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953 hits since 30 Aug 2010
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Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2010 5:28 p.m. PST

Envy me. For my birthday (and my son's birthday), my parents gave us tickets to a Star Wars exhibit at the Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

We spent the day gawking at the actual "miniature" ships from the first three films (can a four-foot long blockade runner be a miniature?)plus droids, costumes and other props. We built and programmed a droid, tried to steer a "landspeeder" (a tethered hovercraft), and even took a hyperspace ride in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon).

Great fun!

Not much time left to see this, but check it out if you can get there this week.


CPBelt30 Aug 2010 6:08 p.m. PST

Oooo. That sounds fun! Great fun with a son too.

We had Star Wars V here in Orlando, but I would have rather gone to the exhibit you saw. My son says the same thing.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP30 Aug 2010 6:17 p.m. PST

My boys would love that! Probably I would too.

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2010 8:02 p.m. PST

@ CPBelt They have some Star Wars props at Disney Hollywood Studios over by the backstage tour area. Some TIE fighter models, a section of the Death Star, Vader Costume and a few other items.

richarDISNEY31 Aug 2010 7:55 a.m. PST

REALLY Inari7??????

It looks like we are heading that way early next year… I will have to check it out.

I went to that exhibit when it came to SF about …. ohhh…. it was LOTS of years ago…

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2010 8:37 a.m. PST

The Little Prince went to Star Wars the Musical that's on tour with his aunt – he loved the whole thing

ScottWashburn Sponsoring Member of TMP31 Aug 2010 10:01 a.m. PST

They had the same exhibit at the Franklin Institute last year (plus a lot of folks dressed as Stormtroopers). It was seriously cool seeing the miniatures close up. Especially when you see familiar peices from plastic model kits (a lot of Tiger Is died to make the Millenium Falcon!)

CPBelt31 Aug 2010 11:32 a.m. PST

I must have missed them, Doug. Last we were there was for the first SW Weekend earlier this year. We'll head down when the weather gets a bit cooler. I love looking at original models.

Hexxenhammer31 Aug 2010 12:57 p.m. PST

I saw a similar exhibit at the Art Institute here several years ago. The "miniature" Falcon is freakin' huge!

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2010 3:41 p.m. PST

One of my favorites to see was the "interrogation" droid from the original film, complete with syringe that read "British Made" (upside down). If you watch the scene on DVD, you can just make out the letters.

And yes, the Falcon is huge. What was really interesting to me was learning that the original Star Destroyer that chases the "tiny" Rebel blockade runner is actually a much smaller model than the Rebel ship. The Rebel ship is about 5' long; the SD is maybe 3'. The illusory size difference all comes from how each was individually filmed and added to the sequence in post-production.

(There is a small Falcon model, about 3" diameter, that was used in ESB for the scene in which Han "hides" the ship against the side of the Star Destroyer.)

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