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28mmMan05 Aug 2011 5:30 p.m. PST

The army that made you the happiest from start to finish.

No need to defend what version of Warhammer this army came from or any other aspect other than you like it, completely.

Even if it is the cheesiest point smashing army, because if you liked it because it was powerful or unbalanced well that is ok too…but I am hoping that you guys will dig deep into your gut and come up with the army that most speaks to and for you.

Coyotepunc and Hatshepsuut05 Aug 2011 5:51 p.m. PST

Slann… not the Lizardmen with Slann Mages like they have now, but the all-Slann armies of 3rd Edition and earlier.

28mmMan05 Aug 2011 6:03 p.m. PST

I am a long time supporter of old school chaos, Slaanesh being my favorite…not so much for the sexual aspect but the whole of the music, passion, fearlessness, unwavering eye contact, etc.



The anti-mundane nature of the Slaanesh color palette is another draw…the challenge to balance the pastels with the gritty aspect of the cruelty…intriguing.


But that is a faction that I can fit my favorite army into, Beastmen.

I do not know why, but I have always sought out the various forms and options available for beastmen, regardless of the company…but I do like what GW has done with them as a whole (although the body builder minotaurs of recent release are the worst ever)


The herds, the warp stones, the various castes, etc. I like it all.

Again, I would be happy with a beastman army in any fantasy game.


As a single miniature to lead my Slaanesh Beastman army I would like the Slann Priest Mage to head the army…I know I know you guys are getting your rocks and sharp sticks ready…but it fits…the beastmen respect power…it is chaos in the end right? Again, this would be for a open game with some open minded players…sigh.


The old Slann human slaves as servitors and pygmy blowgun types would be fun; beastmen welcome the slaves as they are tasty and the pygmies tell the best dirty jokes, are great cooks, fart all the time (beastmen hold fart jokes to be the highest form of humor), and are cannibals…they also find the servitor slaves tasty.


The Aztec/Mayan blend of design/colors to theme the tools, equipment, and weapons of the beastmen…now I have a new bug gnawing at me.

28mmMan05 Aug 2011 6:07 p.m. PST

And again…miniatures first, not the rules/stats :)

WYSIWYG all the way :)

nazrat05 Aug 2011 6:11 p.m. PST

Dwarves above all else! Not only have I always loved all the GW models, but my 10K army is all but painted, contains almost every Citadel Dwarf sculpt ever made, and part of it won the GW Grand Tournament back when it meant something. Only one to have ever done that as far as I know!

quidveritas05 Aug 2011 6:14 p.m. PST

Wood Elves

Cheap and offensive in nature!

Beowulf Fezian05 Aug 2011 6:15 p.m. PST

Dwarves, What is not to like about angry bearded short men? And there are no horses to paint! Empire comes a close second.

28mmMan05 Aug 2011 6:17 p.m. PST

Nazrat…dude…as a life long hater of all things fantasy dwarf (especially viking types) even I can absolutely respect and admire your dedication to a theme! For some reason I thought you were going to say Skaven :)

Any pics of this Nain Grande Armée?

greatwhitezulu05 Aug 2011 6:32 p.m. PST


thabear05 Aug 2011 7:03 p.m. PST

Ive always been drawn to the appearance of the GW High Elves and the GW Dark Elves , and although i dont play WHFB at all , i think if a combined force of both figure ranges could be acheived then that army would be for me. Even the Wood Elves find a place in my army as the light skirmish troops.
No white robes, no purple robes and no green robes but red all the way.
I have a huge army of combined Elves going back to the 80's and they're all in red robes and uniform, bronze, steel and leather armour. Pale grey/blue/purple skin is a must, anyone developing a healthy pinkish hue is cut down.
Alas ive never used any of them yet, but a great figure range. Mixing old with new has been allot of fun too.

cheers Tom

kallman05 Aug 2011 7:08 p.m. PST

Chaos, it is the army I have played since the second edition and although it has gone through many a change the core of what I have still makes up the force. Like Nazrat I have a HUGE force that may be up in the 10k area in terms of points and most of it is painted. It also has many of the old school miniatures in it as well as the newer models.

28mmMan05 Aug 2011 7:18 p.m. PST


What chaos power do you favor?

Do you use the human, beastman, trolls, etc. blend of chaos or the newer Demon chaos army?

sneakgun05 Aug 2011 7:20 p.m. PST

Plague Skaven!!

kallman05 Aug 2011 7:48 p.m. PST

In the current edition I play which is 7th I run a Chaos Mortal force that is mostly Chaos Undivided; however, I have a long time passion for playing Khorne forces. In earlier editions I had a mixed force of mostly Warriors with Beastmen and demons tossed into the mix. But I have always mainly gravitated toward the human forces.

Garand05 Aug 2011 8:37 p.m. PST

I've collected High Elves since 4th, but as of 7th started a Dark Elf army, and I think that has become my favorite to paint…


Sumatran Rat Monkey05 Aug 2011 8:43 p.m. PST

Pre-VC/TK undead.

I loved them- had a massive (as in, between 13 & 15 thousand points, depending on how I kitted out the necromancers) undead army, and aside from a three necromancers, their mounts (a lovingly converted zombie griffin for the level 4 Nec and a monstrous or gigantic spider- whatever the huge mount was, back when they weren't race-specific- for the level 1 Nec- the third, a level 3, was on foot), and a zombie dragon, it was an 'all dry' army, skellies (and skellies, and skellies, and skellies, and more skellies, and a few units of wights).

I have no idea how many skeletons I had total- as you can imagine, roughly 11k worth of nothing but skeletons (on foot, on skeletal steeds, 5 skeletal chariots, and the old skeletal war machines boxed set) is a lot, in the same sort of way as Custer was outnumbered by "a lot."

It was just so much fun, though- the collecting, the converting (damn near every figure, in some way or another), experimenting with all sorts of different paintjobs on skeletons (including units of skeletons painted to look charred, clean units, dirty units, a unit led by the old beastman skeleton from the early 90s metal chariot set who were all painted in Slaanesh colors and mutated with digi-legs, multiple arms, etc.), hand-drawn, hand-painted banners for every unit, the site of it as a whole, arrayed across a table like People's Exhibit A at a competency hearing…

I loved it. All of it.

The army had an identity of its own, Legio Aeternus, aka The Undying Legion, as the aforementioned banners proclaimed, many also bearing the army's erstwhile motto, "…and still we march…"

The necromancers had names and little backstories, all written out in calligraphy on sheets of thick art paper I'd tattered and scorched to look like aged parchment, which I'd make photocopies of on a friend's Xerox (so I could copy it onto suitable paper) and share with the members of the gaming groups I'd play with.

It was a labor of love, really, and easily one of the best times I've ever had in the hobby.

I don't game fantasy anymore, but I still regret selling that army, and have been sorely tempted to start again, not for any particular ruleset, but just for myself, for my own enjoyment.

Having written this?

I think I'm going to buy myself a box or two of skeletons for my birthday (the 16th), and maybe, just maybe, stop being tempted, and start doing it.

Thanks for this, 28mmMan- I don't think I'd ever really realized how much I missed it before, nor realized how easy it'll actually be to just start again, the same way I did the original- a few units at a time, as the mood strikes me.

- Monk

Sumatran Rat Monkey05 Aug 2011 8:55 p.m. PST

Ahem. Pardon me for rambling on at such length- I hadn't realized how badly I blathered until I hit enter.

Caught in the throes of nostalgia, I suppose.

- Monk

SonofThor05 Aug 2011 9:14 p.m. PST

Pygmies! (Kidding)

The Empire, I really loved the Knights of the White Wolf!

(Leftee)05 Aug 2011 9:23 p.m. PST

Orcs -not so much Goblins except as light cav and artillery crews. Can get a multitude of themes out of an Orc Army.

Ken Sharp05 Aug 2011 9:24 p.m. PST

High Elves


Jakse37505 Aug 2011 9:37 p.m. PST

Orcs and goblins all the way. nothing better than having your archer regiment get charged by heavy cavalry only to find fanatics which mow them down in a single turn. One of my first 3rd edition games i had a small goblin archer regiment take down a dragon in one turn. I was hooked ever since. That was some serious dice gods luck.

Space Monkey05 Aug 2011 10:51 p.m. PST

Slaanesh/Chaos for me too… followed closely by Slann and Skaven.

I've got a growing interest in old-style Brettonians though.

MDIvancic06 Aug 2011 3:05 a.m. PST

Dogs of War – love the pikes!

The Gray Ghost06 Aug 2011 4:15 a.m. PST

I like the Empire because it reminds Me of the German Renaissance but Dwarves are by far My favorite and longest kept army.

ming3106 Aug 2011 5:46 a.m. PST

Goblins , wolf riders . But mostly Night Goblins . My army is all goblins ,( some snots) . Goblins are unpredicaple and fun. Lost more times than won , but I ;lose in glorious fashion .

Sumatran Rat Monkey06 Aug 2011 7:31 a.m. PST

Goblins are unpredicaple and fun. Lost more times than won , but I ;lose in glorious fashion .

Friend of mine had a similar army, only all night goblins. I got to play with it a few times (and against it plenty), and I have to agree, it was a hell of a lot of fun!

Only time I've ever lost a game without taking a single casualty, in fact! We swapped armies for a game, first turn, he sends my L4 Necromancer on zombie griffin soaring skyward, early in the 2nd turn he lands it in front of my lead unit of Night Gobs.

Ld check vs. terror, utter and irrefutable fumble. Unit flees.

Every unit it passes fails its own Leadership check in turn.

Each unit they pass within range of naturally fails their Ld check.

Absolutely no exaggeration by the end of turn 3, every unit in my army has broken and fled off the table edge, without combat ever having been joined- my opponent pulled back and just watched, instead of blitzing me, because he wanted to see how many units I'd lose to good ol' Terror. Turns out? Every last one of'em, via domino effect.

Had a great time inb the process,m though, and was told I was officially a true Goblin General afterwards, as a result of my fine display of goblin warcraft at its finest. :)

- Monk

jpattern206 Aug 2011 8:54 a.m. PST

Skaven, all the way. I have every Skaven model Citadel/GW ever did, going back to the first Chaos Ratman releases, as well as hundreds – maybe thousands – of Ratmen/Wererats from other companies. One of these days I need to count them all.

Regards06 Aug 2011 9:37 a.m. PST

Beastmen. Regardless of edition, I was drawn to them and keep expanding the army when I can.


Regards06 Aug 2011 10:43 a.m. PST

Also, I really do have a soft spot for the Bretonians (assuming I have that spelled correctly). An absolutely gorgeous army when painted up and fighting by Beastmen!


Dropzonetoe Fezian06 Aug 2011 10:51 a.m. PST

Dwarfs – old school marauder ones…. Followed by beast men.

nazrat06 Aug 2011 2:17 p.m. PST

28mmMan-- Not unsurprisingly Skaven are actually a close second favorite after my Dwarves!

I've been photographing a lot of stuff recently so I'll see if I can get some shots of my stunties. Oo, that sounded dirty!

53Punisher07 Aug 2011 4:03 a.m. PST

Dwarves first, then Chaos.

Thomas Whitten08 Aug 2011 8:25 a.m. PST

4th Edition Undead. The edition before the overuse of vampires.

tiger g08 Aug 2011 10:22 a.m. PST

Empire or Skaven

Mardaddy08 Aug 2011 8:28 p.m. PST

Dwarves – love the stunties.

28mmMan09 Aug 2011 8:42 a.m. PST

"4th Edition Undead. The edition before the overuse of vampires"

I know they (GW) are trying to push plastic/lead but the vampire counts really stepped up the cheese.

Undead, classic undead, are timeless…which is ironic :)

Skeletons, ghouls, zombies, etc. vast mobs of the reminder of humanity's eventual decay.

Good stuff.

Undead love to snack on dwarves :)


I have not ran a skaven army but I could easily do so…what is not to like? But it falls into the realm of my painting skills would make them look muddy :(

Tiny Legions04 Oct 2011 10:53 a.m. PST

My personal Favorite has to be the Dwarves which I started back in the 4th back in the day. To be honest, I could do about 12 WFB armies if I had the money and drive to paint them up.

Thomas Whitten07 Oct 2011 7:27 a.m. PST

Yep, me too.

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