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Rodney12 Apr 2011 8:48 p.m. PST

Hello again!

I just slapped together one of the Revell ATT kits and took some comparison photos of it versus the 3" action figure version and the WoTC collectible figure range. You can see them at:


FYI, of the three Revell kits reviewed to date, this one came together in nothing flat… except for the pilot!


- Rod

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Apr 2011 9:13 p.m. PST

Hey Rod. Your second pic was covered by your blog index so can't be seen (at least by me).



Xintao12 Apr 2011 10:06 p.m. PST

Same for me, But thanks for the pic.

(Major Disaster)12 Apr 2011 10:36 p.m. PST

Click on the pic and then you can view it unobstructed.

I like the Revell kits better than the toy too.

Spartan 117

Rodney13 Apr 2011 7:51 a.m. PST

Although Spartan is correct (clicking on the photo allows you to see the photo alone), I am sorry for the obstruction. I need to rearrange the layout of my blog as that has been a problem all along.

Thanks for the feedback!

- Rod

CmdrKiley13 Apr 2011 7:57 a.m. PST

Have you compared the Transforming AAT yet. I've picked one up and it looks good with the SWCM figures.

Also, I snagged up the Transforming Republic Fighter Tank which looks good with the clone troops.

Rodney13 Apr 2011 8:38 a.m. PST

Thanks for the tips Commander!

I've looked at the Republic tank, but have not picked one up because it's look doesn't do anything for me. It really looks like it was designed specifically to be a toy and doesn't seem to fit in visually with the other vehicles, at least the ones I'm choosing to use. I'll probably change my mind soon though… :)

I didn't know about the transforming ATT, but since I am happy with the Revell kit I'll probably stick with it. In fact, I am going to unload the toy version I have as I can't see myself using it.

I do have a few fighters by various manufacturers that I will take some comparison snaps of as soon as I have time, however, this week is pretty well booked up with more convention prep (have to write the "Bantha Races" rules!) so I probably won't get around to it until next week. Also, my BSG fleets are calling me to be painted. :)


- Rod

Captain Gideon13 Apr 2011 9:58 a.m. PST

Rod I have one of the Transforming AAT's and 2 of the Battery operated AAT's which I use for my Grassy Plains game,which I'll be doing at Kublacon as well.

My 2 games are Friday at 4:00 P.M. and Saturday at 10:00 A.M..

Captain Gideon

Rodney13 Apr 2011 10:36 a.m. PST

Excellent! I can see them then and maybe get a photo or two.


- Rod

Captain Gideon13 Apr 2011 10:51 a.m. PST

The one nice thing about the Transformer AAT is the hatch opens up,so if I had OOM9(which I do) I could put him in the AAT but that would require cutting him off the base and I don't want to do that.

Captain Gideon

CmdrKiley13 Apr 2011 11:22 a.m. PST

From what I recall from my Transformer Republic Fighter Tank, the back panel folds down like a loading ramp (part of the transforming process). So it appears it could carry some Clone Troopers ala a Merkeva.

According to the fluff, it looks like it can carry 2 passengers.


Rodney13 Apr 2011 11:28 a.m. PST

Okay, okay… you guys have me convinced to get some!

And Michael, I am totally unafraid to chop, repaint and otherwise alter my figures… Muah-ha-ha-ha-HA! :)

- Rod

CmdrKiley13 Apr 2011 12:33 p.m. PST

Yeah, I think I have enough OOM9s to spare a few chopped off at the waist.

Rodney13 Apr 2011 1:47 p.m. PST

Man, I hear you! I think I have 40 of them, enough to field a couple of units of command droids anyway.

I shall schedule some for alteration soonest.

- Rod

Captain Gideon13 Apr 2011 3:30 p.m. PST

Rod I understand but my OOM-9 is a custom and you know how that is.

For your information I've custom figures of the following:

Captain Tarpals on Kaadu

Boss Nass


If you like I can bring them to the con to show you them I'm very pleased with how they turned out.

Captain Gideon

Rodney13 Apr 2011 3:54 p.m. PST

Please do! I would love to see your Boss Nass conversion in particular.

- Rod

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Apr 2011 4:20 p.m. PST

Well, for my 20mm Clone Army I'm fielding two of the Juggernaughts. The cool thing about 20mm is that some of the 15mm scifi figs will work. My Gzg crusties are allies of the C.I.S. and are close combat specialists. My Gzg Alien mercs will also be used. I may use my Spugs too. Vehicles are widely available. Many of the WOTC vehicles are actually more in scale with 20mm. The only serious drawback is finding Battledroids. They were a Micromachine release and are fairly rare. The Supers and clones can be readily found. Clones are dirt cheap as Risk replacement parts. I'm lucky. I picked up around 70 Battledroids when the movie came out.





Captain Gideon13 Apr 2011 7:32 p.m. PST

John when the Knights of the Old Republic set came out I made it my mission to game out Grassy Plains,so right now I've got almost 400 Gungans and over 500 of the tan colored Battledroids.

Now most of these figures I aquired in trades and when it started I never thought of the numbers I now have.

Add to that the large Faamba that Hasbro did plus 2 Gungan catapults,and 3 AAT's in addition I also have a Droid transporter.

The Faamba cost about $54.00 USD on eBay but overall I'm very pleased with what I have.

Captain Gideon

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Apr 2011 8:16 p.m. PST

I've seen those pics of your set up. Good grief it's IMPRESSIVE! I have 20mm and 28mm Gungans. Only about a 100 of each. My Fambaas are the Action Fleet scale ones with remote control. I did pick up 8 of the catapults though. I love the Trade Fed MTT. I have 3-4 for my 20mm figs and 2 of the large ones for the 28mm stuff. I do have around 15-20 STAP's. My focus though is really on the Clone Wars. I think it provides more scope for a wide variety of actions.



Captain Gideon13 Apr 2011 10:11 p.m. PST

You maybe right John but my passion is with the Gungans and I'm very happy with my forces I have.

The other game that I've put on is the Geonosis Arena Battle where you have all the Jedi against a whole lot of Battledroids/Super Battledroids.

I had an arena made for me and it's not perfect but it gets the job done.

Captain Gideon

Captain Gideon13 Apr 2011 10:17 p.m. PST

I forgot John thanks for the kind words about my Grassy Plains game,I take great pride in doing this.

But I must give credit to the one person above all who helped me run my first Grassy Plains game several years ago Jay Leone.

If it were'nt for him I really don't know if I would've got it done,sadly Jay passed away in Nov of 2009 but he enjoyed helping me out with my game.

Jay's dream game was to do Hoth but it was'nt to be I hope to do Hoth at some point in memory of Jay.

Captain Gideon

Rodney14 Apr 2011 6:25 a.m. PST

I have 7 gungans… :(

Hoth's next on my to-do list for SW battles. I'll probably make it my late-summer game, probably for the local club.

- Rod

LostPict14 Apr 2011 11:53 a.m. PST

Anyone know how the Transformer AT-TE compares with the Revell AT-TE?


Lost Pict

SBSchifani14 Apr 2011 12:43 p.m. PST

This has been a hugely helpful discussion. Who made the Gungan catapults, and is there an easy to find picture?

Rodney14 Apr 2011 1:56 p.m. PST

Here's a link to one on eBay SB. I am not sure this is exactly what the Captain is referring to, but I'm guessing it is.


I also saw one of the remote faambas for $25 USD on but-it-now, should anyone care to know.


- Rod

Captain Gideon14 Apr 2011 2:09 p.m. PST

Rod you are correct that is the Catapult that I have 2 of right now,I also have one of the remote control Faambas as well but I've not used it and it stays in it's box.

I truly believe that the large Faamba that Hasbro did is very close to scale with the WOTC Star Wars figures,as I also thank that the Gungan Catapult and ATT's that I have as well.

Captain Gideon

SBSchifani14 Apr 2011 3:07 p.m. PST

Thanks so much to you both! And please do keep us up to date on your battle reports and rules, as the combinination of WotC, Action Fleet, Revell, and Titanium models provides a surprisingly massive selection of nice wargaming pieces. My collection has so far only been used for triple sized 72 point HOTT battles, with us playing republic, separatists, rebels, empire, generic mercenary and jabba/bounty hunter/tatooine armies so far. But who wouldn't want to play using Rod's methods and setup? It looks tremendous and sounds like a lot of fun. Steve

Rodney14 Apr 2011 6:50 p.m. PST

Thanks Steve!

And you are right. The SW universe has been done very well and in scales that look "good enough" next to one another. I'm very thankful myself to the Captain and John and others for their advice on items I had not yet discovered.

I'm hoping to have a Jedi-centric game weekend after next. Regardless, I'll post an AAR afterwords.


- Rod

LostPict14 Apr 2011 7:50 p.m. PST

Here are some Action Fleet comparisons….


Gungans, Catapults, ATT, Droids, & Famba in the back

Lost Pict

Captain Gideon14 Apr 2011 9:25 p.m. PST

Lost Pict I looked at the pics and they're not bad,however I found the caption of the last picture a little strange.

The picture showed 3 Gungan Kaadu and the caption read Charge of the Idiot Brigade
The Gungans charge the the Droids – so much for natural selection on their planet.

For myself I did'nt like it that much and I have high regard for the Gungans.

To tell you something in my Grassy Plains game I've done the last few years,the Gungan Cavalry has done some great things.

For example one Gungan Kaadu unit of 4 charged a Battledroid formation of 18 Battledroids,and when the charge was over that unit and one other were pretty much destroyed while one of the 4 Kaadu survived.

I leave you with this in the 5 Grassy Plains games that I've run over the last few years,the Gungans have won 3 times,the Droids won 1 time and the last time was a draw and I must say that my Gungan Army is second to no one.

Captain Gideon

Rodney15 Apr 2011 8:30 a.m. PST

That's what's awesome about wargaming in general and sci-fi/fantasy wargaming in particular: You can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear if you want, or vice-a-versa. :)

The good Captain's apologia for the Gungans aside, comparative statements are only useful if made within the same context The context for wargaming is the rule system used. What rules are ya'll using for your games?

- Rod

Captain Gideon15 Apr 2011 9:28 a.m. PST

Rod if you're asking me the rules I use is a homebrew set of rules,with parts taken from several rulesets including Sword and the Flame as it was easy to adapt.

I can show you the rules at Kublacon Rod.

Captain Gideon

LostPict15 Apr 2011 2:34 p.m. PST

The pictures are just scale snaps for someone with similar queries a while back. I ought to line them up as like a police line to see the scale nuances better.

The Idiot Brigade Gungans died similarly to the Light Brigade under similarly ill conceived / communicated orders. At the time we were using the the WOTC Star Wars rules.

More recently, my group has been working up the FUBAR rules and play testing them for Clones, Hoth, and Tatooine.

Lost Pict

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Apr 2011 4:28 p.m. PST

You know there is a well playtested Clone Wars Fubar variant at the group. I know, I playtested it.




LostPict15 Apr 2011 5:42 p.m. PST

John ,

I am in the Maryland Group that has also been playtesting it. That is the one. :-)

Lost Pict

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