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"Revell AT-TE and WoTC SW figure comparison shot" Topic

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Rodney03 Apr 2011 8:24 a.m. PST


In case anyone was wondering how the WoTC SW figures scale next to the Revell AT-TE Snap-Tite kit, I've posted a shot on my blog.


If you're too lazy to click the link: They scale together well enough for me. Height is good but girth is a bit puny for the walker in comparison. I'll be using a few in a big event at Kublacon in May.


- Rod

cloudcaptain03 Apr 2011 8:35 a.m. PST

Definitely looks passable. It's hard to find a game friendly AT-TE in anything 1/64 considering the thing hauls 45 clone troopers.

svsavory03 Apr 2011 8:35 a.m. PST

Thanks, that's useful info. Out of curiosity, what rules will you be using?

Rodney03 Apr 2011 5:00 p.m. PST

I hear you Captain. I considered using the toy version for the 3" action figures, but you can't find one for much less than $150. USD I'll blow $25 USD on an experiment, but not $150. USD :)

Svsavory, I am using a set of rules I wrote for the local club specifically for the SW figures. I am reworking it for publication as a general set of SF "grand skirmish" rules (i.e. 1:1 figure to man scale, but can accommodate large forces – we've had 300+ figures on the table at once to date). Obviously, the SW specific rules (mostly figure stats and The Force rules) will be expunged and likely relegated to a free download on my blog due to the licensing issues. I'm using some concepts from preceding works (Habet, Hoc Habet! and Rampant Colonialism mostly) but it is essentially a beast unto its own self and reflects my current preferences in wargame design – fast play (3 hours or less ideally), minimal record keeping, and near constant involvement by everyone playing.


- Rod

cloudcaptain04 Apr 2011 4:52 a.m. PST

Sounds great Rod! Keep us posted in all regards.

Gaz004504 Apr 2011 6:17 a.m. PST

How tall is the SW figure in the photo? I am thinking of using these in a non-SW game…….

Rodney04 Apr 2011 7:39 a.m. PST

The SW figures run around 30mm. The range is HUGE and there is tons of potential for non-SW gaming with them. I'm converting a few droids into not-Cylons for a Galactica-based skirmish game later this month.

- Rod

religon04 Apr 2011 7:59 a.m. PST

Thanks for the image. AT-TE's are very useful mixed with WotC 30mm figures.

Are you going to represent the Republic Gunships? If so, what will you use?


TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP04 Apr 2011 8:35 a.m. PST

fast play (3 hours or less ideally), minimal record keeping, and near constant involvement by everyone playing.

That's unpossible! ;->=

Do you have a working title?


Captain Gideon04 Apr 2011 10:06 a.m. PST

Hello Rod I just sent you a PM about Kublacon as I'll be running Battle of the Grassy Plains there as well both Friday and Saturday maybe we could get together and talk Star Wars.

Captain Gideon

Gaz004504 Apr 2011 10:46 a.m. PST

Thanks Rod- as I'm using 'true' 25mm stuff from GZG it'll work for me!

Rodney04 Apr 2011 12:45 p.m. PST

Robert, I have two of the Revell gunship kits waiting to be assembled. I'll post a comparison snap of one when it's finished.

Now, if they would just lay me off so I can get some progress done on my wargaming projects… sheesh! :)

- Rod

Rodney04 Apr 2011 12:56 p.m. PST

Doug, the working – and likely final – title is "Ground Wars: Future Skirmish", although I may change it to "Ground Wars: Future Combat". For those of you who might be Flagship Games fans, I have not omitted the possibility of adding an exclamation point to the title too. :)


- Rod

fatesficklefinger04 Apr 2011 1:03 p.m. PST

Great link, now all I need is a size comparison/link to all the different toys and kits that would work WOTC figures!!!


religon04 Apr 2011 1:07 p.m. PST

Regarding "Revell gunship kits" I have had them recommended at the Yahoo group "swmb" before. I look forward to seeing the results.


Rodney04 Apr 2011 1:59 p.m. PST

Finger, I can tell you that the toy Jawa Sand Crawler for the 3" figures actually scales well with the WoTC figures. It's downright puny for the 3" figures, but for the 30mm WoTC range, it's quite impressive and not inappropriately scaled. Makes great mobile scenery. It will be making it onto a battlefield the next time our group returns to Tatooine.

I also own two toy starfighters that make for good scenery. The Transformers/SW crossover Jedi starfighter is a good scale for the WoTC figures, and I have DV's TIE fighter from that company in Japan that does the diecasts (name escapes me). It also makes good hanger fodder.

The Micromachine shuttles are a good size too. They scale about the same as the AT-TE Revell walker does with the WoTC figs.

The 3" figure scale Separatist tank is really too big. I'm hoping the Revell kit is more appropriately sized.

I can also say the Micromachine MTT is tooooo small. I was hoping, but it's a no go. It's probably too small for 25mm too. It's sort of super-deformed in scale – barely taller than the Micromachine battle droids that come with it. The playset MTT might work, but I cannot find it for less than $75 USD and you would want to cut off the handle as it's a dead give away. I'm hoping Revell gets around to making one of these.


- Rod

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP04 Apr 2011 4:27 p.m. PST

Hi, The action fleet ATT works fine. The MTT playset doesn't have a handle. I own two of them. They are a perfect fit. I am also using the Action Fleet scale Gunship and AT-TE. They are a better fit for my 20mm Clone Wars games though.



Rodney04 Apr 2011 8:10 p.m. PST

Thanks for the correction John! I was basing the handle comment on a picture I saw online and which I could have easily misinterpreted. If it doesn't have a handle then it goes onto my "find one or two ASAP" list. :)

The Action Fleet AT-TE is really small indeed. I had one but it was too small, even for my somewhat flexible tastes. It would work better with 20mm, or even 15mm I think. I feel the same about their ATT. It's like the Action Fleet ATT is too small like the 3" action figure toy version is too big, with the WoTC figs falling just perfectly into a place in between that keeps them from working well with either. :)

I think the Action Fleet stuff would scale better with the old West Wind range or the Micromachine figs. The Revell ATT kit is advertised at 1/50, so it should work fine. I've got two on their way and will post some pics as soon as possible.

Off to find an MTT playset! :)


- Rod

richarDISNEY05 Apr 2011 11:47 a.m. PST

Dang Rod… how did I miss that game???

Rodney05 Apr 2011 12:00 p.m. PST

Say – good question Richard! When Timmy's shop closed I was asked to limit games to the local old guard only. Now that I'm running games at my place I need to reopen up the full CGC email list. I'll get you back on it. FYI, I'm running a playtest of the Geonosis game at my place this Saturday. Drop me an email if you want details.


- Rod

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