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09 Apr 2011 8:22 p.m. PST
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Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP16 Oct 2010 5:42 p.m. PST

And I mean proper Star Trek, not The Next Generation or the awful "everything that went before was a dream but somehow old Spock still exists" assasination of the original series.

So which is it ?

Star Trek the movie
Wrath of Khan
Search for Spock
Voyage home
Final Frontier
Undiscovered Country
The first 20 minutes or so of Generations

Don't know what Star Trek is.
Not a wargamer.
Needs more boobies.
More Star Trek films, lovely.

abelp0116 Oct 2010 5:52 p.m. PST

Undiscovered Country…But they definately need more boobies! LOL!!

Jay Arnold16 Oct 2010 5:53 p.m. PST

I quite liked the new one. It's more like Trek of old than the mistakes that used the Next Generation cast.

That being said, I dig Wrath of Khan. Undiscovered Country is my second favorite. Voyage Home is my third favorite.

Steve Hazuka16 Oct 2010 6:00 p.m. PST

Wrathful Voyage to more boobies.

Now that would be a good movie.

Coyotepunc and Hatshepsuut16 Oct 2010 6:06 p.m. PST

The new one, which featured more boobies. Since it was a bnned choice (which obviously doesn't stop me) it's a toss up between Wrath of Khan and Voyage home. Although I enjoyed Search for Spock for reasons unrelated to the actual movie, more to do with our Traveller campaign at the time…

jowady16 Oct 2010 6:07 p.m. PST

Wrath of Khan, The Voyage Home, The Undiscovered Country, didn't care for any of TNG ones (they were just too slow, and Picard would get you killed in reality, he seemed to me to be a pretty pathetic warrior.) Didn't see the latest, (lost my trekkie interest.)

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP16 Oct 2010 6:21 p.m. PST

I actually like "The Movie", and "Khan", and (sorry) "Final Frontier".

The Whale one seems very dated to me now.

Since there are 6 (sort of 7) "proper" choices, maybe it should be pick your favourite 3.

I like Generations right up to the point they switched to the TNG crew. It's not like I didn't know them – I must have sat through 5 or 6 seasons of TNG before the movie came along !

mrwigglesworth16 Oct 2010 6:30 p.m. PST

Wrath of Khan
YouTube link

Mooseworks816 Oct 2010 6:38 p.m. PST

Wrath of Khan but why limit this to just OST? TNG rocks!

Katzbalger16 Oct 2010 6:39 p.m. PST


CPBelt16 Oct 2010 6:56 p.m. PST

II and IV.

scotskane16 Oct 2010 6:59 p.m. PST

Wrath of Khan. Prefer the Mirror universe overall.

SgtPain16 Oct 2010 7:28 p.m. PST

Wrath of Khan Rule!

Nick Weitnauer16 Oct 2010 7:36 p.m. PST

The 6th one with Kirk kicking the alien in the junk… without meaning to. This for some reason has always remained my favorite Trek moment.

Top Gun Ace16 Oct 2010 7:36 p.m. PST

Khan, and then the latest one.

21eRegt16 Oct 2010 8:49 p.m. PST

Wrath of Khan. Period. All others paled in comparison.

Forager16 Oct 2010 10:10 p.m. PST

Everyone "knows" the even numbered ones are good and the odd numbers are……not so good! My fave is #4 (a.k.a. "Save the Whales!") first followed by #2 (Khan).

Rassilon16 Oct 2010 10:22 p.m. PST

Khan hands down!

Charles Marlow16 Oct 2010 10:43 p.m. PST

Wrath of Khan

Pictors Studio16 Oct 2010 10:48 p.m. PST


ComradeCommissar16 Oct 2010 11:42 p.m. PST

The whale one!

David Manley17 Oct 2010 1:58 a.m. PST

Wrath of Khan.
Undiscovered Country.
Motion Picture.

That said, i did really enjoy the new one

kreoseus217 Oct 2010 2:15 a.m. PST


And the new one (with green boobies)

sector5117 Oct 2010 2:23 a.m. PST

Wrath of Khan, good plot well played.

psiloi Supporting Member of TMP17 Oct 2010 3:05 a.m. PST

Wrath of Khan. Don't mean to say the rest are bad, or even anything before/after, but the series hit the absolute pinnacle with this movie.

forrester17 Oct 2010 3:45 a.m. PST

I liked 2,3 and 4 for the story arc…and 4 was a welcome lightening of mood.
1 was a rather awkward beginning,and 5 and 6 don't stick in my mind very much.
Of the TNG films,First Contact was excellent but the others so-so.And I've not forgiven them for Data.

Ed Mohrmann Supporting Member of TMP17 Oct 2010 6:35 a.m. PST

The only good one is "Wrath of Khan," the downside being
that Khan loses…

CJArnold17 Oct 2010 7:58 a.m. PST

The Wrath of Kahn by far. However The Undiscovered Country had the line in all of the Star Trek universe, including every single episode of every single version of the Trek-verse.

That line is from Capt. Sulu "Target the explosion and fire!"

Also I really like how the JJ Abrams Trek film handled the changes in the time line.

Martin Rapier17 Oct 2010 10:02 a.m. PST

Wrath of Khan.

Yours is the superior intellect.

Andrew May117 Oct 2010 11:30 a.m. PST

The Wrath of Khan. Great movie!

Scorpio17 Oct 2010 12:13 p.m. PST

We really don't need multiple choices, since Wrath of Khan will walk away with the title in the first vote. And rightfully so.

The Undiscovered Country would get my vote otherwise.

John the OFM17 Oct 2010 12:26 p.m. PST

The problem with Star Trek movies is that you cannot take them seriously. NOBODY is any real danger.
Spock gets killed! No, not really. He comes back in the next movie.
Data is killed! Well, no, not really. We have a spare in the closet.

Having said that, Wrath of Khan.

Norman D Landings17 Oct 2010 12:32 p.m. PST

Film4 are showing them back-to-back this weekend… I'd forgotten how much fun they are.

Favourite moment so far… the end of 5. Spock shoots GOD in the face with a wing-mounted disruptor cannon.
How can anything top that?

Also it has the tremendous 'hunting horn' music when the bad guys show up… it pops up again in 'First Contact'.

archstanton7317 Oct 2010 1:25 p.m. PST

The Wrath of Khan followed by the Whale one and then The Motion Picture…But yes More Boobies please…

Feet up now17 Oct 2010 1:34 p.m. PST

Wrath of Khan for me.
I Did think the Voyage home had great comedy, soaked in the story really well.

Cosmic Reset17 Oct 2010 1:55 p.m. PST

Christopher Lloyd is the greatest Klingon ever, thus making The Search for Spock the best, despite the other issues with the movie. Robin Curtis was also a much better Saavik than that other actress.


Wrath of Khan
The Movie

Personal logo FingerandToeGlenn Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Oct 2010 8:42 a.m. PST

the whales for one line: "Everybody remember where we parked." As for the original, reuse all the celluloid for something better like Harry Potter goes to College or maybe Zardoz Returns.

Ironwolf18 Oct 2010 11:00 a.m. PST

Wraith of Khan, more boobies and oohh my favorite TNG movie is the one when Riker uses the joy stick to steer the Enterprise. lol only cause I had the same joy stick connected to my pc at home to play ww-II airplane games. hahahaha

Oddball18 Oct 2010 11:57 a.m. PST

I really liked the latest movie. Thought it was the best, but after that it would be Wrath of Khan

Farstar18 Oct 2010 2:09 p.m. PST

Now I need to build a convention game set at a ST convention and interrupted by Boobie Zombies.

Of the TOS movies, Wrath of Khan is the best, followed by the marathon that it starts (II-IV). Even the generally bad V has its moments, just not enough of them.

For TNG movies I'll take First Contact. Its the best assembled of them, and the only one that escapes the "rather long episode" feel to any extent.

"You told him about the statue?"

Thomas Whitten19 Oct 2010 7:53 a.m. PST

Wrath of Khan is my favorite of the ST movies, and one of my all time favorite movies as well. The other movies (minus the last but including the TNG) are all only so-so.

Khan is also my favorite story from all things Star Trek. This is followed by the 3rd season of Enterprise and then the Mirror Universe stories. The latest movie comes dead last in my list of all things Star Trek. It is preceded by Zardoz which, with a little work, could be turned into an episode of TOS.

richarDISNEY19 Oct 2010 8:54 a.m. PST

or the awful "everything that went before was a dream but somehow old Spock still exists" assasination of the original series.
Dead on…

Undiscovered Country.
When Capt. Sulu says "Target that explosion and fire!", it gets me every time!
*romulan ale*

Scutatus19 Oct 2010 11:15 a.m. PST

That "somehow old Spock still exists" thing…

Spock came from an alternate timeline that was very real to him (and to us for decades). Think of it not so much as "the future" but as an alternate dimension. Like the Mirror Universe. His reality (the one we watched in five tv shows, ten movies and countless books and games) was NOT a "dream".

Now come on, I don't know how some can be quite as upset as they are about this. The original cast are now too old to carry on – indeed we've sadly lost a few of them already. If they wanted to use the original crew they had to get around that ageing thing somehow.

Meanwhile, that alternate timeline/dimension stuff that people are complaining about is now a traditional established staple of sci-fi story telling. Like it or not almost every sci-fi/magical show in the last twenty years has done it – including Trek itself on many an occasion. A Town called Eureka is doing a time travel/changed timeline story even as we speak, basing a whole season around it and using it for a complete reboot. Hmm, that seems familiar.

It is all no more far fetched than say, all the Terminator type stories, where by a hero comes from the future to stop a future disaster from happening… and succeeds. However, having changed the timeline and stopped the future disaster from occuring he then surely would have no need to travel back in time in the first place – so he doesn't, thereby ensuring that the future he remembers DOES happen. So he travels back in time to change it…

Nice time paradox.

Time paradoxes and illogical implausibilities abound the moment you start messing with time travel. I tell you, one shouldn't dwell too deeply on time travel/alternate dimension stories – they can give you a headache.

That doesn't stop nearly every sci-fi show going there though.

And for me, the changes in the new star trek movie mostly made sense. I, like others, thought it would be terrible, but having seen it I actually didn't think it was so bad. I thought it was mostly faithful to most of the lead characters, barring one or two eyebrow raising moments. The only things that really didn't work for me were Spock in a relationship with a human while still in conflict with his human side (bit rushed and contradictary that – would perhaps have done better waiting for a later movie), and Scotty, who just wasn't Scotty (sorry Simon Pegg). Everyone else was true though, in fact the portrayals of Spock and Bones were uncanny.

Kirk's "difference" was nicely explained by his different beginnings and upbringing, meaning he was more immature, bitter and short sighted. But then he WAS a good ten years younger than we saw him in the original show. I'd like to see anyone who is as mature at twenty as they are at thirty. He was more like old Kirk by the end though. Which I guess was kind of the point.

My favourite Trek movies: The slow Motion Picture. I know it gets a bad rep but it is the "2001" of the Trek world and I love it for that, rehashed story or not (although it wouldn't be the last time). Best intro of a starship, EVER.

The Wrath of Khan, argueably the film all subsequent Trek movies were measured against. A true often quoted classic – with a (submarine) battle in three dimensions!

Undiscovered Country, the film that was intended to be the OS cast's sign off, complete with er, sign off. Classy. Then they blew it with Generations.

First Contact. For being Trek's version of a true horror story and giving us the Borg in their rightful "real" scariest form – before Voyager ruined them.

And yes, sorry, I know it's sacrilege, but Abrhams Star Trek. despite all my inital concerns, I think that in the end he did a great job, though I would have liked less lense flare and more substantial shots of the fleet. ;)

Forced to pick one of these movies above all others I would go with: The Wrath of Khan.

"I have been, and always shall be, your friend".

Tears everwhere. Or is that just me? :)

Warbeads20 Oct 2010 3:16 p.m. PST


I avoided all the movies by choice.

As for series:

Original ST was exciting when it was new but after a few years the creakiness showed.

Next Generation was my wife's game for a while so I watched – very up and down IMO.

DS9 – kicked ass initially but over time it suffered from what all the various incantations suffered from;

1) scenario from an earlier version given new paint job and sold as new

2) Time travel nonsense/conflicts

3) more and more extraneous layers to characters until Baroque comes to mind

4) like many athletes not knowing when to stop when at the peak



the iconoclast

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2010 5:00 p.m. PST

That "somehow old Spock still exists" thing…

Spock came from an alternate timeline that was very real to him (and to us for decades). Think of it not so much as "the future" but as an alternate dimension. Like the Mirror Universe. His reality (the one we watched in five tv shows, ten movies and countless books and games) was NOT a "dream".

Think we're splitting hairs here – mirror dimension / dream – really, what's the difference ? So we're told the "old" trek universe was an alternate from the "new", we are now going to follow the "new" and never see the "old" again, but the "new" is going to have lots of cross-references (some of them skewed) to the "old".

There was another way – just let it retire with the original actors. Or carry on with not the original crew (generations etc). But wait – TNG movies underperform compared to the original crew. Is it that the original crew are better (!). Or can just anyone take the role and it will be the same (like anyone can play Hamlet and it's just as good – only it isn't !). And if it's the dynamic of the original crew (characters) that was good, how does messing that up equalk "just as good" ?

My actual theory is this – the first new film will bring in the kids and the old Trekkers. It will do mega well at the box office thus ensuring movie 2 and 3 get commissioned. However a large % of original treckers will say "screw you" and drop out. Series carries on for those without "emotional baggage" for the old series. So it was deliberatly made to be annoying as possible to those who liked the old (and best) series.

Just my theory.

Thomas Whitten22 Oct 2010 7:33 a.m. PST

I guess I'm one of the old Trekkers that say "screw you." With the exception of Bones, I did not care for the new characters.

The latest movie was "Frat Boys in Space" and had a Starship Troopers feel to it. I didn't like that one either.

Rob UK22 Oct 2010 1:15 p.m. PST

Undiscovered Country

USAFpilot24 Oct 2010 7:50 p.m. PST

I liked them all. Didn't care for the first Star Trek movie when I initially saw it as a kid. I think I was expecting more action and phasers. Now that I'm older I think the first movie is actually the best in the series. It seems more science fiction to me whereas the rest are more action/adventure set in space.

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