"Was there a command version of the Pz II?" Topic
9 Posts
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donlowry | 15 Sep 2010 3:05 p.m. PST |
Was there a command version of the Pz II? If so, how did it differ from the ordinary versions? |
Silurian  | 15 Sep 2010 3:16 p.m. PST |
Pretty sure I've seen a photo of one with a frame aerial. It I remember correctly it had a dummy gun also. |
Jeff Ewing | 15 Sep 2010 4:12 p.m. PST |
This page says 200 built: link This page has a picture: link Here's another one: picture Here's a description from Axis History Forum: link |
Klebert L Hall | 16 Sep 2010 4:50 a.m. PST |
I've always kind of wondered why they didn't just use a truck, or a halftrack, or something. Something with more room. -Kle. |
Legion 4  | 16 Sep 2010 8:31 a.m. PST |
Most other vehicles couldn't keep up with a fully tracked vehicle's cross-country performance
donlowry | 16 Sep 2010 12:31 p.m. PST |
Starfury Rider | 17 Sep 2010 5:54 a.m. PST |
Oddly enough halftracks weren't that common in Bn/Regt HQ of armoured units in WW2. I think the US Tank Bn had a couple in its HQ section, but still had two tanks available, and from memory the British Armd RHQ didn't add a halftrack to its four tanks till quite late on. The Germans used command tanks within the Bn and Regt Signals Platoon throughout the war as I recall, for a spell accompanied by a gun tank when the specialist AFVs only carried an MG. |
Legion 4  | 17 Sep 2010 7:41 a.m. PST |
Yes, in my experience in the US Army, '79-'90, The Armor BN Cdr rode in an MBT. The rest of the BN TOC was in M577s/M113s IIRC. Same goes for a Mech Bn. The Bn Cdr had an M113 and the rest of the TOC had M113s & M577s. BCs rode in their Jeep or later HUMMER too
Numerous Radios gives the Cdr a number of options. Cdrs need to talk to both subordinate units as well as higher HQs
sometimes almost at the same time. I was an Infantry Officer in 4 Infantry Bns(1 Air Asslt & 3 Mech) plus routinely attached to a Tank BN(M60s). As well as on a Mech BDE Staff
So when I was not leading/commanding a unit, I was in or around a BN TOC(or BDE)
And even on rare occassions, filled in for the BN CDR
or even rarer, the BDE CDR