Gunfreak | 08 Sep 2010 10:03 a.m. PST |
Some noe called i n v o i c e n t has takken 1900 and some NOK from my acount, or about $310, apernatly this is some sort of buissnes that collects overdue paymanets ect. but I can't for the love of my remember what I should have orderd for the value of $300 USD and not payed. Sure I'm fast and loose with my money, but 300 is alot, and I'm on good terms with everybody I buy stuff from, I can't belive they should use this firm instead of asking for the money first. The fact thats this firm is new, started up in 09, and can take money with out, any notise, makes my a bit uneasy. Now if I did order something of that value it would have to be figure related, but I pay all my wargaming related stuff by papal or VISA and there should not be any need to get these guys involved. Now their site says you can contact them and ask why the money was taken, but quite frankly this seems to iffy that I don't want to give up anymore info to these guys |
KenH01 | 08 Sep 2010 10:19 a.m. PST |
I'd rather give up a phone call than $310! Phone and ask, they should not be able to take money from your account without your approval! At least that's the law in Canada. Ken |
ttauri | 08 Sep 2010 10:20 a.m. PST |
You need to contact your bank as taking money from your account without approval is theft as far as I'm aware. |
Saber6 | 08 Sep 2010 10:37 a.m. PST |
I found this: About us Invoicent is a Factoring Services company. We collect invoice payment on behalf of many different businesses. Every effort is made to ensure the Payer is aware of Invoicent's involvement before payment is collected, however if you unexpectedly find on your bank or credit card statement please email and we will respond within 24 hours.
Garand | 08 Sep 2010 11:05 a.m. PST |
So what happens if this company collects on an invoice and the victim, er, payer, doesn't have the balance available in their account? If that happens to me I get hit with finance charges of $35 USD per incident, and another $35 USD IIRC if I have a negative balance for more than a week (not that I ever tried to do this). Does Invoicent cover the additional charges? Or is the customer stuck with them? How is this even legal? How do they get your bank account information? How does the bank allow an outside party debit money without the account holder's approval? Damon. |
Dan Cyr | 08 Sep 2010 11:32 a.m. PST |
They take money out of my account without a legal standing and its called stealing. My state AG would be notified and they'd be sued and punished. Dan |
Doms Decals | 08 Sep 2010 11:38 a.m. PST |
Sounds dodgy as anything – I'd definitely speak to your bank. Possibly worth checking your Paypal history too in case you've had a payment not go through and not realised, which might explain what it is. |
Gunfreak | 08 Sep 2010 11:40 a.m. PST |
Well aperantly Invoicent, is as ligit as any company that takes your money for no reason can be, I got the info from them that they had taken money on the order from Unibet, which is an online betting thing, which is weird as I've never ever used it, so I had to call them, and now I had to block my card, and file police charges on whom ever stole my card info and used it for online betting. This es me off |
sector51 | 08 Sep 2010 11:44 a.m. PST |
Yes, rather than contact them I suggest you take it up with the bank/card that paid over the money. I am afraid that I have dealt with this sort of of organisation (Tiscalli claimed that we owed them money, of course that was not the case) and all they want is the money, they will not let a little thing like truth get in the way. Your bank/card however have a duty toward you their customer – and you have come back if they have allowed an unauthorised transaction. |
Dervel | 08 Sep 2010 12:36 p.m. PST |
To the best of my knowledge this is not legitimate. Unless there was a court order placed on your account they cannot take money without permission. Sounds like a scam to me. |
chicklewis | 08 Sep 2010 1:06 p.m. PST |
Identity theft is a real bummer when you are on the receiving end. |
Lentulus | 08 Sep 2010 4:46 p.m. PST |
Jurisdictions vary. Also, could someone have fraudulently provided you account information as part of a transaction? |
combatpainter | 08 Sep 2010 6:41 p.m. PST |
Fraudulent CC company was billing $9 USD a month to all its customers with a very short description of what it was and they got millions from people this way. Then they got cute and started charging people .20 and this people complained about/ lol
They got caught cause of the .20 Lol
Eldamarelf | 09 Sep 2010 12:47 a.m. PST |
Just had a look the company is aparently registered in the UK this seems mighty fishy to me as over here you are not alowed to touch a account unless authorised by the Account holder. Not even the Police can touch your money unless they have a proceeds of crime order. Just my 2 pence worth. Tom |
Timmo uk | 09 Sep 2010 9:26 a.m. PST |
I'd report it to both the UK police and the FSA in UK. |
Gunfreak | 09 Sep 2010 11:46 a.m. PST |
Well I can't do anything with Invocent, the problem is probebly with Unibet, all these online betting services are suspect at best, but they have promised to cooperate with the Police, I filed a police raport on the stolen card details, I canceld my card, and orderd a new one and filed a request to get the money back from the bank, so I have now done all I can I just have to wait, I doubt they'll ever find the guy or gal that did it. probebly faked everything. The biggest problem, a problem that is bigger then the money that I'll aperantly get back sooner or later, is that I now have to wait 3-4 weeks for a new card, and then I have to registere it with paypal ect. so there will be atleast a month, before I get my spending spree up and runnig again, Today I had to use my mastercard to pay for for some figures from Calpe, I didn't want him to have to wait 4+ weeks to get his money, but that mean I have to pay back the money with intrest in my mastercard, with I don't realy want to do. |
JackWhite | 09 Sep 2010 1:04 p.m. PST |
Haven't you heard? The bankers are above the law. It'a all about turning all the money over to some business without checking details or facts, hoping the suck . . . public doesn't say anything. JW |
tuscaloosa | 10 Sep 2010 10:41 a.m. PST |
"The biggest problem, a problem that is bigger then the money that I'll aperantly get back sooner or later, is that I now have to wait 3-4 weeks for a new card," Get a new bank, next! My card got some suspicious charges recently while I was on vacation. My bank sent me an email asking me to call them, I called, in our discussion it became clear that they had some rightful concerns about strange charges I hadn't made. They canceled my card and sent me a new one FedExed to my hotel 72 hours later. No charge, of course. |
Gunfreak | 16 Sep 2010 3:38 a.m. PST |
Ok, got the new card, in 7 days, well 6 days and 12 hours |