.m. PST

The things we do for our wives! You're a good man, sir!


CPT Jake28 Aug 2011 11:07 a.m. PST

I have yet to see any of the movies (or read the books).

Which one is this from?


evilmike28 Aug 2011 11:21 a.m. PST



retzlaffmd29 Aug 2011 11:15 a.m. PST

Get her the new Hallmark ornament(almost threw up a little while looking for this years Star Wars & Star Trek offerings…)

Muerto30 Aug 2011 11:02 p.m. PST

I just asked my missus if she secretly wants a miniature Twilight vampire. I'm still receiving a tirade consisting of "How could you ask me that?! You don't even know me! How can I forgive you for thinking that?"

Manflesh31 Aug 2011 5:19 a.m. PST

The OP made me snort my coffee… hahahahahahaha

Odd though. People WOULD buy that figure, just to melt it down. Good on you though, listening to the wife.


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