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"Separate Board for Imag-nation Topics?" Topic

26 Posts

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Eli Arndt10 Jul 2011 3:32 p.m. PST

I know this is a touchy subject lately with all the new boards popping up, but I thought that in this case it might really help.

With many of the 18th C. imagi-nations having very historical sounding names, it might be nice to have a place where they could be discussed that clearly distinguished them from the historical settings.

This may seem like a minor quibble but with all the variation in 18th C. units, nations, armies, etc, it can sometimes be tricky to separate the historical from the imaginary, especially for somebody who likes wargaming the period but isn't exactly up to speed on this period and all it's intricacies.


idontbelieveit10 Jul 2011 3:38 p.m. PST

Would be perfect. For folks who aren't interested it can be ignored.

Cardinal Hawkwood10 Jul 2011 3:40 p.m. PST

I would say this has legs,,

Eli Arndt10 Jul 2011 3:48 p.m. PST

How do we make this happen.


Derek H10 Jul 2011 3:54 p.m. PST

More boards are always lovely.

Eli Arndt10 Jul 2011 4:08 p.m. PST

Normally, I do not like separating subject matter too much, but I don't think that it's too far fetched an idea to seperate out historical from psuedo-historical.

I do not, for example, like dividing out subjects based on scale as was done on the Science fiction boards.

PMed Bill to see about adding an 18th C. imagi-nations board.


John the OFM10 Jul 2011 4:11 p.m. PST

I know this is a crazy idea… Completely Wacko!
But why not post it on Poll Suggestions? Along with the 3 or 4 other Poll suggestions with the very same idea behind them.

Somehow it always breaks down into faction fighting when someone suggests that we also "need" a Board for 20th C Imagi-Nations, and one for 19th C, and one or Medieval, and one for Ancients…
Then, the proposer of the 18th Century Imaginations Board gets upset and huffy and declares that 18th C Imaginations are somehow more specialer than the other riffraff.

Eli Arndt10 Jul 2011 4:15 p.m. PST


I must glow with embarrassment, as I totally spaced the Poll Suggestions board. I never go there.

I really think this is one time when a separate board is a good idea. Just like a VSF board in the 19th C. section makes sense.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Feel free to smack me in the back of the head any time I'm being dense.


Eli Arndt10 Jul 2011 4:20 p.m. PST

Reposted in Poll Suggestions

TMP link


John the OFM10 Jul 2011 4:23 p.m. PST

Well, *I* am that "someone". grin

Eli Arndt10 Jul 2011 4:32 p.m. PST

Well if by that you mean you support separate boards for imagi-nations across the boards, then I'm there with you.

They are fun, but I like to have them out in the open so they don't muddy up the history.


andygamer10 Jul 2011 4:50 p.m. PST

A pre-1945 Fictionalized Settings board would be fine with me. (And including all periods would flesh out the board so it wouldn't end up like some of the rule-specific boards that, I understand, aren't all that active.)

skippy000110 Jul 2011 5:32 p.m. PST


Royal Lion10 Jul 2011 6:10 p.m. PST

Here Here I vote for this!

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP10 Jul 2011 8:05 p.m. PST


timurilank10 Jul 2011 10:55 p.m. PST

"With many of the 18th C. imagi-nations having very historical sounding names, it might be nice to have a place where they could be discussed that clearly distinguished them from the historical settings."

Set "Imagination" in your topic-title and that should more than suffice as an alert; such as "spoilers". Your choice.


abdul666lw10 Jul 2011 11:45 p.m. PST

NO! Imagi-Nations from different periods do share a few common features (map making, characters and genealogies generation…) but have *a lot more* in common with their contemporary historical countries, such as miniatures and rules, two major topics on TMP.
Basically, all entries on such 'apartheided' (that's the intention and motivation of the OP, I suspect) board would be cross-posted on 'period specific' boards. Useless.
As Timurilank wrote, 'Imagi-Nation' in the title would allow 'historicals' allergic to such to avoid the thread, and would ensure an easily exhaustive search for relevant posts on all boards.

And for those who are really "not interested" (read: who think that Imagi-Nations depreciate / disgrace / dishonour the hobby in the same way as GWshopping and toy wargaming à la H.G. Wells), ask our Venerated Editor for a possibility to 'stifle' keywords in threads titles.

AICUSV11 Jul 2011 6:21 a.m. PST

As one who has both historical and Imagi-Nation forces. I would luke to see different boards.
I have picked up many a useful nugget of historical knowledge on these board and have found the Imagi-Nation postings entertaining, but would like them separated. Of course with the ability to cross post, many will still appear on both.

Just my opinion from the rear rank.

Connard Sage11 Jul 2011 7:40 a.m. PST

More boards are always lovely.

We're drowning in loveliness.

Derek H11 Jul 2011 9:59 a.m. PST

A veritable sea of loveliness.

docdennis196811 Jul 2011 10:14 a.m. PST

Like having one more Zulu at Isand', does it really make any difference by now? Why not?

abdul666lw11 Jul 2011 1:11 p.m. PST

Like having one more Zulu at Isand', does it really make any difference by now? Why not?

Because that would add a new board to check, just in case someone forgot cross-posting to other relevant board(s).
And how much I appreciate reading TMP, the time I can devote to it is not infinite.

thehawk11 Jul 2011 2:35 p.m. PST

Great idea.

abdul666lw12 Jul 2011 2:19 a.m. PST

Remember that words in the initial posts / threads titles, used as keyword for 'search', work exactly as 'labels' of blogs posts. 'Coding' titles would make a lot of 'minor' boards redundant.

abdul666lw12 Jul 2011 11:38 p.m. PST

Already discussed several months ago TMP link

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