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"Which Version of Star Wars RPG Best Captures Films?" Topic

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CPBelt27 Aug 2010 5:13 p.m. PST

Pretty much says it all in the subject line. You can also suggest SW conversions for other systems, like Savage Worlds.


Only Warlock27 Aug 2010 5:22 p.m. PST

I think the West End Games version did it best. By far.

Farstar27 Aug 2010 5:28 p.m. PST

The West End version rarely gets in the way of moving play along. I can't say that about any of the D20 versions.

Space Monkey27 Aug 2010 5:42 p.m. PST

Was the West End version the first?

Vosper27 Aug 2010 6:12 p.m. PST

West End Games, definitely.

Battle Works Studios27 Aug 2010 6:21 p.m. PST

Yes, WEG-SW was first, and yes, it was arguably best. d20's only advantage is that it's more up-to-date, and if you hate the prequel movies as much as some folks do, that's not really entirely a good thing.

OTOH, if it weren't for d20's fascination with pushing minis around in combat, we'd never have gotten all those prepainted SW figures. Hard not to like cheap stormtroopers. :)

cloudcaptain27 Aug 2010 6:24 p.m. PST

West End/D6.

Nick Weitnauer27 Aug 2010 6:37 p.m. PST

WEG for me too. Star Wars got us hooked on the D6 system, which we went on to play just about everything with for a couple years. We even picked up the sillier stuff like MiB and Herc/Xena.
I think I still have my WEG-SW books packed away in a storage shed somewhere…

wminsing27 Aug 2010 6:40 p.m. PST

I'll echo the WEG suggestion, particularly if you you're focusing on the original trilogy.

I do like the D20 version, but it doesn't capture the flavor of the first three movies like the old D6 version.


Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP27 Aug 2010 6:54 p.m. PST

I picked up a collection 12+ of the West End hardback Star Wars RPG books at our local Con for a $1 USD each.

syr876627 Aug 2010 7:08 p.m. PST

Another vote for West End.

Redmenace55527 Aug 2010 7:48 p.m. PST

WEG's D6 system captures the feel of the original trilogy nicely. It is also a breeze to run and teach to new players. I like the starship rules much better than Wotc's. I do like Wotc's Force rules better.

Source material is a bit hit and miss. Weg did many sourcebooks including a great deal of Extended Universe, ie non canon, material. Personally that stuff didn't work for me but it is there if you want it.

PRO Wotc
Wotc has loads of great and mostly cheap minis which are still available and cover most every era of Star Wars to greater or lesser degree. You can use those for whichever system.

Wizards did some interesting era specific sourcebooks covering KOTOR, The New Republic/Vong War, the Prequels, the Clone Wars series (as of season 1), and Legacy among others. Most of these have been translated to D6 and are available for free download on "The Rancor Pit" website forum under Tools.


They only translate Alien species, droids, ships weapons and equipment and not characters though.

pavelft27 Aug 2010 8:22 p.m. PST

WEG and only WEG.

Space Monkey27 Aug 2010 8:44 p.m. PST

Years ago I was at a ski lodge and met a guy who was writing one of the Star Wars novels/series (name escapes me but I did later see his books on the shelves)… anyway, the reason I noticed him is because he had a big stack of the West End books that he was using for reference.

darthfozzywig27 Aug 2010 9:28 p.m. PST

I do have to wonder how many WEG d6 fans ever played anything else, particularly the SAGA edition.

Nostalgia sometimes tends to color things…

StarfuryXL527 Aug 2010 9:30 p.m. PST

When Timothy Zahn wrote the first new Star Wars books -- his Thrawn trilogy -- he was given a stack of WEG sourcebooks at LFL's behest, to use as his references. Of course, at that time there weren't really any other references except for the movies.

HardRock28 Aug 2010 12:00 a.m. PST


Calico Bill28 Aug 2010 3:59 a.m. PST

WEG 2nd. No contest really. I've read the others and even briefly played them, but WEG left the others for dead.

Tanuki28 Aug 2010 5:19 a.m. PST

I do have to wonder how many WEG d6 fans ever played anything else, particularly the SAGA edition.

I played the original D20 version (a total mess), the revised D20 edition (much better rules, but still tons of over complicated nonsense, like the table for multiple attacks and Attacks of Opportunity). You'll forgive me if I decided not to bother with the SAGA edition, since the previous two D20 efforts had disappointed me so much.

I'll freely admit that the D20 version of the game had much more to cover than the D6 game, and a different tone. Jedi powers, especially, were vastly expanded in scope and power in the prequel movies, and gave them more of a superhero feel than the pulpy/Saturday morning serial vibe of the original films.

I still prefer the WEG version though – either first edition for pure simplicity and action, or the revised second edition for a more solid ruleset.

CPBelt28 Aug 2010 5:31 a.m. PST

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd WEG?

The Beast Rampant28 Aug 2010 8:21 a.m. PST

WEG, though the supplements were pretty bleh- well, most any that I saw.

I really don't care for the D20 system, but it REALLY didn't serve the SW universe well. Simpler is always more cinematic, unless you're GM is no good.

DrWhom28 Aug 2010 3:48 p.m. PST

If you're looking for the books then you want WEG's Star Wars the RPG Second Edition Revised and Expanded (big black hardcover with the Millennium Falcon on the cover). It's got the final version of the rules.

Hexxenhammer28 Aug 2010 4:31 p.m. PST

I've played them all and Saga is the best. Bar none, by far. To much figuring in the WEG game. They were great for their time, but their time has past. They are still great reference material though.

Rassilon28 Aug 2010 7:54 p.m. PST

SAGA edition feels just right for the universe. Elegant and balanced, Force users aren't overwhelming yet are still fun to play.

Happy Little Trees28 Aug 2010 9:13 p.m. PST

Running around the neighborhood with broomhandle lightsabers was the best edition. I guess we were 11 year old LARPers. Of course the Force was subtler in those days. No 30 foot vertical leaps or throwing trash cans across the street.

Stern Rake Studio29 Aug 2010 2:08 p.m. PST

My vote is for WotC Saga Edition, but this may be because I haven't played any of the previous products--either WEG, or WotC's pre-saga rules.

That being said, however, I still have a few WEG supplements, because WotC didn't make a comparable product.

pahoota29 Aug 2010 6:43 p.m. PST

I've only GMed the WEG version so I can't make comparisons. What I can say however is that my players (who were not huge SW fans) always remarked how much the games "felt like the movies." It wasn't my lame adventures, it was definitely the game system. If you find it, buy it.

richarDISNEY30 Aug 2010 9:13 a.m. PST

Well, for setting… WEG…
For action game play… Saga Ed…

The other d20 versions were totally lacking in all aspects…

Lion in the Stars30 Aug 2010 10:54 a.m. PST

SAGA edition feels just right for the universe. Elegant and balanced, Force users aren't overwhelming yet are still fun to play.

I dunno… Saga edition still has the D&D3.x feat stacking issue. You can *accidentally* build a character that can wipe the floor with Anakin.

I've heard good things about the d6 game (usually that it plays as fast/just like Ep4/5/6), but I'm not a huge star wars fan in general.

Zardoz31 Aug 2010 6:24 a.m. PST

WEG. D20 is just a rules heavy mess.

Lupulus31 Aug 2010 10:24 a.m. PST

For published games, WEG all the way. The d20 system is just a badly disguised D&D in space (Consider the term "force user" for example).

I have a feeling a modified Spirit of the Century would make a magnificent Star WarsRPG.

infojunky01 Sep 2010 3:04 p.m. PST

Its a toss-up D6 the WEG editions or Savage Worlds.

Zardoz02 Sep 2010 5:08 a.m. PST

Lupulus – you could be onto something there. Any game system that favours narration over crunchy task resolution should be perfect for Star Wars. I may just break out Starblazer (SF Fate system) and give it a try.


Elohim03 Feb 2011 11:03 a.m. PST

WEG. Hands down.

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