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"Droids, Bots and Borgs for or in 15mm" Topic

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infojunky08 Aug 2011 5:25 a.m. PST

While there is a more general topic going on looking for Assassin and related droids I was going over the list of the ones that are or work in 15mm.

1st off I will note GZG's has their Drones and bots and they are very nice. Khurasan has his selection of gun bots and the wonderful utility Droid in the Ship's crew. And the mixe of Bots, Droids and cyborgs in 15mmUKs various lines. As well as the Borgs that are part of Kremlin's 15mm SF line. I probably missed some…

I should put a limit here, in that I am talking about human sized bots here. Not that I don't love me some bigger mecha just framing the conversation.

What I would really like is to go the whole Star Wars route and have a droid for every season/role in every conceivable chassis.

this is a starter pic for ideas.

Really what I want is a Mecha army filled with all conceivable forms of Mechanicals and Cyborgs.

What are y'all thinking of?

Battle Works Studios08 Aug 2011 6:05 a.m. PST

It's come up on other threads, but DP9's Heavy Gear range has several types of drones that will work fine as roughly man-sized very non-humanoid bots in 15mm, as well as the Golem suits which make good slightly larger humanoid combots. Some of the drones are even in 8-pack lots with fairly reasonable pricing.

Old Glory's Supersystem range has two types of grav-lift drones that work for 15mm, look in the Henchmen section of the store. They could also serve as parts for kitbashing – I suspect they'd look nice parked on top of the spider-legs of GZG's hexapodal combot.

Reaper has some toolbots in the Chronoscape range that are small enough to work in 15mm. Same goes for Privateer – the caster Darius comes with little "halfjacks" that a good size, and IIRC you can order them as parts. If you don't mind a VSF look, there are several candidates in the Malifaux range from Wyrd – the basic clockwork arachnids and several different totems in particular.

You might also try some of Germy's stuff for scale-jumping. The bigger 2mm mecha from GZG could be small 15mm bots, and his 6mm power armor from Brigade would work there as well – smaller than a 15mm human, but bots vary a lot. You could have the 6mm PA guys be "repair bots" or "close defense droids" riding on/in a larger vehicular-scale bot.

When Khurasan gets his site back to full ops again, don't forget his not-Daleks and not-Tom Servo, both of whom are fine bots in their own right. Not just mekanoids over there.

Eli Arndt08 Aug 2011 7:13 a.m. PST

One thing I would definitely like to see are some vaguely featured android sorts.

These would offer a nice alternative to the whole AI uprising army. Instead of grotesque skelebots or useform killbots, you would have sleek, maybe even stylish and visually appealing machines that have turned on us.

What is more scary, your machines of war turning on you or your car? Skull-faced and menacing or candy-apple red and euorpean styling?


Grognard08 Aug 2011 7:14 a.m. PST

Martian Metals had a 15mm set of robots for the old Traveler miniatures line. They are long out of production, but I am sure that I have a set stashed away, if you wanted to take a look at those (for inspiration if nothing else).

The MM 15s were really true 15s, so they are a little smaller than many of today's figures, but with robots, that should be less of an issue.

I like your concept art, maybe some of the 'bots should have tracks (in lieu of wheels) which are generally better for cross country work (or perhaps 6 or 8 over-size wheels, like the Mars rovers)?

John Bear Ross08 Aug 2011 12:34 p.m. PST

I loved Second Rennaisance, parts one and two, in The Animatrix. The robots being hit with with the EMP and jittering to pieces. Good exosuits in that segment, too. Now you've got me to thinking…hmm…


infojunky08 Aug 2011 7:02 p.m. PST

Grognard I hate to say Martian Metals is Dead, not out of production, their molds and masters destroyed. Unfortunate, if they hadn't suffered such a catastrophic demise 15mm SF probably would have been further along today.
With that RAFM and 15mmUK have lines of very simular bots.

What would be nice would a variety of chasis wheeled, hover/skimmer, tracked, freeflight that could be mated with a selection of bodies and arms etc…

emu2020 I agree that sleek humaniform valet Android coming after me with the steamer attachment from the house cleaning system is scarier.

Really it comes down to having a miniature universe that occupied by creature of artifice.

28mmMan08 Aug 2011 8:02 p.m. PST

Martian Metals building and molds burned down long ago :(

There was some talk of RAFM having a few of the vehicle molds and there were some rumors of a few Traveller citizen miniatures.

infojunky09 Aug 2011 2:54 a.m. PST

RAFM was selling the Big Air/Raft, Tank and the APC all of these are huge dense models especially in Lead.

The Traveller figures I want are the ones product under License by Hobby Products, think 15mm versions of their Heavy Cybertechs from the Space Lords line in 15mm.


Wolfprophet10 Aug 2011 7:42 a.m. PST

Any chance of a link to those guys, Infojunky? I tried google and came back with nothing.

Scorpio10 Aug 2011 8:02 a.m. PST

One of my ideas for a Gruntz army would be a technovirus that infected various drones and robots, but also acted like a chain of command. Which would allow me to use a patchwork of cool robots and walkers that I liked.

infojunky10 Aug 2011 7:31 p.m. PST

Wolfprophet for the 25mm Spacelords line a small selection can be had at em4 link , For the 15mm ones I have yet to get good web accessible pics, though I might ask the one person I know who has some to shoot some…. As for Hobby Products they are pretty much dead… Though there was some talk out of them about doing more 15mm SF after they sold Demonworld.

Scorpio that is kinda my idea as well…

infojunky12 Aug 2011 2:13 a.m. PST

Rereading FreeFall and well read the 3rd pannel.

Cacique Caribe14 Aug 2011 11:53 p.m. PST

I can't believe someone hasn't snatched these yet:



sackofmonkeys15 Aug 2011 3:30 a.m. PST

I've posted a list of "non-biological life" available in 15mm over on Dropship: link

infojunky – where are those pictures of droids and robots from?

AVAMANGO15 Aug 2011 9:19 a.m. PST

Thinking outside of the box a bit here but all the walkers below are from the GZG Dirtside II 6mm range and they all have a very uncanny resemblance to the VTOM's mecha range and would be great as 15mm warbots or droids.

AT-71 Hound Dog Infantry Walkers

AT-71B Hound Dog Support Walker Heavy support versions of the Hound Dog

VBP-2 TORTOISE Infantry Walkers

K56 FAT BOY Infantry Walkers

Pkz VII STURMKAMPFER Infantry Walkers

wehrmacht15 Aug 2011 12:05 p.m. PST

I loved Second Rennaisance, parts one and two, in The Animatrix. The robots being hit with with the EMP and jittering to pieces. Good exosuits in that segment, too. Now you've got me to thinking…hmm…







Just watched this (again) last night, one of my favorite animated pieces ever. I would LOVE to see some of these bots in 15mm and I would buy a ton. How about those Sentinels as well??



TylerD16 Aug 2011 3:59 a.m. PST

I'd like to see some more poses of the Khurasan DPLS server robot! I think they'd bridge the gap between the "not-terminators" and the images above, which appear (to me anyway0 to have a "not I-Robot" theme :)

infojunky16 Aug 2011 2:52 p.m. PST

sackofmonkeys the pic is from Android Arts

Cacique Caribe16 Aug 2011 3:31 p.m. PST

NS-5s would be awesome!!!





YouTube link

I would buy lots of them!


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