Didn't the Empire army list used to have access to giants?
Thanks for the input, that is what I thought :)
I have been a fan of chaos for as long as it was in print
I am looking forward to the project
each one offering something fun.
I am planning to go subtle
with such a large figure it could easily become a hot mess with too much going on.
Some of the important details I am looking to include:
red/black skin, something like Darth Maul but less defined and more patchy pattern
great stone headed hammer, perhaps a lode stone?
it is GW after all, so any spare skulls I can find will be used
I am thinking a look something like the Skull Island natives from the 2005 King Kong movie
the easiest of the group I feel, a nice sample of boils, carbuncles, pustules, ulcers, abscesses, tumors, blisters, open sores, and more than a few swellings
it is my plan to facilitate a thin skin hiding all manner of yuck
the weapon, I am thinking a great bell, maybe even the steeple from a church perhaps as a sweeping club.
fun times
not sure what to do here, the big color sweeps of blue and yellow with a few flourishes of purple will make the point but maybe something extra like pink/blue horror faces/arms on the body?
maybe a war club in the Aztec Macuahuitl style with jagged stone chips.
my go to chaos mark
going to work in elements of female into the ugly giant features taking cues from the demonettes
I think a stark albino would be fitting here
pink would be way over the top and loud without reason
reserve the pink for scar tissue, brandings, and highlights
maybe an albino and Vitiligo patches of raw/neutral skin
not sure of the weapon, maybe something like an Iroquois War Club with the offset sphere/ball weight
something a bit more elegant due the Slaanesh nature.