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huevans15 Dec 2010 4:32 p.m. PST
Rassilon15 Dec 2010 4:51 p.m. PST

Definitely looks like it could be cool!

(However, the cinematography and sound doesn't seem to represent anything approaching the look of a big budget cinema flick, if anything it looks like a lower budget mini-series made for cable…)

Whatshupp15 Dec 2010 5:22 p.m. PST

That looks awesome! I don't know about being lower budget, it seemed good to me, the only thing I really noticed was the comparative lack of gore, but Hollywood tends to overindulge on that anyway so that doesn't bother me.

Oddball15 Dec 2010 8:25 p.m. PST

I only hope that I can see this in the theature, not just on DVD.

Great looking movie.

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Dec 2010 9:31 a.m. PST

VERY impressive!

I only hope an English captioned/dubbed version will be in the offing--but not too "off."

My Russian Wife will eat this up! Nothing please's my Olga more than watching Reds being forced to eat it. Unless, of course, it's "Reds" force feeding it to the Nazi's.


Verily17 Dec 2010 5:07 a.m. PST

However, the cinematography and sound doesn't seem to represent anything approaching the look of a big budget cinema flick, if anything it looks like a lower budget mini-series made for cable…)

It must be your PC, the quality & sound looked great from what I saw.

Can't wait to see this film, I've always thought the Russo Polish war would make a good story. Hopefully it will be easy to follow, and not one of those films that tries to do too much and fit in too many different stories and sub plots.

AWuuuu29 Dec 2010 3:27 p.m. PST

Gentlemen, budget of this movie is less than 10 milion $. USD
So don't expect top blockbuster technical quality.

I am waiting for this for last 2 years but without hopes for a great movie. (last Polish movie about Warsaw battle was from 1921)

I was amazed by this trailer, I am still thinking it will be bad, but now i hope it will have some manageable parts :)
(Idziak is great cameraman after all so it should be at least pretty, but Hoffman is hit or miss, but at least battalistic scenes should be at least Ok)

Some of my friends were extras/minor roles and consultants in this movie as cavalry reenactors so at least uniforms and such should be accurate.

But what will become of it – thats remains to be seen.

As nice round anniversary 2010 spawned another 1920 flick. TV series, that i haven't seen yet but that looks like lower budget version of Warsaw 1920.
YouTube link

Corkonian15 Jun 2011 2:35 a.m. PST

I'll be interested to see how they uniform the Poles. An eclectic mix of Austrian, German, French and Russian styles, I hope.

PanMark16 Jun 2011 2:34 p.m. PST

…makes me want to paint more Reds!

AWuuuu13 Jul 2011 1:54 p.m. PST
Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP05 Oct 2011 9:04 a.m. PST

in 3D now less!

tuscaloosa05 Oct 2011 5:31 p.m. PST

Wow, very impressive. And what looked like an authentic FT-17, too.

AWuuuu11 Oct 2011 12:58 p.m. PST

Since 21 st in (some) UK cinemas.

Adam from Lancashire15 Oct 2011 2:23 p.m. PST

Thanks for the heads up, mate. Didn't realise it would get a release over here, but now I've found a nearby(ish) cinema showing it next week.

AWuuuu19 Oct 2011 11:36 a.m. PST

Visually attractive if screenplay is somehow lacking.

You wont learn history from the movie, but few scenes are very in character (Wieniewa-Długoszewski talking about Vodka and honor is something he could say, but some other not like Pilsudski talking about miracle )

All in All Red army is very visually attractive (someone compared them to an ork horde from Lord of the Rings :)

AT least one Renault tank is in working condition, unfortunately one armored car (of two present) was repaint polish wz.35 from WWII.
Planes are nice but CGI(Albatros mostly)

Unfortunately armored trains are lacking.
There is only one for about 3 seconds (Trockys train) and is laughable.. ;(

All in all
i would rate is as B-
Definitely worth seeing with few very nice battle scenes and strong visuals. But dont hold your breath…

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