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"Help to identify thouse 15mm Star Wars" Topic

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SirFjodin03 May 2011 2:54 a.m. PST

just found these photos of 15mm Star Wars

Are these official or scratchbuild? Help to identify! PLEASE!

Personal logo Doms Decals Sponsoring Member of TMP03 May 2011 3:12 a.m. PST

Old Micro Machines I think.

cloudcaptain03 May 2011 3:19 a.m. PST

They (infantry) are 1/64 or roughly 20mm. The AT-AT is more along the lines of 10mm.

Delthos03 May 2011 3:45 a.m. PST

Yes, those are old Micro Machines figs, but there were two different lines of Micro Machines figs.

There was this one, the MicroMachine Collection, which are about 20mm, maybe a little smaller, then there was the Action Fleet line which were about about 25mm and were jointed at the hips and shoulders. The smaller ones mostly came in packs of about 8 or 9 figs and had a variety of poses. Each pack had a theme, Stormtroopers, Jawas, Rebels, etc… Although there were some packs that had two miniatures and two really small scale vehicles, maybe about 6m to 10mm scale. The Action Fleet ones (25mm) came either with one fig in a package with a bigger vehicle, usually a starfighter of some type, but didn't always come with the miniature. the vehicles mostly didn't match the scale of the figs, they were to the scale of the packaging, meaning their scale changed in order to fit the vehicle in the box. The other common way was in a pack with some smaller vehicles or bigger animal like a Ronto or the Lars family speeder. These packs usually had 1 to 3 miniatures in them. There were also some diorama type Action Fleet playsets that had a various number of figs in them.

The next picture in the album actually shows figs from both lines. The Darth Vader, Emperor, Navel Officer, and Stormtrooper on foot are the smaller scale ones. The Scout Trooper on Speederbike is from the larger scale Action Fleet line.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP03 May 2011 4:47 a.m. PST

The Clones are simply repainted MM Storm Troopers.

Wolfprophet03 May 2011 5:30 a.m. PST

"There was this one, the MicroMachine Collection, which are about 20mm, maybe a little smaller, then there was the Action Fleet line which were about about 25mm"

Woah woah woah. I dug out my Micro Machines stuff not long ago. These sizes are not quite right. The MicroMachines troopers, regardless of what scale they claim to have made the figures in, are the size of larger 15mm-ish. Wanna get real technical on it, they're around 16mm-17mm, sorta like the old Flashpoint Middle East/Africa/Special Forces range they had out before their long long Hiatus and eventual resumption of work. The regular micromachines infantry were a little bigger than the Star Wars ones, quite a bit of the Star Wars stuff comes right in with bulkier 15mm figures. The Action fleet stuff was about 20mm. Needless to say, this means that the playsets and stuff for the Action Fleet range, like Hoth, 2nd Death Star and Yavin Base make for perfect instant terrain if you don't mind limiting combat to a couple of squads per side, or if you use characters rather than unnamed troops.

Though, it's absolutely correct that the scale of the troops and vehicles didn't really match much…The fighters did and the Skiff from Return of the Jedi. Nothing else though it seems. If I recall the size right though….the really big toy AT-ATs meant to go with the action figures are out of scale with the normal action figures, but perfect for say… 28mm scale. Much as the Action Fleet AT-AT would be suitable for 6mm gaming. That could be fun…we have two in my house. An original and a 90s remake.

SirFjodin03 May 2011 5:46 a.m. PST

WOW! THANX A LOT! Try to find them on Ebay

Delthos03 May 2011 7:10 a.m. PST

Settle down there Wolfprophet, just going from memory on those sizes. It's been a long time since I looked at the figs and I never actually used most of them to game with. Hence my use of the word about! I was a WEG 25mm metals fan. I only used the Action Fleet vehicles and speeder bikes.

They are still fairly common these days, even after having been out of print for about five or more years now depending on what you are looking for. The Action Fleet vehicles are much rarer, but still fairly easy to find, at least the common vehicles like X-Wings and Tie-Fighters. Things like the Clone Trooper Gunship are much harder to find as they were produced in low numbers just before they quit making the Action Fleet line.

Dropship Horizon03 May 2011 11:37 a.m. PST

The size of the Micro-Machines figures depends on the series. You need to be careful otherwsie you end up with 24mm figs not 18mm.

I use thes with my newer 15mm Sci Fi as many are 16-17mm anyway.


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP03 May 2011 11:42 a.m. PST

I use the MM figs a lot. Especially for the Clone Wars. 15mm figs won't work with them unless they are aliens. I do use Gzg crusties, Alien Mercanaries and maybe my Spugs. They usually are not 18-17mm. More like 18-21mm. Action Fleet is true 25mm. They fit in with Gzg 25mm.


John Leahy

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP03 May 2011 1:33 p.m. PST

Oops, I meant not 16-17mm for the Star wars stuff.



Dropship Horizon03 May 2011 1:40 p.m. PST

Sorry John but the ones I own do fit in with newer larger '15mm' human ranges – not the older ones eg GZG OLD New Israelis etc.

Not exactly – but enough on the tabletop.


Wolfprophet03 May 2011 3:51 p.m. PST

"Settle down there Wolfprophet, just going from memory on those sizes. It's been a long time since I looked at the figs and I never actually used most of them to game with. Hence my use of the word about! I was a WEG 25mm metals fan. I only used the Action Fleet vehicles and speeder bikes."

No need to defend your statement sir. :P Text doesn't convey my personality too well, but more or less you can picture it as a quick rush in, Doctor-style with a big grin whilst explaining.

Though this whole thing reminds me of how sad I was over not getting 40 micromachines battledroids on ebay a couple months ago… I was outbid in the last second and I wasn't going to pay the prices for the other packs of them in 'collectors rated package' since I was just going to rip the package open and play with the figures.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP03 May 2011 8:44 p.m. PST

Hey Mark. I guess we'll have to differ then. None of the current figs in 15mm I own come close. I admit I don't have the CMG figs which IIRC are somewhat larger. I measured MM Gungans, Battledroids, Stormtroopers, Rebels, etc. They run from 20mm to almost 25mm tall. Can you possibly disguise the height difference? Yep. I just don't want to have to do that to all my 15mm figs. When i look at them simply standing by each other they aren't even close. Like I said, I use some of the 15mm Aliens for my MM Clone Wars Forces. Sadly, the humans simply don't fit. Oh, I do own pretty much everyones new 15mm human releases and even have CMG on the way.



Dropship Horizon03 May 2011 10:47 p.m. PST


Figure on the left is a snowtrooper from Hoth with a CMG Light Recon. Whilst the CMG fella is on a base there's still a couple of mm in it.

But as you say John other figs may not be so close. Given I,ll be dust before 15mm means 15mm. I've gone past caring to be honest when "Squint Factor" is low.


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP04 May 2011 4:33 a.m. PST

Yeah, I did say you can disguise the height difference as you have done with a thicker base. I just don't see me doing it with hundred and hundreds of 15mm figs to fit with my Micro Machines. Plus even in your pic that Hoth Trooper would still be 2-3mm taller if you based him on a flat washer. I'm not saying it can't be done. I just don't see the point in basing some (which wouldn't be useable with the rest) or all of my 15mm figs to use them with MM.




Ivan DBA04 May 2011 7:01 p.m. PST

The regular micro machines figures are roughly 1/72 scale, but they vary. The Rebel Hoth troopers are some of the smallest, but in my opinion are still a bit big for 15mm use. The others are way too big, especially the Storm Troopers, unfortunately.

SirFjodin05 May 2011 6:11 a.m. PST

Does this shutle from Micromachines?


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP05 May 2011 1:34 p.m. PST

Hi, it's the Action Fleet version.



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