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"Why did/would you post on the Empire Board!" Topic

27 Posts

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25 Apr 2011 5:10 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Why did/would you post on the Emprie Board!" to "Why did/would you post on the Empire Board!"

27 May 2011 9:57 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Removed from TMP Poll Suggestions board
  • Crossposted to Empire board

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WKeyser21 Dec 2010 2:28 a.m. PST

Poll question
Why did/would you post on the Empire board!
1.Thought it was Star Wars related
2.Angry that I played Empire but never understood it.
3.Always lost at Empire since I could not learn the rules!
4.It was too complicated for me, so to compensate for my inability to understand or learn the rules I mock those that play Empire.
5.Like to play with toy soldiers and this is too much history for me!
6.Can't stand having to stick to orders and want to move my toy soldiers on the table like I want, I don't care about TOEs or command and control!!!!
7.Am just an angry old fool that could not only, not learn the rules but could not understand how to multiply by percentages to get fire results.
8.Just want to push toy soldiers on the table and roll d6s and 6 hits for all fire, and for god's sake who needs command and control!
9.Am interested in Empire and play it!

A disclaimer, I don't particularly like Empire and don't play it now. Started with II and then played III then moved on. Empire was probably the first set of miniature rules to gain wide spread use that made an attempt at sophisticated command and control restrictions on Corps and Divisions in the Napoleonic genre.

Another Disclaimer, I am the author of From Valmy to Waterloo, and happen to like detail and completeness which many others just think is complexity for no reason. To each his own I guess.

Warbeads21 Dec 2010 3:49 a.m. PST

Why not? All the cool kids (and the not so cool ones) were having fun. Why would you make me act rationally?



nsolomon9921 Dec 2010 4:00 a.m. PST

Careful William – people who live in glass houses …

Warbeads21 Dec 2010 5:28 a.m. PST

I actually watched several games (well, turns) after I bought the rules. The "Then Grognards" convinced me by example to avoid it like the plague. There is some great information in my copy of the rules and it is playable if you have the time, an in-depth understanding of the rules, and a particularly good group of players. "But why?" still is my attitude.



Patrick R21 Dec 2010 5:45 a.m. PST

I do not mock Empire players, I mock the fact that there is a board dedicated to it despite it being a joke and people voting overwhelmingly against it.

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2010 5:46 a.m. PST

Actually, in all seriousness, Ive never heard of "Empire" other than in the plethora of recent posts.

WKeyser21 Dec 2010 5:47 a.m. PST

You will note that I declared my glass house and am happy to be in it. We are playing From Valmy to Waterloo almost every week and starting on two campaigns in the new year. New blood into our club here in Copenhagen seem to really like my glass house.

So feel free to grab a rock I have incredably thick skin, and I know what I like and why. My problem is with those that live in the other glass houses and seem to be drawn to the pile of rocks like some monty python sketch!!!


CATenWolde21 Dec 2010 5:54 a.m. PST

Wait … it's NOT about Star Wars? How does that make any sense?

Qui-Grognard Jinn: "Be mindful of the living force of the Maneuver Element, young one."

Paddy-won: "But telescoping time is overwhelming my senses, master!"

Q-G J (going "Hanoverian" Dark Side): "Your faith in your reinforcements is your weakness! Even now, I have entire legion of converged elite battalions exploiting your rear."

P-w: "Wait … I knew about wearing the braid and everything when I agreed to commit my life to learning the rules, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that game …"

Q-G J: "Prepare for the exploitation move!"

Lando Cuirass-ian: "Someone say blackploitation move? Is it my turn yet? I haven't had any action since the 70's!"

Gamemaster "Paps" Atine: Silence! The game is over! All proceeded exactly as I had foreseen … for the entire two moves we completed."

John the OFM21 Dec 2010 7:40 a.m. PST

10. I do not believe that ANY game deserves its own Board on TMP.

11. I used to believe that no game deserved its own Board on TMP, but I have been reeducated. I now love Big Brother.

John the OFM21 Dec 2010 7:44 a.m. PST

Mister Keyser, your Poll answers are a tad prejudicial, aren't they? grin
They presuppose that only a fool or illiterate could dislike big bloated games. Your disclaimer does little to dispell that impression.

From my experience, big complex rules are just that. Big and complex. Nothing more.
Any claim to "realism" is laughable, particularly when a "turn" or "bound" takes longer to resolve than the Real Time extent it is intended to "simulate".

brevior est vita21 Dec 2010 7:46 a.m. PST

I vote for #11, obviously. wink

Winston Smith

Martin Rapier21 Dec 2010 7:47 a.m. PST

12. Posts to it on the front page, therefore I respond. I don't pay particular attention to what board anything is on, just the subject.

I used to like big bloated games when I was young and had all the time in the world, even after I discovered girls.

richarDISNEY21 Dec 2010 8:30 a.m. PST

But it should be Star Wars related…

I am for boards for specific games. But really for rules questions only. It would help make the searching for a specific rule clarification or rule examples easier.

But for different lines of minis, it should stay in the general boards.


vojvoda21 Dec 2010 8:39 a.m. PST

Why did/would you post on the Empire board!

2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No
7. No
8. No
9. YES!

James Mattes

nazrat21 Dec 2010 9:03 a.m. PST

Never have. Never would.

But I appreciate the mockery the fellows are making of the whole thing. 8)=

Steve Hazuka21 Dec 2010 9:41 a.m. PST

I got no place else to go.

Rudysnelson21 Dec 2010 10:24 a.m. PST

I tend not to do so. I did not support the creation of any boards which seems to sadvocate and commercially support a specific rules system.

Atomic Floozy21 Dec 2010 11:48 a.m. PST

I was wavering on getting into Napoleonics as a new period for next year. The Empire board helped convince me to go with a different period instead.

nazrat21 Dec 2010 5:01 p.m. PST


Nice. 8)=

WarDepotDavid21 Dec 2010 5:59 p.m. PST

I am #9 and would suggest most others are the other 8 followed by a large dose of "mob mentality" and "I just love to troll" syndrome.

21eRegt21 Dec 2010 6:18 p.m. PST


nsolomon9921 Dec 2010 7:04 p.m. PST


No problem, I still love and play FVtW, even after all these years. Just it becomes a bit unseemly when the rules designers start throwing mud at each other at 20 paces.

PS. Still hanging on for Age of Bonaparte, now that I've grown older and have children and less time? Will it ever see the light of day?


peterx Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2010 8:30 p.m. PST

At first I thought it was related to Star Wars games. Then, I thought it was a board for fans of the Empire Army in GW Warhammer. Finally, I realized it was a set of rules, which I had never heard of, about Napoleon's Wars, an era I don't currently play.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP22 Dec 2010 8:29 a.m. PST

13. Because the Empire State is worthy of it's own board. The discussion bandwidth that for HMGS East conventions otherwise clutters up the Ameerican Gaming board too much.

jtkimmel22 Dec 2010 11:05 a.m. PST

A good friend always says that the best way to show the absurdity of something is to embrace it wholeheartedly and take it to the Nth degree. I'd have to say the TMP community understands this concept.

brevior est vita22 Dec 2010 1:19 p.m. PST

Well, at least some of us do. wink

WarDepotDavid22 Dec 2010 4:43 p.m. PST

Most of you do.

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