GoneNow | 24 Aug 2011 3:00 p.m. PST |
I have been looking online and can't find a copy of the Rocketmen rules PDF. This used to be free to download on their site, but now it's gone. I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out and point me to a copy of either Axis of Evil or Battle of Titans PDF? |
The Beast Rampant | 24 Aug 2011 5:17 p.m. PST |
Would you like one of the little rules sheets out of the pack, or are you looking for something with ammendments or errata (or something with more 'presentation')? I could send you one of the little packets. |
GoneNow | 24 Aug 2011 5:56 p.m. PST |
I just bought a few booster boxes online. I was just hoping to give the rules a read before my boxes showed up. |
The Beast Rampant | 24 Aug 2011 6:04 p.m. PST |
OK, well, you'll be able to wallpaper a room with the same as I've got when your box arrives. I see Board Game Geek doesn't have it; always the first place I check. You order the first set or second? I haven't seen boxes of the first available for some time. I picked up a couple of Battle of the Titans from Dave & Allan's Card World for next to nothing. Still need a few from the first set. |
GoneNow | 24 Aug 2011 6:33 p.m. PST |
I bought the Battle of Titans boxes from the same place as you. The first series stuff seems to be going for about 2-3 times what the second series goes for. That's still not lot but more then I was looking to spend on the game. |
GoneNow | 24 Aug 2011 7:47 p.m. PST |
How close to a complete series did you get with the boxes you bought? |
PygmaelionAgain | 25 Aug 2011 4:49 a.m. PST |
Internet Wayback Machine to the RESCUE! link and don't forget to check out the scenarios for the game as well! |
GoneNow | 25 Aug 2011 7:10 a.m. PST |
Thanks a lot for that. Was able to get the rules and the FAQ. But sadly not the Multiplayer Option PDF. |
Agent 13 | 25 Aug 2011 9:43 a.m. PST |
Be careful. Many of the packs had mismatched pieces, especially the rare ships, making them useless. I bought them many years ago. This was well documented eventually. I had to have wizkids send me replacements. They can't do that any more. No complete set in the box. I bought two boxes and still had no set. Bad taste in my mouth. Tossed them in a box and never played it. I almost tossed them in the trash this past weekend. I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but this game was wizkids greatest blunder of a cmg. |
GoneNow | 25 Aug 2011 11:54 a.m. PST |
Was it the Axis of Evil or the Battle of Titans that had all the mispacks? |
PygmaelionAgain | 25 Aug 2011 12:42 p.m. PST |
Agent13: don't junk 'em
repurpose them! Or put them up on the exchange here
who knows who might swap you whatever for them. Axis of Evil definitely had a lot of "This card doesn't go with these ships" or "Where's the top half of this one?". I would say that the Battle of Titans packs had ~less~ of that, but to be fair, I've opened fewer of those as well. Granted, since I bought mine by the case from D&A, sometimes a few packs or a box later I'd end up with those oddball parts
but sometimes I wouldn't ever see the card I had the ship for of vice versa. If I had intended to use these ships for their native game, I'd have cared more, but I've always planned on throwing them into "G.O.B.S." or Red Chicken Rising. Also, buying them at low low closeout prices salved my fury quite a lot. The real shame, is that this game was quite a nice leap off from the Pirate CMG, and if atomic age spacecraft had a resurgence involving Johnny Depp and shouting "YARRRR", it might have done very well. |
GoneNow | 25 Aug 2011 5:53 p.m. PST |
So looking at the pictures over on BoardGameGeek and reading the "each pack contains" entry in the rules, it looks like the ships are always divided onto two cards. No more, no less. Is one card always the base and stand while the second card is always the ship? If that is the case, then I guess any mispacks wouldn't be a big deal if your just planning to use the ships for another game anyways. I can understand if the ship parts are spread out over the two cards how frustrating getting mispacks would be. Or if you were only planning to use the ships for Rocketmen. |
Captain Gideon | 26 Aug 2011 8:06 a.m. PST |
For myself I've got both sets but not sure it they're complete,I have them somewhere but need to locate them. All of the ships are unpunched and are in very good condition. If I did locate them would anyonehere be interested in buying them from me? Thanks Captain Gideon |
TheBeast  | 30 Aug 2011 8:12 a.m. PST |
repurpose them! In a word, War Rocket! *ahem* Two words
*ahem* Doug PS Yes, interested in Axis of Evil ones, have an unopened box of Titans, but prolly not enough to cover your effort to dig them out. ;->= |
Captain Gideon | 30 Aug 2011 9:39 a.m. PST |
I think we can work something out Doug but that's if I find them. I'll be looking later this week. Thanks Captain Gideon |
Captain Gideon | 04 Sep 2011 10:44 a.m. PST |
A small update I found part of the cards but can't tell you right now what set they're from,I should've that info along with the rest of the cards in the next day or two. Captain Gideon |
hurrahbro | 05 Sep 2011 3:35 a.m. PST |
I still feel that they were a good idea, badly executed. While there were a lot of "base for some other ship" in the packs, they are rather nice models for starship combat game this is even despite the pseudo 3d nature of their construction. Just go over the white edges with a suitable coloured marker pen. |
Captain Gideon | 05 Sep 2011 6:56 p.m. PST |
I just found the rest of my Rocketman cards and I finished going thru them First off the Axis of Evil set I'm missing 4 cards,which are: #'s 48,68,108 and 110 The Battle of Titans set is complete as I have all 93 cards but none of the LE cards. All of the cards are unpunched and ready to be gamed with,so anyone's interested please let me know and we can work something out since I've no need of them. Captain Gideon |
jeff9492 | 14 Dec 2015 9:55 p.m. PST |
I recently stumbled across this game and was wondering if anyone Had a complete set of battle of titans for sale |