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"Gaming Christmas Came Early" Topic

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716 hits since 16 Dec 2010
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Wyatt the Odd Fezian16 Dec 2010 9:21 a.m. PST

When I came home from work last night, there were three thick envelopes waiting for me.

I was only expecting one. That one had some custom decals I'd arranged for as a group buy. Peter at Aleran Miniatures made a custom 1/87 set of his MS-1 Multinational Ambulance Decals (normally available in 1/72). So, now my various medical corps can be properly marked whether they're driving a Zis-5, Kubelwagen, WC-54 or Sdkfz 251/8. He also combined a few of his French markings into a 15mm sheet so I can finish marking up the Compagnie de Chars de Combat for my friend with proper unit insignia for Panhard 178s, FCM-36 and Somua S-35s.

The next envelope came from a friend in Virginia. It had two Osprey "versus" series books – T-62 vs M-60 and T-34 vs M-26. They weren't on my list of things to get, but I always enjoy Zaloga's works.

The third item should possibly have been marked as hazardous, and I'm not certain whether my wife will love me or hate me for putting this in her stocking, but Richard Disney sent me a copy of the infamous "Star Wars Christmas Special." I saw this when it aired in 1977 but my wife, the ravenous Star Wars fan that she is, never heard of it until I mentioned it. I believe that I mentioned this in passing to no one in general but it appears that Richard was clearly paying attention.

This follows on the heels of the arrival last week of some items for Workbench articles, some dwarves, an interesting set of treasure chests and a particular figure who has a strong resemblance to a putatively fictional part of TMP lore.

Thank you all!



Yeah, richard had said he would send me a copy too. I'd totally forgotten.

Gathrawn5016 Dec 2010 10:10 a.m. PST

He sent me a copy too!!! Happy Life Day!!!

richarDISNEY16 Dec 2010 11:36 a.m. PST

Santa's on his way…. Check your stocking tonight…

Hexxenhammer16 Dec 2010 1:26 p.m. PST

Oh god…he wasn't bluffing. I'm not checking the mail when I get home.

richarDISNEY16 Dec 2010 3:02 p.m. PST

Ho Ho Ho.

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