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"Battle report: Mech Attack with re-based MechWarrior clix" Topic

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PatrickWR06 Dec 2010 8:27 a.m. PST

We played a game of Mech Attack, the fast-play big robot game by Armor Grid, this past weekend and had a lot of fun. Visually, it was awesome — we were using re-based MechWarrior clix, which are a bit bigger than classic BattleTech figures, and it made for an impressive tabletop.

After-action report and game thoughts here: link

Here are a few individual photos from the blog post:





ordinarybass06 Dec 2010 9:27 a.m. PST

I was on the other side of the table for this one. It was a good couple of games. I agree with most everything Patrick said, -except to note that MW minis are double the size of BT minis- especially his comments on the good integration of infantry. Mechs are King in this game, but infantry and Tanks have a real role as well.

sharkbait06 Dec 2010 9:45 a.m. PST

Nice report! How long did the game last?

ordinarybass06 Dec 2010 9:56 a.m. PST

We played until one side conceeded with one or two units left. First game of 5v5 mechs took around two hours. Second game with each side having 2 mechs a tank and two infantry took 90 minutes. It didn't end up being quite as fast as I wanted, but with a few battles under our belts I don't see why this game would take more than 90 minutes unless you had a really big battle and small battles could probably be concluded in less than an hour.

That, combined with alternating unit activiation makes for a game speed and pace that I was very pleased with.

sharkbait06 Dec 2010 10:19 a.m. PST

Thanks for the information. It sounds like a fun game.

billthecat06 Dec 2010 10:28 a.m. PST

Nice rebasing. Makes those silly clicky miniatures look GOOD.

ordinarybass06 Dec 2010 10:36 a.m. PST

Thanks billthecat,
It's a really easy process. I'll put up a step-by-step with pictures in the next week or two, but the quick version is mix up some brown texture paint (I've named my mixture Magic Mud) at several times the recommended thickness, then glue down the miniature, paint the base with Magic Mud, drybrush and done!

PatrickWR06 Dec 2010 10:52 a.m. PST

I can attest to this basing process — ordinarybass sent me home with a pile of MechWarrior clix + some magic mud after our game, and I've had no problem replicating his basing technique.

Black Cavalier06 Dec 2010 11:14 a.m. PST

ordinarybass, where did you put up the instructions? I didn't see a link to any blog for you, just PatrickWR.


Bryan Stroup06 Dec 2010 11:31 a.m. PST

Thanks for the battle report. I too am doing a MASSIVE rebasing effort for my clickies. I'm still avoiding a variety of rulesets including just adapting the existing clicky rules to a more traditional mini game format.

I also have samples of my rebasing work up here: link

PatrickWR06 Dec 2010 12:16 p.m. PST

Bryan, I actually browsed your site yesterday when I was waiting for the glue to dry on my MechWarrior re-basing project!

Have you found yourself touching up the paintjobs as well? Most are quite decent, but some very few I've found are horrid.

Bryan Stroup06 Dec 2010 12:26 p.m. PST

Very few. In fact, the later models are great as is.

I'm sorry I haven't updated the site in a while. I changed jobs and am working a couple extra programming contracts on the side. They look to be wrapping up soon which will allow me to show my latest stuff (terrain and 9 armies) and focus on my rules conversion from clicky to traditional miniatures format. I plan on making the rules available on the site as well.

ordinarybass06 Dec 2010 12:44 p.m. PST

Thanks for weighing in Bryan,
Your TMP post about your project was what got me thinking about rebasing. Except for the Magic Mud and the different bases, I pretty much followed your instructions. I'll look forward to seeing your rules, but I definitely recommend taking a look at "Mech Attack!".

Black Cavalier,
I haven't written out the whole project coherently, but you can see my proportions for magic mud, the color numbers for my base brown and some more miniatures here: link
and more finished minis and a few notes on process here:

Black Cavalier06 Dec 2010 2:08 p.m. PST

Thanks ordinarybass.

Sounds like pretty much like the same process I use, but I use concrete patch instead of the sheetrock additive.

ordinarybass06 Dec 2010 3:40 p.m. PST

Do you use premixed or self mix patch, and where do you get it? I used to use the premix for texture on terrain. I was able to take the most borring toy rocks and make them look quite real, but I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore.

wolvermonkey06 Dec 2010 11:22 p.m. PST

Looked like a cool game. I'll have to mention it to my gaming friends. I liked the rebasing too. I do the same thing with the Mage Knight minis for other games.

Joe5mc07 Dec 2010 3:56 a.m. PST

Thanks for that. I've been thinking about buying the rules, and I think it just became a definite.

IronMike11 Dec 2010 2:17 p.m. PST

An interesting trivia fact about the MW clicky mins: They are in perfect model railroading N-scale: I tested this out by taking a few to an N-scale layout, and have to say that a ground-eye view of an Atlas towering over n-scale buildings is quite impressive ;)

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