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2,535 hits since 21 Mar 2011
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Battle Miniatures Emporium21 Mar 2011 8:17 p.m. PST

Not-Morlocks for Danny…lol…Conan with a Bazooka, Dwarfs with Muscles, six-pack waistlines and …LEGS.
Cute Farmers Daughters for The Glertch and Kainards to kid-a-napp.
Simon Bisley People and Great Mutant Riding Beast.
All of these and much More are coming this year.
In THE Scale…of course.

Battle Miniatures Emporium21 Mar 2011 8:49 p.m. PST

Just as a side note, if you notice the Simon Bisley art the first two images at the top are what I am looking at for my Nomad Dwarfs. Now add some Tech gear to them, and you can get an idea of what I am going to be sculpting.

So Muscle bound to heck and bee-jezus little heroes and heroines, with Chain and Power Axes and some Heavy Guns, riding Great Boar Mutants, are the rule for MY entry into the scant 15MM Sci-Fi gallery of Dwarfs.

Can I get an Amen Brothers?!

Cacique Caribe21 Mar 2011 10:57 p.m. PST


Very, very nice, and intimidating (as it should be):


Love it! Can't wait to see what their faces will look like.


Little Big Wars21 Mar 2011 11:45 p.m. PST

It's the sort of thing that is grossly underrepresented in this scale, and I am all for it. Of course, I'd still like a Sol Tekkaman or Glitter Boy, but huzzah for scantily clad barbarians of both genders…

infojunky22 Mar 2011 3:18 a.m. PST

I like the ideas, I am going to steal some, but I thing we are pondering differing eras of the Post Apocalypse.

I thinking in tens of years mostly.

But looking at the picture both pictorial and verbal I get some interesting images.

Buckskins and AKs. Homespun and ultra-modern web gear. Plus the usual punks in ragged leathers.

Battle Miniatures Emporium22 Mar 2011 3:56 a.m. PST

"Feral Kid from Mad Max?"
(Don't be dirty)
I want D&D With Guns, and Bisley too.

The Kainards are going to have a Glitter Boy Astranagant, but it is going to look like a Glitter Hound.

Right Dan, he can toss a full grown human over his shoulder so he needs to look the part.

Cool Info!
My setting for Tomorrow Black is Centuries into the future.
The only reason you are going to have Rob Zombie in a Dragula is because the Drag was built from designs in TECH Nations Vaults.

(I make fun of others)22 Mar 2011 6:09 a.m. PST

Articels? What are those?

If 15mm is THE scale, why are you sculpting in 20mm?

Battle Miniatures Emporium22 Mar 2011 7:13 a.m. PST

Mind your own damn biz-a-nezz!

(I make fun of others)22 Mar 2011 1:11 p.m. PST

Well, by posting up and down the board every time you start a new figurine, you've made it everyone's business.

So again, if you're so fond of 15mm, why make models hugely larger than that? Perhaps 15mm isn't THE scale after all. grin

And you still haven't told us what these "articels" are. Are they some sort of post-apoc mutant, perhaps dwelling in The Under?

By the way, when writing your prose on your blog, give the shift key a rest now and then. wink

Cacique Caribe22 Mar 2011 3:34 p.m. PST

Some people just don't get it, do they?

15-17mm for average humans. Mutants, aliens and people on steroids can be whatever you want them to be.


Battle Miniatures Emporium22 Mar 2011 6:21 p.m. PST

WE "Get It" Danny…and that is all that matters.
"WE" Being the people here that actually do something constructive.
You know…like sculpt miniatures, paint miniatures, make terrain, post links to cool art, answer peoples questions if we have an idea or info that may help them…I call it being REAL.
Scale= 3MM equals 1'.

altfritz22 Mar 2011 6:44 p.m. PST

What is the source for the first "reference" pictures? The Time Machine?

infojunky22 Mar 2011 6:50 p.m. PST

Well the currently accepted standard for 15mm is 15mm to the eyes. So a certain amount of variability is accepted.

Kinda like the stated scale being 1/100th.

It is all about how does it look.

And sculpting a little large is industry standard, why else would we have 40mm tall 28mms?

Battle Miniatures Emporium22 Mar 2011 7:18 p.m. PST

Hello Altfritz
Yes sir it is.

Info I do try to keep the scale in check.
I even have one of them there Calipers…lol.
I am building a world, and you can expect diversity in it.
I have sculpted 1MM Bleeped text Beast (MURG Imps) See him peeking out of that hole there on the base?
…and I am working on a 60MM Giant (Bio Titan).

The Humans I have done and that I am working on, for this range, are from 13MM to 19MM.

infojunky22 Mar 2011 11:12 p.m. PST

While I haven't seen the figures in the flesh so to speak, I am trusting that if you are interested in the panoply that is 15mm you would be interested in have the toys you make fit with others toys..

The thing that a lot of people haven't gotten about 15mm is the constant subtext about size in the fan-base. It happens more in 15mm SF than any where else in our hobby.

So what I am saying is guys lets not complain till you see the product. And remember He is one of us and has the same concernes we do….

Battle Miniatures Emporium23 Mar 2011 1:53 a.m. PST

A 4 foot tall human is 12MM.
A 5 foot tall human is 15MM.
A 6 foot tall human is 18MM.
A 20 foot tall Giant Humanoid is 60MM.
THAT is the scale measured to the eye.
I measure to the top of the hairline, not the eye.
So when I say a Glertch is 3 foot 6 inches tall thus he is 13MM… literally.
Does this look right to you guys then?

(I make fun of others)23 Mar 2011 6:12 a.m. PST

Quite amusing indeed how someone who loves 15mm so much makes all these conveniently giant mutants who have to be so very large in 15mm. Almost makes one wonder whether the person is a 20mm gamer in denial. wink

The Articels Are A Neutral Faction ….

Cacique Caribe23 Mar 2011 7:44 a.m. PST

Don't mind PR. He's just taunting you and pushing buttons. Apparently, that is all he's capable of doing. Has he ever started a thread that wasn't to criticize? I wonder.

Anyway …

"I measure to the top of the hairline, not the eye."

You da man!!! Right on. That's the way it should have always been, from the start.

And if you take actual height averages worldwide into your 3mm=foot equation, most humans will end up meeting everyone elses 15mm-to-the-eye criteria anyway. Win-win I say.


(I make fun of others)23 Mar 2011 8:01 a.m. PST

Get a room you two! grin

Seriously, though, you two were made for each other. If ever there were a codependent relationship, this is it.

Battle Miniatures Emporium23 Mar 2011 8:04 a.m. PST

I try Dan.

Yeah I never liked that "To The Eye" thing.
People do not walk around with the top of their head gone.

Well… The dumb looking "Demons" in Constantine did…but I didn't like them either…lol…the film was okay, but the demons…DUMB.

Battle Miniatures Emporium29 Jul 2011 6:31 p.m. PST

This is going to be fun!



Battle Miniatures Emporium13 Aug 2011 9:43 p.m. PST

She is kind of cute now…



BRUTALPAUL13 Aug 2011 10:28 p.m. PST

It's really great to see the variety of your work. This will add a lot to the 15mm scene I think. That poor scale discussion is rather useless. It's like you would expect a 15mm dwarf to be 15mm in size….

Battle Miniatures Emporium13 Aug 2011 11:46 p.m. PST


Battle Miniatures Emporium09 Sep 2011 10:11 p.m. PST

I am going to get this big boy done for Master Mold two this month.



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