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Grabula22 Jan 2011 10:23 p.m. PST

Hey all, My Star Wars minis collection is getting to be a nice sized and I'm going to start putting together some skirmish style games (possibly using Where Heroes Dare, inspired by Doctor Merkury).

I'd like to pick up some vehicles, does anyone have any idea what scale model goes well with these figs? I figure model kits are the way to go but if anyone is using anything else that's close lemme know!

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Jan 2011 11:06 p.m. PST

What Star Wars era?



Grabula22 Jan 2011 11:27 p.m. PST

any really lol. I saw this on Doctor Merkury's blog: picture

I can't tell what it is but it looks like a toy. Anyway, Right now I'm focused on the Clone Wars. I know they have a bunch of model kits for the gunship and some other vehicles and droids in different scales, I'm just not sure what scale is best for the WOTC Star Wars minis.

Tanuki23 Jan 2011 5:50 a.m. PST

I'll concentrate on the Clone Wars vehicles:

Revell do a nice 1/72 Republic gunship that will look good with the WotC minis. Revel are also bringing out a 1:50 AAT tank and a 1:88 AT-TE walker that should fit well. Can get expensive quickly though.

Star Wars Transformers toys. The Droid AAT tank is a reasonable size, some of the starfighters may be close too. The republic gunship is probably too small for 28mm figures, but I didn't care – they're "good enough" for tabletop gaming (especially if they spend most of the game up on flight stands). That looks like one in the link you provided. The clone wheeled tank is, IIRC, way too small. Cheap as chips on ebay.

Action Fleet vehicles are another source, many of them fit well with 28mm figs. I have a couple of the AT-TE walkers, but they really are too small for the WotC figures – they'd be better with 15s, or even 10mm. Again, cheap on ebay.

Don't be shy about using the WotC vehicles. The Hailfire Droid and Giant Crab droid are a decent size; the Corporate snail tank and Homing Droid are too small but (especially for the homing droid), work fine on the table. The clone ISP swamp speeder and AT-RT scout walker are OK. VERY cheap on ebay for the commons; stupidly expensive for the rares.

Hasbro Titanium vehicles are kind of scaled to fit the packaging. I've found that the Dewback is about usable with the WotC figures. Speeder bikes fit if you can squint (or replace the rider with a WotC scout). Nothing else is even close.

There was a WotC boxed set came out a couple of years ago that contained a Hailfire Droid, ISP speeder, clone and droid speeder bikes (unique to that set) and a dwarf spider droid. It also had Mace Windu and Greivous. That's a pretty good start for any Clone Wars vehicle collection.

Hope that helps.

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