Sigmar | 01 Aug 2011 2:18 p.m. PST |
It looks like Ogre Kingdoms is the next army out for Warhammer and some of the new units really do look great (although I'm dreading what the cost might be !). It looks like the design studio are doing a good job what with the Vampire Counts Terrorgeist and now these. All the pics on my blog for those who're interested :- link Enjoy ! I'm still marvelling at these models. I don't usually get this excited but I'm probably going to dive in and collect now I've seen what's in store. |
Farstar | 01 Aug 2011 2:25 p.m. PST |
yeah, I don't see any of those being cheap… |
Spiffy Iguana | 01 Aug 2011 2:28 p.m. PST |
Certainly neat, but much to busy for me. |
Sigmar | 01 Aug 2011 2:33 p.m. PST |
I think they've upped their game a lot since the Arnie Muscled Minotaurs :) |
nazrat | 01 Aug 2011 2:39 p.m. PST |
chuck05  | 01 Aug 2011 2:50 p.m. PST |
Im not crazy about the huge oversized horns/tusks on the big guys. The rhinox look good. |
Sigmar | 01 Aug 2011 2:59 p.m. PST |
chuck05, I thought that might be off putting too but I kind of like the effect. I notice that WFB minis have been getting more fantastical in recently (eg. Necrosphinx, Cockatrice) Spiffy, I know where you're coming from but given the size of your average Ogre these must be pretty large models so hopefully they won't look too "overdone" if you get my drift. These Ogres really appeal to my sense of humour ! |
Sigmar | 01 Aug 2011 3:10 p.m. PST |
I wonder what those tusked overgrown cats actually are ? |
Battle Works Studios | 01 Aug 2011 3:35 p.m. PST |
I wonder what those tusked overgrown cats actually are ? They call them…Hello, Kitty. :) |
Prince Rupert of the Rhine | 01 Aug 2011 3:39 p.m. PST |
I'm not keen, I liked the bull ogres on foot from a few years back but this lot look a little silly to me. a lot of the riders don't look right to my eye. They're sort of perched like they're going to fall off their mount at any miniute. |
chuck05  | 01 Aug 2011 3:44 p.m. PST |
I like the big orange one but the white one just looks silly. Maybe they will grow on me. |
Pictors Studio | 01 Aug 2011 7:52 p.m. PST |
"yeah, I don't see any of those being cheap…" They look like they are designed to be in plastic so I bet they won't be too bad, $60-100 which isn't bad for a model that size. I will definitely be getting some rhinoxen cavalry if they are in plastic. |
28mmMan | 01 Aug 2011 8:19 p.m. PST |
28mmMan | 01 Aug 2011 8:23 p.m. PST |
I like me some ogres…there is a bunch of good hidden within this batch of…hmm I will say about, what, hmm $400 USD worth of plastic? |
Spiffy Iguana | 01 Aug 2011 10:37 p.m. PST |
Sigmar, I see what you're saying, I hadn't considered the detail-to-size ratio. I think the current GW painting style helps to make the models look more cluttered than they actually are, at least to my eye. Hopefully they'll update the duo-pose Ogre infantry with new figures. I can't say that I don't have a soft spot in my heart for Ogres. |
Roosta | 02 Aug 2011 2:10 a.m. PST |
NO! Is it me or do they just look silly? The two on the rinox thing would just snap its back. Don't get me wrong I love the ogre army , they have some really good figures but these NO just wrong. Are they plastic or resin? |
Prince Rupert of the Rhine | 02 Aug 2011 2:17 a.m. PST |
How does the last one actually load his cannon without dismounting? Also don't cannon barrels get hot when used? Wouldn't that big rug drapped over the cannon catch fire? I know it's fantasy but even fantasy needs a certain level of suspension of disbelief. |
Sigmar | 02 Aug 2011 6:01 a.m. PST |
Spiffy, on the bright side, lots of the sprue bits included in these models will be optional so you can just leave them off to stop it getting too cluttered. Roosta, they are plastic and yes… it's just you ;-) Only kidding :) I can toally see your point but I kind of like the over the top fantasy feel of these models. I used to feel more like you, I remember the day when it all started back with the silly Dwarf Slayers and their crazy beards, crazier hair and ridiculously over-sized axes – I was upset… very upset ! Now I have grown to lke the cartoony feel of the Warhammer world. Prince Rupert – I find it easier to totally suspend disbelief. As soon as steam driven gyrocopters can actually take off, trees can walk and Doombulls can lift their infeasibly heavy looking weapons then you may aswell completely forget about physical laws. Don't even get me started on magic and spells :) PS 28mm man, how do you copy images into a post ? I didn't realise you could do that. |
Edwulf | 02 Aug 2011 6:13 a.m. PST |
Hmmm look very fragile to me. Transporting them will be a nightmare. The cannon one looks daft. But the others look cool |
Moonbeast | 02 Aug 2011 7:38 a.m. PST |
With some shortening of some horns and tusks, the demonic cavalry/transport possibilities for my 40K Khorne Bezerkers are endless. |
Sigmar | 02 Aug 2011 7:49 a.m. PST |
"Edwulf 02 Aug 2011 6:13 a.m. PST Hmmm look very fragile to me. Transporting them will be a nightmare. " Yep, it will be a case of… "can you come to mine for the game, I'll get the pizzas in" :) Condottiere, that sounds a little bit harsh. They're just for a fantasy battle. |
Sigmar | 02 Aug 2011 9:02 a.m. PST |
Hi Condottiere, to be frank, I don't take it that seriously. You wouldn't be too keen on my army either I suspect :) I do have good answers for any question you can think of though, I've heard them all before :) |
RazorMind | 02 Aug 2011 3:40 p.m. PST |
I have to agree, why do they look like Undead creatures instead of creatures Ogres really would have? Also, the cav models look dorky. Looks like a kid glued a doll on a small plastic farm animal. Those cats dont look like they really could hold those ogres up at all. |
Mithmee | 02 Aug 2011 5:33 p.m. PST |
"yeah, I don't see any of those being cheap…" Coming from GW I doubt that they will be either. Some of those will be well over $50 USD just for one figure. Really going to be interesting just what they might end doing for Empire since GW is going with huge overcost mini's. |
Sigmar | 03 Aug 2011 3:23 a.m. PST |
All the negative comments are beginning to grind down my enthusiasm for these models :( It kind of takes the edge of things if your opponent thinks your army looks silly ! I'm still ken overall though, I presume people are more likely to comment if they don't like the minis than if they do. Mithmee, I'd expect some kind of Empire Dragon or maybe a big friendly giant :) ? |
28mmMan | 03 Aug 2011 9:19 a.m. PST |
Sigmar…play with the toys you like…put your foot into balls of those who tell you different. The sabre cats as mounts for the ogres is a be wonky, the ogres do seem to weigh close to the same as the cat…better to walk behind the cats as you them as war beasts? The mammoth does need a trunk…cut the jaw horn off; split into a rake/fork…and add the trunk. But in the end it is fantasy…the great magic cheeto that makes everything work…but perhaps there is a bit of magical construction involved? The storms of chaos warping their bodies? They can only survive to develop the great tusks if the ogres slave force feeds them or are fed to them :) Giant tusks with no way to feed one's self is no less silly than a giant dragon that can fly with little wings, no less silly then bearded beer kegs with feet that can run and jump, or that anyone could take prancing dancing 90lb fancy boys seriously as warriors. Warhammer is full of improbable and unexplainable physical applications. Play with the toys you like :) |
28mmMan | 03 Aug 2011 9:26 a.m. PST |
"PS 28mm man, how do you copy images into a post ? I didn't realise you could do that" Sorry I missed this comment until now! You link drop link pictures if they are direct formatted for picture viewing…those ending with jpeg or others…the ones ending in PNG will not direct display but can be linked as normal second stage links. So just check the pictures data string and ensure it is not encapsulated within another link, like some free sites put their name codes within the string, and that it ends in the format rather than a format + numbers; example…jpeg rather than jpeg193 Give it a try! (huge pics will be reduced to a ma size on TMP automatically) |
Farstar | 03 Aug 2011 10:51 a.m. PST |
Really going to be interesting just what they might end doing for Empire since GW is going with huge overcost mini's.
I predict the Warwagon and Battle Altar will return. |
nazrat | 06 Aug 2011 4:14 p.m. PST |
Sigmar, you have to remember that the vast majority of members here on TMP are either ex-GW fans who have soured on the company and its policies, or simply people who absolutely HATE anything they do regardless of the quality or general worth to gaming. I don't buy that much from them any more and am not crazy about their approach to their customers nor their prices, but I don't feel the need to slam them every chance I get like a few of the lads around here (and please DON'T get all up in arms guys, I'm not aiming this at any particular person(s)!). You have to admit it's true! Simply put there are better places to go if you really want to discuss all things GW without feeling constant negative waves being expressed. Thanks for posting the pictures. -I- liked them! |
28mmMan | 07 Aug 2011 9:44 a.m. PST |
I buy GW books and miniatures, though on a few rather than an army and not for a GW game. I left GW support long ago but it was a combo of reasons…but I still appreciate a good miniature regardless of the manufacturer or the system of intended use. Mine is not a hate but rather a love-hate with GW :) The ogres have potential…even for out of scale fun…picture the average 15mm fantasy unit running into a GW 28mm ogre, sounds like a perfect giant or proper ogre :) |
mweaver | 22 Aug 2011 4:34 a.m. PST |
I like them, although the mounts are a bit long in the tusk perhaps. |
Sigmar | 27 Aug 2011 3:06 a.m. PST |
GW have just put them on advance order now. They've converted loads of them into Finecast minis. Release date 3rd Sept 2011:- link |