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03 Oct 2011 9:03 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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Dasher15 Apr 2011 1:56 p.m. PST

…what kept you from gaming it using West End's "Star Wars Miniatures Battles" rules?
Or did you?
If you didn't like it, your answer would be zero (0).

0. Didn't like Star Wars (or did not care to game it)
1. Limited availability/quality/variety of miniatures
2. Initial lack of vehicle rules
3. Already committed to a different rules set
4. Wrong scale (25/28mm) for me
5. Liked Star Wars, but not a SciFi gamer
6. Liked Star Wars, played SWMB, still play it! (or would)
7. Other (please elaborate)

New Sock Puppet for Tony15 Apr 2011 1:59 p.m. PST

6. But not for a LONG time now – still have all the stuff though.

I wish Lucas would get off his ass and make that long-promised Star Wars live-action television series (hopefully on HBO) – that would be fun.

nevals15 Apr 2011 2:01 p.m. PST

1. I started collecting the minis around time they went OOP.Later,it was harder to get what I wanted ,or too expensive.

highlandcatfrog15 Apr 2011 2:05 p.m. PST

5. Not a sci-fi gamer.

Rassilon15 Apr 2011 2:08 p.m. PST

7. I was only just getting into the miniature wargaming hobby in the early 90's.

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP15 Apr 2011 2:12 p.m. PST

7.Other : Was quite attracted to the game but was put off by price of miniatures and rulebook.

Space Monkey15 Apr 2011 2:40 p.m. PST

1. If they hadn't been pre-painted rubber… metal or well-sculpted hard plastic instead… I might have found my way to it.

FredNoris15 Apr 2011 2:40 p.m. PST

7. I bought the rules and companion book when they came out but never played them. Trying to sale them TMP link

richarDISNEY15 Apr 2011 2:54 p.m. PST

1 – I never liked the sculpts from WEG… Plus they always seemed kinda 'wimpy'…

Aren't you a little short for a 25mm Stormtrooper?

BTW… We still play the WEG Star Wars d6 RPG every other week…

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP15 Apr 2011 3:06 p.m. PST

8) already had plenty of sci-fi stuff, no desire to add another collection.

Tommy2015 Apr 2011 3:08 p.m. PST


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Apr 2011 3:31 p.m. PST

I owned the rules, the figs and played with them. The rules were ok. they just couldn't handle the number of figs I wanted to use.



FABET0115 Apr 2011 3:51 p.m. PST

3 I liked the rules, but was attached the Grenadier "Future Wars". Couldn't split the resources to buy other figs. Then the figure castings went to !@#$ after they were sold to WEG and then Simtac.

Usrivoy315 Apr 2011 4:15 p.m. PST

6. I have to second what John Leahy said. I liked the rules, and used them along with the role playing game. We had some great campaigns going. The problem came when you had larger battles. I would use the new miniatures rules now.

Oh, if only I still had the mini's….

Ron W DuBray15 Apr 2011 6:05 p.m. PST

west end's minis were junk and I would not spend money on them.

Katzbalger15 Apr 2011 6:23 p.m. PST

Had the minis and the rules--played the rules a little, but mostly used the figs for our Hero system variant of a Star Wars role playing campaign.


Wolverine15 Apr 2011 6:32 p.m. PST

7. I have had the rules and some minitures from Wizards of the Coast for about a year and a half. I'll get to them….

Broadsword15 Apr 2011 7:05 p.m. PST

2. Initial lack of vehicle rules

Coyotepunc and Hatshepsuut15 Apr 2011 7:49 p.m. PST

I would have been all over it, but none of my buddies were interested…

John the OFM15 Apr 2011 8:13 p.m. PST

5.5 Loved Star Wars, but had absolutely no interest in gaming it.

Let me get something off my chest. It is NOT Science Fiction, but fantasy with blasters. Everything in Star Wars is magic, NOT technology.

Even if I had been the type of gamer that would have liked it, I would have been put off by the deus ex machina plot resolutions.

21eRegt15 Apr 2011 8:35 p.m. PST

I agree with JtOFM. Loved, loved, loved the movies (first three anyway) but have zero interest in Sci Fi gaming.


#(?) Too deep into ancients at the time to notice.

Osiris Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Apr 2011 5:22 a.m. PST

The Grenadier miniatures were tiny and feeble looking, even for the 1980's.

Oddball16 Apr 2011 5:40 a.m. PST

Loved about 1/2 the movies, liked 1 1/2 movies and hated 1 1/2 of the movies (ending of Return and all of Phantom).

I don't play the SWMB, but do enjoy the WofC Star Wars minis and have a project in the back of my mind to make rules for larger battles.

Scorpio16 Apr 2011 6:01 a.m. PST

It's been a decade since I read it, but something about the rules didn't work for me, so I went looking for a better ruleset.

Riverbluff Wargames16 Apr 2011 7:15 a.m. PST

6. I love the original movies as well as SWMB.

I still have all of the rule books but have moved on to WotC figs. I still have some West Wind figs I need to post here for sale or trade.

I didn't care for the WotC rules much at all and lately have been using the previous version of Savage Worlds: Showdown for my Star Wars games but I always say I want to go back to using SWMB.

Martin Rapier16 Apr 2011 7:35 a.m. PST


I wrote my own rules for miniatures battles (using micro machines stuff), but in fact I vastly prefer the various computer games on the subject, especially the FPS/RPG ones as they seem much closer to the heart of the stories. SW has never really worked as big battle universe for me, although SW Battlefront was a brave effort. X Wing & Tie Fighter were good games though.

I'd much rather run around with my lightsaber in Dark Forces or Knights of the Old Republic.

pphalen16 Apr 2011 9:26 a.m. PST

8. Liked Star Wars, but it is just one of a bazillion other movies that I liked but didn't game…

Pictors Studio16 Apr 2011 10:05 a.m. PST

I'm with Pat. There are many movies out there that I don't game.

Also I already game enough other sci-fantasy stuff.

At the time I wasn't a miniatures gamer.

Mapleleaf16 Apr 2011 10:43 a.m. PST

5 Loved Star Wars

it is above Sci Fi – special memories of seeing the original for the first time and the enjoyment it gave could never be equaled by a game. It is like asking a Ferrari FI racer to drop down to slot cars

Cpt Arexu16 Apr 2011 2:28 p.m. PST


Played Star Wars with the collectible figs and Chain Reaction rules instead.

John the OFM16 Apr 2011 3:19 p.m. PST

I love "Singing in the Rain" and "Casablanca" but have never felt the urge to game them.

Grand Duke Natokina16 Apr 2011 5:33 p.m. PST

You can SW by using MMitchell's Gutshot for the Cantina scene.

GreatScot7216 Apr 2011 7:39 p.m. PST

6. Liked the rules and still use them for reference. Would game SW with other rules now. As for the figures, I love the old Grenadier figures and am still steadily but slowly painting my pile (as I am also slowly repainting my WOTC prepaints). SWMB rules are okay, but when I eventually get around to my SW rebellion era solo campaign I will probably use FUBAR, Forge of War, or my own skirmish rules.

Cpt Arexu16 Apr 2011 10:37 p.m. PST

You could totally game 'Singing in the Rain', 'Casablanca', and 'Xanadu' with Rattrap's ".45 Adventure" rules, Two Hour Wargames' "Larger than Life" rules, or Howard Whitehouse's "Mad Dogs With Guns"…

Dasher16 Apr 2011 11:25 p.m. PST

I've gamed "Singin' In The rain" and "Casablanca".
I used them to seduce women.
Then I married a gal who loves them both and use them to get her in the mood.
Seriously, there aren't any epic combat scenes in either film, so the comparison is a tad specious.
However, I find it hard to believe thaat watching "Gettysburg", "Patton", "The Blue Max", "Sink the Bismarck!", "Troy", "The Longest Day", "12 O'Clock High", "Spartacus", or even "Barry Lyndon" can't ignite at least a flicker of interest in gaming certain martial elements from those films.
And while everyone already knows that Star Wars "NOT science fiction" but is "fantasy with blasters" (though it was certainly science fiction enough to win a Hugo Award), one might reflect on Clarke's axiom that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".
But it's simpler – and more to the point – to remind ourselves that wargaming is also not war.

CPT Jake17 Apr 2011 8:27 a.m. PST

I don't think the rules contained Ewoks. That killed the deal for me. What would be the point of a game that would not cater to my favorite faction?

Just kidding…


Dasher17 Apr 2011 12:05 p.m. PST

Oh, there's Ewoks, all right.
And, lucky me, I have a great friend who is a sculptor and who crafted greens for me of four different "Dead Ewoks".
Once I get around to having three or four hundred of them cast in metal or resin, and I can display the miserable rats as they deserve, I'll run a "Battle for Endor" event at Cold Wars like I did the "Assault on Hoth".
Mmmmmmm, dead eee-wokssss…..

svsavory17 Apr 2011 12:48 p.m. PST

I recently bought the rules and supplements with the notion of using them with my WotC figures, but I just haven't read them yet.

Thomas Whitten18 Apr 2011 6:19 a.m. PST

9. Tried it, but game play didn't give the feel of combat from the movies.

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