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"So who else would " on Venus..."?" Topic

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04 Oct 2010 5:11 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "So who else would beon Vensus?" to "So who else would be on Venus?"

21 Oct 2010 8:29 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "So who else would be on Venus?" to "So who else would " on Venus..."?"

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Warbeads04 Oct 2010 1:27 p.m. PST

Okay, we have Lizard men and Parrot Men – what other intelligent races might be "logically" (??!) found on Venus?

Sentient Plant men?

Mole men?

Avian cultures?

Your speculations?



Chris Palmer04 Oct 2010 1:33 p.m. PST

Some sort of Amazonian race, since "women are from Venus"

Sysiphus04 Oct 2010 1:40 p.m. PST

Given the temperatures, pressure and acid atmosphere; something squat slow-moving that spits acid. Maybe a sea star creature with internal bladders that allow it to float within the atmosphere.

scotskane04 Oct 2010 2:01 p.m. PST

Venus is as big as earth so there's lots of room. In my 1889 campaign I used Talislantan and Empire of the Petal Throne races/civilisations. Add Ape City states(sentient simians), Hesperans(reversed Islam with women in charge), Newman(humans one more step evolved than earth humans), Manimal tribes of Fur, Claw and Fang, Marxist Orcs, cannibal feral halflings, a Fey race(combine elf, dwarf and fairy into one race), Aerial cities, floating cities on the oceans/seas. Hopes this helps.

mex10mm04 Oct 2010 2:22 p.m. PST

Some "visitors/colonists" from other more "far-away" planet; maybe slavers from the "10th planet". (the same guys who jump-started human intelligence in earth).

Martian Root Canal04 Oct 2010 3:32 p.m. PST

All the people who were displaced when Pluto was demoted from being a planet…and boy are they mad!

Rhoderic III and counting04 Oct 2010 4:54 p.m. PST

Crabmen, Lobstermen or something similar.

Some kind of centauroid Trilobyte-men or Centipede-men.

Robotic inheritors of some ancient fallen civilization, dwelling in jungle-lost cities among the bones of their former masters.

Swamp Things or Mossmen or something.

And of course, striking off from Lizardmen, you've got Snakemen and Frogmen.

AndrewGPaul05 Oct 2010 1:31 a.m. PST

If we're talking Victorian SF, Venus is all jungles and stuff. In addition, the theory at the time was that scientific advancement was inversely related to the distance from the Sun; Martians are more advanced than Humans (cf. War of the Worlds) who are more advanced than Venusians (savage tribesmen, ape-people, etc) who are presumably more advanced than Mercurians (cavepeople with tiny piggy eyes).

I'd go with tribes of wild humans, apemen and frogmen and fishmen in the seas. Possibly with some tribes ruled by ex-Earthmen gone native, so you can have some Venusian apemen swingin through the trees with pith helmets and Martini-Henrys.

Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian05 Oct 2010 8:17 a.m. PST

I think that you could take some 'clues' from the Arboreans from 'Flash Gordon' 1980 movie…only without lasers? or perhaps 'wookies' from star wars…(only lived in tree-tops as the lower levels were DEADLY, even to wookies?)

There was a write-up somewhere about the 'ecology' of the wookie's home planet and how in the forests, the worst stuff was AT the jungle/twilight? levels??? and if you think of some of the 'ecology' of the floor of caves where bats live with all the insect and other activity/microbes, fungus etc…

oooh! how about tossing in some of the stuff from that Japanese horror film…'the mushroom people!!!!'

Is that 'scary' enough????

That movie put me off mushrooms for life and scared the SLISH outta me!

Sgt DWW-btod

Andrew May105 Oct 2010 9:15 a.m. PST

Me, sometimes…

BuckeyeBob05 Oct 2010 10:02 a.m. PST

Zsa Zsa Gabor? (If you know about that movie, you're showing your age too.) On a more serious note…
Check out the sea life found around the volcanic vents on the ocean floor which thrive on 600+ degree temps and high sufur contents and model flora or bacteria colonies similar to that. And like said above, throw in some acidic or other unusual atribute the unwary will suffer from if they get too near.

Warbeads07 Oct 2010 7:38 p.m. PST

We missed the obvious! What are the most common creatures in Earth jungles? Insects! Have to think about that one… what was the insectoid race in D&D? Thri-keen or some such?



Mugwump08 Oct 2010 9:13 a.m. PST

Look up Edgar Rice Burroughs Venus series and Lin Carters Green Star series and you should have plenty of inspiration.


tsofian09 Oct 2010 7:01 p.m. PST

In Stars of Empire there are a variety of human cultures including some very nasty pirates and aerial warriors using airship technology. There are indications that the alien Oonaliss may well have once had a base on Venus and there may be survivors even to this day.

The insectoid race is from Mars and is currently (1893) infesting Cornwall and Devon!


Dave Crowell10 Oct 2010 2:35 p.m. PST

Alan dean Foster's novel "Midworld"gle planet. It is set on a junmight have some good ideas.

Rudysnelson10 Oct 2010 3:25 p.m. PST

I do think the species who can burrow and live underground is a good one. Air is too hevay for Avian races.
Thick skin/shell creatures make sense.

drummer11 Oct 2010 11:21 a.m. PST

Cannibal Amazons. They rule over the Avacado Jungle of Death.

Pack lots of doilies – if you want to live.

Lion in the Stars12 Oct 2010 1:40 p.m. PST

Since VSF sees Venus as a sweltering tropical hell, I'd use some GW lizardmen and some merfolk.

Dave Crowell12 Oct 2010 7:09 p.m. PST

I like lizard-men, but also had the thought of intelligent cephalopods in the oceans.

Shallow seas do tend to cut out whales, etc.

I see Venus as a young world, Mars is old.

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