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evilleMonkeigh11 May 2011 2:42 a.m. PST

I was just looking longingly at the new "Space Battleship yamato" trailer and bemoaning that it is not available in English.

The I got wondering – what is the best space battle scene ever?

Off the top of my head, the new BSG had some impressive battles and some of the newer Macross came to mind. The old B5 stuff would be great with updated graphics…


I'd like to hear your top 3.

*They can be a live action movie, or a cartoon/anime – any format!

*They can involve any form of space vehicle combat (spaceships, space fighters, mecha etc)

*Links appreciated if available!

willthepiper11 May 2011 3:02 a.m. PST

The first in my mind is the attack on the Death Star in Star Wars.

YouTube link

YouTube link

AndrewGPaul11 May 2011 4:48 a.m. PST

The original Death Star attack, the liberation of Proxima 3 from the Babylon 5 episode No Surrender, No Retreat and the extended combat between the two "lighthugger" slower-than-light starships in Alastair Reynolds' Redemption Ark.

Agrippa11 May 2011 5:03 a.m. PST

Babylon 5 Severed Dreams is a classic.

Star Trek TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise

Star Trek: Balance of Terror

religon11 May 2011 6:21 a.m. PST

Ripley battling the Alien queen with a cargo-loader. Not epic, but great.

Dynaman878911 May 2011 6:28 a.m. PST

Death Star Battle in Star Wars (before the IV garbage got tacked on…)

B5 – Severed Dreams (I agree it is a classic, awesome what can be done within the confines of a TV series budget).

Original Star Trek "The Doomsday Device" – BUT with the new Special Effects, seeing the Enterprise doing attack runs down the length of the DDD and then trying to get out of the way of the "barrel" was fantastic.

PatrickWR11 May 2011 6:36 a.m. PST

Battlestar Galactica – Escape from New Caprica

Return of the Jedi – Death Star II battle

CmdrKiley11 May 2011 6:37 a.m. PST

In addition to the 2 B5 battles mentioned above, how about the scene where Ivonova's fleet of White Stars take on the EA Shadow Omegas.

The Battle of the Mutara Nebula from STII was also a very memorable one.

haywire11 May 2011 6:41 a.m. PST

I think these are my top three…

- battle over New Caprica

- Severed Dreams

- Call to Arms (the sdf-1 and zentraedi "traitors" vs. the rest of the zentraedi fleet)

HornetsNestMinis11 May 2011 6:53 a.m. PST

No one for the Reaver vs. Alliance battle in the 3rd act of Serenity?

The invasion of Planet P in Starship Troopers.

The opening battle with the bubble fighters in the 90's remake of Lost in Space.

I could go on for days…

evilcartoonist11 May 2011 8:04 a.m. PST

The two Death Star assaults and, YES, the Reaver vs. Alliance battle was awesome! Especially with all the little unique weapons, I wish that one had gone longer.

CorroPredo11 May 2011 8:47 a.m. PST

Sacrifice of Angels and several others from Deep Space Nine.

Captain Gideon11 May 2011 8:54 a.m. PST

For myself I liked the following:

1.Battle of Saturn(from the 2nd season of Yamato/Starblazers)

2.Klingon attack on Deep Space Nine was pretty awesome.

3.Big battle between the Dominion Fleet and the Federation,Klingon & Romulan Fleets.

Captain Gideon

Dynaman878911 May 2011 8:55 a.m. PST

Although the Macross/Robotech Call to Arms episode used too much recycled footage for me to consider it a classic, the Movie version of that battle along with the "Do You Remember Love" song is a classic – I'll never forget the Valkyrie salute for example.

Jay Arnold11 May 2011 10:25 a.m. PST

1) Kirk vs. Khan in Star Trek II
2) Battle of Yavin in Star Wars
3) "Target that explosion and fire!" in Star Trek VI

Mako1111 May 2011 10:42 a.m. PST


Attack on the Deathstar – original movie

TOS Star Trek series, where the Enterprise is surrounded by 3 Romulan cruisers, and they install the cloaking device in the Enterprise to escape. Lots of great looking, closeup attack runs by the D-7's in that one.

The episode with the Enterprise attacking the Romulan Warbird runs a close fourth, in my opinion (definitely old school though).

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP11 May 2011 11:31 a.m. PST


Mutara Nebula, if only because Steve Cole actually thought it was about him. ;->=

The one we never get to see, prior to the Federation limping away from the Dominion fleet.


SonofThor11 May 2011 11:52 a.m. PST

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan – Battle between the Enterprise and the Reliant

Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back – Pursuit of the Millenium Falcon through the asteroid field

Macross: Do You Remember Love? – Final Battle

BlackWidowPilot Fezian11 May 2011 11:53 a.m. PST

A tough one, as I've seen my share, but here goes…

BSG – Escape from New Caprica

Star Wars – Attack on the Death Star

Babylon 5 – Severed Dreams

Honorable Mention:

Enemy Mine – opening scene dogfight

Wing Commander – attack on the Kilrathi carrier

I too am chafing at the bit to see the new live action Space Battleship Yamato movie, if only for the battle scenes… I'm still holding out for someone to concoct a "Space Battleship Richelieu" just for the value of seeing the look on a Gamilon face when eight main guns all target together on their nice, shiny battleships the moment they come into range…evil grin

Leland R. Erickson

Stealth100011 May 2011 3:24 p.m. PST

BSG Escape from New Caprica for me.

Backyardpatrol11 May 2011 5:17 p.m. PST

Is the BSG Escape from new Caprica the episode where they jump into the planets atmosphere and launch fighters? Thats a fav.
There's quite a few good Gundam and Legend of the Galactic heroes scenes;

YouTube link

Delthos11 May 2011 8:58 p.m. PST

Assault on the Deathstar from Star Wars Episode IV
Severed Dreams from Babylon 5
Alliance vs. Ravagers from Serenity

The Hobbybox12 May 2011 2:42 a.m. PST

Severed Dreams from B5 (still need to get the girlfriend to watch B5)

The Klingon Assault from DS9 (more for the great O'Brien upgrade of the station!)

Star Wars original Death Star assault – mainly because it was the first space battle I'd seen in a film and it blew my little 8 year old mind!

Jape7716 May 2011 11:46 a.m. PST

Star Wars — but I'm going to pick "Escape from the Death Star" … still possibly the best 4 minutes of the whole shebang.

Star Trek II: Kirk v. Khan

Aaaaand -- the very first scene in Deep Space Nine. Its short, and Trek certainly did bigger, more epic battles, but it's emotionally intense -- and the only action we've ever seen of Wolf 359: YouTube link

As much as I *love* the epicness of the Battle over New Caprica, or the helter skelter of the Reavers attack in Serenity, it's the small, personal fights that really stick with me

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