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1,762 hits since 2 Aug 2011
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Newtype03 Aug 2011 5:44 a.m. PST


finished some 15mm Fantasy miniatures. Pictures on my blog and here are some teaser images:





Landorl03 Aug 2011 6:40 a.m. PST

Great stuff! I love your blog.

Mooseworks803 Aug 2011 9:25 a.m. PST

Cool! What kind of styrofoam are you using on that dungeon? Has a bluish tint to it. I like how it held the imprint from the dwarf shield.

Malaki the Wonderer03 Aug 2011 10:58 a.m. PST

looks good. Question 1st picture humans with halberds on the left, who makes them and would they go well with demonworld humans do you know?

skinkmasterreturns03 Aug 2011 1:51 p.m. PST

Thanks! I never thought that those spiders from Skull Pass would make such great giant spiders for 15mm.My set has been sitting on the shelf for years(after I sold the Dwarves,that is.)

YogiBearMinis03 Aug 2011 4:04 p.m. PST

Never mind all that, where did you get magnetized plastic sheet? That sounds incredible and I would kill to get my hands on some. Unless it cost like $10 USD a square foot, which is usually the catch . . .

David Miniature Armies03 Aug 2011 5:38 p.m. PST

Malaki, they look like Corvus Belli HYW billmen. nice painting Newtype.

Malaki the Wonderer04 Aug 2011 4:38 a.m. PST

David, thanks your right they are. Anybody know if they match up with the demonworld empire troops?

Newtype04 Aug 2011 6:15 a.m. PST

Cool! What kind of styrofoam are you using on that dungeon? Has a bluish tint to it. I like how it held the imprint from the dwarf shield.

No particular kind just normal 0,8mm thickness styrofoam that I bought in a local architectural & art material store.

Thanks! I never thought that those spiders from Skull Pass would make such great giant spiders for 15mm.My set has been sitting on the shelf for years(after I sold the Dwarves,that is.)

When my Splintered Lights order arrives I finally got a rider for the spider. The goblins should fit nicely sizewise.

Never mind all that, where did you get magnetized plastic sheet? That sounds incredible and I would kill to get my hands on some. Unless it cost like $10 USD USD a square foot, which is usually the catch . . .

It depends on the thickness. Mine cost me 5€ but the thinner version would half the price. I think art and craft material stores are your best option here.

David, thanks your right they are. Anybody know if they match up with the demonworld empire troops?

I only have the crossbow armed soldiers, so I can only comment on them. Sizewise they fit quite well, although their sculpting style is different (thick hands and big heads), while Corvus Belli has a realistic style. I suppose that most Demonworld figures should fit together well enough, but can't give you a guarantee.

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