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1,249 hits since 28 Mar 2011
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Warwick1328 Mar 2011 5:49 a.m. PST

What a great con! It was a blast. I saw a ton of fantastic games. I met the guys behind Rebel Minis, Splintered Light, and Micropanzer. I sold a bunch of books (down to the last three copies of Season of Peril!). If you ever get the chance, Recruits is a wonderful weekend away from home. Unless you live in KC, then it's a wonderful weekend at home. I need a TMP sign or something, a way to signal to other TMPers. Maybe a secret handshake?

Mooseworks828 Mar 2011 6:10 a.m. PST

I bought a copy of your Season of Peril, thanks for signing it. Appreciate you and William putting on the Warlord Demos. It was a great con.

Jana Wang28 Mar 2011 6:34 a.m. PST

Glad you had a good time. Saturday was so busy I didn't have time to get away from my table for a game. Hope we'll see you again in the fall!

Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Mar 2011 6:55 a.m. PST

I had a great time this past weekend and appreciate everyone stopping by to say hello (and buy some stuff). Recruits was a lot of fun and everyone was very kind and welcoming. Thanks to everyone involved in putting on the show.

Lions Den28 Mar 2011 7:39 a.m. PST

Thanks for the game demo David. Those Mighty Armies minis are way cool.

Warwick1328 Mar 2011 7:51 a.m. PST

My son loves the little animal guys from Splintered Light. I'll need more.

Lions Den28 Mar 2011 2:10 p.m. PST


After Action Report from one gamers perspective,(me)
I had a great convention and I hope you did too1

Jay Arnold28 Mar 2011 2:27 p.m. PST

I had a blast. Got to see some old friends and more importantly, game with them (hi, Ken!). Met some new friends, too (Hi Jana!)

So, the rundown:
I showed up Friday with my brother and a friend who was new to Recruits (but not gaming) to look around and met up with another old chum who is not a gamer but is a LSHS grad. Later, another friend showed. Took a look around and saw some nice tables. One that intrigued me was a Waterloo game played on a hex map drawn on canvas. It looked like a period map. Very cool. Never saw anybody playing it, which is a shame.

Knowing there was still work to be done for my Star Trek game, we settled in and spent the evening painting and chatting. Painting done, we took another swing around the floor to see what was what. We retired to find dinner, promising to come back in the morning.

Saturday dawned and we showed up plenty early to get set up. I borrowed some space tiles from jizbrand and admired his Star Wars game setup. He was using War Rocket for rules. My brother opted to play in his game. It took some time getting my six slots filled. I opted to move forward with four players. Midway through the first turn, another player showed up and I took the sixth slot. My game used Full Thrust Light, so was easy to run. The players reported having fun, which is good. They also liked how everything looked, which is good too.

We took off for lunch, heading to a BBQ joint on Douglas Street, about a mile from the school. Yummy. I predict this will become a Recruits tradition for yours truly.

The afternoon slot saw us taking in Ken's Clockwork Century game. What a hoot! His scratchbuilt units were cleverly made. My personal highlight of course being when one of my infantry units dealt the killing blow to a landship and a small tank. For their exemplary service, Ken allowed me to name the unit and they will get +1 vs. mechanical units in future games. Great fun.

The evening slot saw me and my friends going at each other in a game of Uncharted Seas. Another great game, nicely presented.

All in all, Recruits is still the best convention value, hands down. I was glad to get back after 2 1/2 years' absence and look forward to coming back in the Spring.

CJArnold28 Mar 2011 9:58 p.m. PST

This was my 3rd trip back to the old alma mater for Recruits and I have to say it keeps getting better and better.

As My brother mentioned we showed up Friday evening to look around and socialize while putting the finishing touches on our respective projects. It isn't a con weekend if you aren't painting or glueing something at the last minute.

The Saturday morning session brought the first difficult decision of the day. Imperials or the Millennium Falcon. The decision took all of no .3 seconds, it had to be the Millennium Falcon for jizbrand's Star Wars version of War Rocket. What a blast, not only is War Rocket fun but mix that with Star Wars and you have a real winner of a game.

The afternoon session was when I ran my Check Your 6-Jet Age scenario, the players seemed to enjoy the game and I found it fun to run a game at a convention again.

Finally the evening session brought Uncharted Seas, a great game, although I couldn't roll for the life of me and each and everyone of my ships blew up in a spectacular display of flame and shrapnel. We had fun, it had been many years since My brother, my best friend from high school and I had been able to sit down and have a good game of pushing minis and rolling dice.

So Spring Recruits 2011 was a success in my book and Fall Recruits can't get here soon enough.

David Miniature Armies29 Mar 2011 3:44 a.m. PST

definately a success. I brought a friend along who was able to
play a few games and really enjoyed them. Now he has the miniature bug:) So it looks like the con did it's job and
made a new recruit:) You guys put on some good games.
Way to go everyone

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