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"Need help to identify an M113 varaint." Topic

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1,376 hits since 20 Aug 2010
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

RobH20 Aug 2010 7:09 a.m. PST

I have a dozen microtank models of an M113 variant that I cannot identify, so I am hoping the following description will be familiar to someone.

The vehicle is a full size M113 with 5 road wheels and twin rectangle rear doors. The front has an applique panel chevron "<" shaped positioned so that the upper edge of the chevron is virtually flush with the roof of the 113, there does not appear to be any further applique on the sides or rear. The front is very similar to this: picture but the point of the chevron is much higher.

The roof has a small hmg/cannon auto turret mounted in the centre of the front/rear axis but well over to the right (as you look at the 113 from infront)almost overhanging the right hand side.

From pictures I can find it is not a 114 recon variant nor the OSV "fake BMP" training vehicle, body shape is right for the latter but that has a large turret centrally mounted. Neither is it the Canadian Lynx.

These vehicles came in a bag of microtanks supposedly for Canadian forces in Germany in the 1980s. The Zelda is the nearest I have found, but still not the same.

So, does this ring any bells?

elsyrsyn20 Aug 2010 7:50 a.m. PST

Sure sounds a lot like a Lynx turret mount, but you've already eliminated that. The chevron on the front could be a flotation cell, like was fitted to the FSV.


haywire20 Aug 2010 7:52 a.m. PST
Garand20 Aug 2010 8:42 a.m. PST
tmy 193920 Aug 2010 9:43 a.m. PST

Any chance it could be the French AMX-10P?


Without a picture it's a bit hard to say but it does have five road wheels, the front sounds similar to what you are describing, there are two doors in the rear ramp, and the turret is roughly center front to rear although a bit to the back and offset right from the front although not overhanging (that could be the effect of the turret ring).

Good luck with the ID.

Major Mike20 Aug 2010 10:52 a.m. PST

From your initial description, the first thing I noted was " twin rectangle rear doors". No such thing on a 113. A 113 has a drop ramp that also has a smaller hatch within. Do not get the recon version of a 113 mixed up with the 114. A true 114 had a round rear hatch (no ramp) and a 20mm auto cannon mounted to the commanders hatch. It is not as big as a 113 in length or width.

You might be looking at a variant of the British FV-432 or another possible vehicle is the Swedish Pbv 302.

Garand20 Aug 2010 11:44 a.m. PST

HS-30 Kurtz? link


RobH20 Aug 2010 11:47 a.m. PST

Jimmy 214, Thank you, that is it, great ID. My models are not GHQ, but that is it for sure.

French, wonder how they managed to get invovled in a Canadian Cold War armoured force? Looks like these are going to be conversion fodder to make some Zeldas.

Thanks for all the ideas guys, some neat looking vehicles amongst those.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP22 Aug 2010 3:17 p.m. PST

Commanded an M113 Mech Company ('87-'89) … What your describing does not sound like an M113 … to me. Can you post a picture ?

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