marcin2501 | 30 Oct 2010 1:57 a.m. PST |
There are some additions to our newly created ACW line – 3 mm cavalry and generals: link link Marcin Oddzial Osmy |
Lovejoy | 30 Oct 2010 2:12 a.m. PST |
Awesomely good – best 3mm sculpting I've seen. Can't wait to see the rest. |
RobH | 30 Oct 2010 4:31 a.m. PST |
Incredible detail for such small figures. Puts some 6mm figures to shame. |
belasirius | 30 Oct 2010 8:39 a.m. PST |
Where can we get those little jewels? |
flipper | 30 Oct 2010 9:15 a.m. PST |
Hi I would like to get hold of some of these! When are Napoleonics coming! Thanks. |
pigbear | 30 Oct 2010 9:44 a.m. PST |
Wow! These are must haves. |
MiniPatton | 30 Oct 2010 11:02 a.m. PST |
and there I was telling myself I wasn't really that interested in doing ACW. Silly me, will Pico Armor be carrying these? |
marcin2501 | 30 Oct 2010 11:15 a.m. PST |
We should have them available in December – PicoArmor should carry them. Napoleonics probably next year. Marcin Oddzial Osmy |
Battlescale | 30 Oct 2010 12:04 p.m. PST |
Superb sculpting . Looks like I need to add some ACW buildings to my 3mm range! Steve |
Lord Elgin | 30 Oct 2010 4:04 p.m. PST |
Yippy! Gettysburg at 1:1 , just in time for the 150th!!! |
Kraussian | 02 Dec 2010 7:09 p.m. PST |
Looks like I'm late to the party
but those figures are just WOW! I wouldn't have believed that they are 3mm just by looking at the pictures. Like RobH said, they really do put some 6mm to shame. So Marcin, it's already December and I can't wait to grab a hold of these minis. When are they going to be available?  |
Architectus Militaria | 07 Mar 2011 7:44 a.m. PST |
The figures are really amazing. My only criticism? I wish that the standards had been separated either side of the officer and drummer which would have made painting much easier. You can cut and separate them but be very careful as the alloy used is quite brittle. It helps the figures hold their detail but makes it very, very easy for the figures to snap off at the ankles if you try to cut them with a craft knife. The only procedure I've found is to use a Minidrill with a circular saw attachment and then cut through very gently from the underside, until the base can be carefully bent. Do this whole process over a large box. You won't believe how many figures went hurtling across my workroom and disappeared in my grey carpet before I followed the advice above!! And MIND YOUR FIGURES. Don't ask how I know that!! Now I need infantry with hats, and some wagons and limbers would be excellent. I know, want, want, want! |