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"Fantasy Figure you think some company Should Produce" Topic

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CorpCommander22 Aug 2011 7:43 a.m. PST

Every now and then I think up a figure (historical, sci-fi or fantasy) that some company should produce. Oh sure, many aren't commercially viable since I'm probably the only one interested but you never know. So, to find out lets start throwing out ideas. Respond to this with Figure Name and Why it must Exist. Or reply about figure suggestions you'd totally buy!

CorpCommander22 Aug 2011 7:46 a.m. PST

I'll go first –

Name: Gunicorn
Why?: It's a Unicorn with a 20mm Bofors for a horn. Main use would be to shoot down it's natural enemy the very annoying Pegasus with all of it's fancy flying and lightning.

"Zeus can't save you now! Eat flack!"

jpattern222 Aug 2011 7:54 a.m. PST

How about Gunicorn 2.0: Tundro of the Herculoids!

There are action figures of Tundro and the rest of the gang, but I'd like to see 28mm nminis.

doc mcb22 Aug 2011 7:55 a.m. PST

Won't Tom Meier's fairy ballerina on pegasus do as well?


Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP22 Aug 2011 7:57 a.m. PST

Orcs. No one makes orcs, and they are pretty prominent in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
It's an obscure fantasy book that some of you may have read.

Battle Works Studios22 Aug 2011 8:16 a.m. PST

Grenadier had a Comedy Lords boxed set with a ground attack pegasus – bomb racks under the wings and everything. Natural enemy of the gunicorn, clearly.

As long as we're on a Greek myth meme, how about a good sculpt of a Hecatonchires?



The D&D version:


Why? Because they're cool and goofy at the same time, and they'd be a royal pain to kitbash, and there are even stats for the crazy things in the last couple of editions of D&D. 50 heads apiece – think how much practice you'd get painting faces!

Probably unfeasibly huge in 28mm, but might be doable in 15mm or 10mm. At 6mm it might even be economical.

CorpCommander22 Aug 2011 8:17 a.m. PST

@doc mcb
Tom Meier's Pretty Pink Pony is an up-gunned pegasus (note the fancy wings) but that is a really interesting model!

Tundro is rather exciting. How big is he? Tank sized or fit to fight Godzilla?

Space Monkey22 Aug 2011 8:19 a.m. PST

Oh! Tundro! I love Tundro!!!
He's tank-sized.

I'd like a nice line of Aztec frog-men warriors… or drop the Aztec thing and just make them a forest tribe.

Also, a nice line of Naga along the style of the ones in World Of Warcraft.

… if your thinking just single figures… then sure, Tundro.

Pictors Studio22 Aug 2011 8:32 a.m. PST

I'd love to see someone do a dedicated Elric line again. The old citadel ones are nice but hard to come by and could stand to be redone. I'd love to see a minis game based on it.

skippy000122 Aug 2011 8:39 a.m. PST

A classic Orc, standing over a SG1 body, with a bloody sword in one hand and looking at a broken M16 in the other.

WWI pilots riding Dragons.

Hot-lookin' Russian tanker babes.

The ROAR-orc stuff:Orcs sitting in catapults waiting for launch, the Goblin crews trying not to laugh…

A fantasy version of Jan Ziskas' wagon forts.

German tanks 'weirded out' in nordic runes.

Atlantean trireme-style airships.

A caravan with mixed fantasy draft animals, and a caravansary to go with it.

A wood elf war party tracking a SG1 team.

A recently built Stonehenge with clerics and caretakers.

A capsizing battleship with tentacles wrapped around it.

Amelia Earhart running from a dinosaur.

All the characters from the tv show 'Eureka'and 'Warehouse 13' which are probably responsible for all of the above.

Farstar22 Aug 2011 8:49 a.m. PST

The standard D&D/Pathfinder class/race matrix completely filled out, instead of the 60-80% even Reaper and the prepaints never get past.

Battle Works Studios22 Aug 2011 9:13 a.m. PST

Amelia Earhart standing on top of a dead T-Rex, handing her .50 Nitro Express down to Quartermain to reload. :)

boy wundyr x22 Aug 2011 9:16 a.m. PST

I'd like to see the rest of the stuff from Charles Saunders' Imaro and Dossoyue novels (rhino riders etc.) in 10mm, since Eureka already got things started with their African fantasy line.

Failing that, 200-400' giant Chinese junks in 1/2400, per Gavin Menzies and the Chinese tooling around all over the world in the 15th century (note: I'm not a believer, but useful theories for gaming!).

Mick in Switzerland22 Aug 2011 9:17 a.m. PST

I was surprised how difficult it is to find male D&D and Heroquest characters that are compatible with GW LOTR figures.

The LOTR range has many items but I wanted non Tolkien characters – clerics, bards, druids and young wizards. I also wanted a mummy, skeletons and zombies.

Reaper make lots of women but simple male characters are surprisingly rare.

(By the way, the GW LOTR are not 25mm as often quoted on TMP – only the plastic Rohan and Gondor infantry are small – most figures are 28mm exactly like Perry historicals.)


doc mcb22 Aug 2011 9:31 a.m. PST

I have the Grenadier pegasus with the bomb racks; yes, it is a hoot.

doc mcb22 Aug 2011 9:34 a.m. PST

A fantasy version of Jan Ziskas' wagon forts

One of my favorites is still the dwarven war wagon made by, iirc, Black Raven; it is gigantic, two stories, armored and obviously very heavy, and pulled by a pair of yaks -- but with scythe-chariot wheels!

Can't figure how to post the pic but there's a good one here, top item:


Dunadan22 Aug 2011 10:03 a.m. PST

15mm models based off of John C. Wright's Chronicles of Chaos, since all of his characters are crazy awesome:

Bad Guys:
*Amazons with Pilos helms; anti-Chaos Rifles; and mechanical, laser shooting, cyclopean 'horses'.
*Laestrygonians with their anachronistic spear/shield and SMG combo.

*Colin in demon prince mode with his electric guitar
*Victor in mecha-dragon mode
*Amelia w/ hypersphere & wings
*Quentin w/ familiars
*Vanity….didn't do much fighting….

religon22 Aug 2011 10:12 a.m. PST

All 28mm unless noted…
Gnoll cavalry on horseback.
Orc cavalry on horseback.
Orc civilians (not comedic, not GW styled; more savage human as in P. Jackson)
Kobold riders and civilians.
Teamsters and laborers of various fantasy races
Seated fantasy races
Ladder-climbing fantasy figures (for sieges)
Mounted females in modest, low-fantasy garb are a bit tough to find (Sure Reaper, RP Europe and others have a few, but matching a RPG figure is tough)
Elvish civilians attired in sylvan garb (like Thunderbolt Mountain)

Some ideas for races that typically don't have such figures…
Siege Crew
Chariot Crew
Spear thrusting figure using 2 hands
Torch-wielding figures
Bearers (overhead load such as king on a platform or bale of cotton)

Ranges I would like to see more of…
Mirliton Cobblestone Half-Orcs
Thunderbolt Mtn. Wood Elves
Reaper Gnolls
Reaper Kobolds
GW Skaven in more Swords & Sorcery trappings

Lion in the Stars22 Aug 2011 10:54 a.m. PST

I'd love to see some 'Atlantean' trimarans… both watercraft and skyremes, in 1/1200. I guess I will have to continue scratchbuilding them.

MiniatureWargaming dot com22 Aug 2011 1:39 p.m. PST

Non-european, non-japanese fantasy figures. Elric figures.

skippy000122 Aug 2011 2:06 p.m. PST

Amelia Earhart in her King Kong fur coat.

Panicked running modern civilians.

A 28mm fully-stocked Walmart to stage firefights in.

Playboy Mansion interiors.

Orcs in modern military gear. Elvish Delta Force.

Pallets of gold bullion.

28mm space station interiors-modern astro/cosmonauts in and out of space suits.

Female Roman Legionnaires, Tribunes and Centurions. They'll cut YOUR left breast…(Cleo, Boudicca and Zenobia won).

Mirror Universe Trek characters and crew.

Figures from the Fallout game series.

The Boondock Saints and Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

Post-apocalyptic caravan.

Farstar22 Aug 2011 4:23 p.m. PST

Non-european, non-japanese fantasy figures.

So… African, Australian, Southeast Asian, China, and the Americas?

Keeping in mind that the D&D mix already hits a fair number of the memorable monsters, with Coatl, Djinn, Ghouls, Naga, and Rakshasa. The Catoblepas isn't from the Dreamtime, but it looks like it should be…

skinkmasterreturns23 Aug 2011 1:45 a.m. PST

Not strictly fantasy,but how about a multi-armed Barsoomian Great White Ape,in 15mm?Plantmen,too.They seem to want to make multi-legged dinosaurs only.

Kropotkin30323 Aug 2011 5:10 a.m. PST

Granbrettan army miniatures with all the orders-pigs, wolf, vulture mercenaries and lizard scientists. Baron Meliadus, Ornithopters, King-Emperor Huon in his glass bubble.

Rank those up against Castle Brass with flame lances and flamingo along with Hawkmoon and friends.

Wasn't Eureka miniatures going to do these at some point?Its about time Moorcock got his miniatures made.

Edwulf23 Aug 2011 11:48 a.m. PST

Women in practical useful armour.

StarfuryXL523 Aug 2011 5:26 p.m. PST

That is indeed a truly fantasy figure.

Alex Reed23 Aug 2011 6:29 p.m. PST

An Actual Middle Earth line that isn't either silly, or consisting of solely RPG/Single pose figures.

In fact, when I graduate from School, the first hundred thousand I make will probably go to Tom Meier to make just this (or, if I find someone else of his caliber, then them)…

In fact, I could probably begin stalking the Sculpture labs at UCLA, USC, and UCSB to find such a sculptor who wants to make some money, tax-free, while they are still in school.

Alex Reed23 Aug 2011 6:30 p.m. PST

I think my roommate just yelled that he would contribute as much as he could to such a venture and help stalk the sculpture labs.

18 year old prodigy artists are easy to buy for cheap.

deanoware23 Aug 2011 8:49 p.m. PST

I would love to see the Conan The Barbarian and Conan The King miniature lines updated.

I have the old TSR Conan the Barbarian box set but not the King Conan box set.


Sadly both are quite dated and out of scale with anything being made or used today.

Spudeus24 Aug 2011 6:23 a.m. PST

I'm big into 15mm fantasy and like many am waiting for a line of dungeon critters in this scale. Slimes and jellies, beholders, rust monsters, the works!

CorpCommander31 Aug 2011 11:05 a.m. PST


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