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"Cromwell with Polish 1939 camo" Topic

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1,541 hits since 29 Sep 2010
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Anatoli30 Sep 2010 8:11 a.m. PST

Use it for my Polish allied contingent in Secrets of the Third Reich and wanted to maintain the "early war" feel of the entire force.
More pics of it can be found on my blog link


Pyrate Captain30 Sep 2010 8:30 a.m. PST

I never actually tried basing armor. I can see some advantages in relation to infantry which is based, but basing a vehicle always stuck me as an adversary of appearance.

robertsjf30 Sep 2010 9:02 a.m. PST

That's the big reason for basing armor is to keep it "in scale" with the based infantry. Other options are not basing it and having it look "out of scale" despite not being so, or going with a larger scale model that will look deceptively "in scale" even though it's not.

NoLongerAMember30 Sep 2010 9:44 a.m. PST

Like the camouflage on the Cromwell, suits it.

Mulligan30 Sep 2010 9:49 a.m. PST

I once played in a 28-mm WWII skirmish game in which the guy running the game had glued washers to the undersides of the tanks, halftracks, and motorcycle combos and the terrained vehicle bases themselves had magnetic sheet in the middle. When a vehicle was hit and destroyed, he just popped it off the base and turned it on its side. If a vehicle was damaged, but not destroyed, he popped the appropriate dyed cotton "smoke" marker attached to a small piece of metal (I think he was using carpenter's staples) to the magnet base. The length and color of the smoke indicated at a glance the damage status of the vehicle. I thought it a mighty good system.


robertsjf30 Sep 2010 10:02 a.m. PST

Correct, but the fact that the infantry is mounted on a base makes the infantry "look bigger". As a result, you can go with a slightly larger scale for vehicles and not have it look "out of place" because your infantry are, what, 3mm taller than they would be without bases.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP30 Sep 2010 11:48 a.m. PST

A buddy of mine bases all his tanks, says it protects the paint – I get what he means since he always picks them up by the base

A great looking camo paint job

Anatoli30 Sep 2010 12:44 p.m. PST

Thank, I base all my vehicles to make them appear on the same "level" as the infantry. Especially in Secrets of the Third Reich where bases are those very nice but big beveled lip 30mm bases – not having a base on a 1:56 vehicle and have infantry on those bases makes the vehicle look smaller than it is.

Anatoli01 Oct 2010 2:42 a.m. PST

1:56 is 28mm scale – even though hatches and such will be smaller as 28mm models tend to be bulkier than regular "humans" haha. Some people use larger scale models, but I find it looking very odd when a PzIII is the size of a Tiger tank – OK you can fit a model of your choice into the hatches but it has also scaled out of proportion in relation to the same model by becoming x% larger than the original vehicle …

robertsjf01 Oct 2010 8:25 a.m. PST

I rationalize the taller size of the infantry on bases by saying the tanks are sinking into the ground. My Leopard used to sink fairly deeply into the soil, but at 46 tons combat loaded, it was a fair bit heavier than a lot of WWII tanks….

That's clever. I hadn't even thought about that.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP01 Oct 2010 8:26 a.m. PST

Nice camo job !

NoLongerAMember02 Oct 2010 12:48 p.m. PST

No, 1/56 is a scale. 28mm is an arbitrary sizing.

I admit I now use 1/50 and 1/48 scale vehicles for my 28mm sized figures in Post war. Mostly as careful Ebay and I can get metal, painted centurions and M48's for a third of the resin/metal costs and I don't have to assemble them.

Anatoli03 Oct 2010 6:55 a.m. PST

Thanks guys,

Here's my 2nd Cromwell – "Pilsudski"
I also took a few platoon pictures while I was at it.

As usual, lots more pictures can be found on my blog :-)


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