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949 hits since 14 Aug 2010
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Aug 2010 6:43 a.m. PST

I know it was a week ago, but I'd like to know what folks got…

I picked up:
KODT #150, and a Kingdoms of Kalamar Book
Weregeek #2
A copy of "The Dead Matter" from Midnight Syndicate
A Beer girl from Impact Miniatures
10 loose women figs from RPE/Iron Wind
4 packs of figs from Tri-Tac/Bureau 13 (2 packs of Aliens with "probes", 1 pack of Sheriff and Deputy, and 1 pack of Scientist with Toadies)…
Some dice..always try to get a couple of dice…it's a tradition thing…
And that was about it…there were some more things there that I would've liked to have had, but common sense kept me from splurging money on…

Hydra Studios Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Aug 2010 7:22 a.m. PST

I was swamped at the Hydra Miniatures booth, but my minions watched the booth for an hour on Sunday so I could buy a few things:

-a few metal Confrontation castings (50% off!)
-various old Ral Partha trolls and animals from IWM
-Great Goblins from Thunberbolt Mountain (will be Great Orcs for my Old school Fantasy project.)

The best pruchase of the con was a dead Apatosaurus with a scavenging T-Rex from Craig Acheson early Thursday morning. My five year old son Sam has been monitoring their Facebook page and was very excited that I bought him the figures. Yesterday he painted the apatosaurus with drybrushing. We're gearing up for a homebrew game hes calling Dino Safari.

Matt Beauchamp
Hydra Miniatures

Dennis14 Aug 2010 8:55 a.m. PST

Some of Matt's War Rocket minis-I'd planned on going by the booth anyway and then Matt, John and Jeff were in one of my AWI games and showed me the Minis John had painted-visible at the web store-and that sealed the deal; I had to get some.

Both the sculpting and painting make for a great retro look-now if only John can convince Matt to go for space zombies…..

BTW Matt, I hope Sam liked the trees.


Hydra Studios Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Aug 2010 9:01 a.m. PST

Hi Dennis:

It was great to meet you, too. Your AWI games was really cool, and I apologize that I distracted by home issues. I'm glad you liked our pulp figures.

Also, thanks for the weird prehistoric trees. Sam was very excited and we used them for our first playtest of Dino Safari (hunters lost again!)


flooglestreet14 Aug 2010 9:05 a.m. PST

I got the War Rocket rules and some War Rocket minis. I also got his space cadet and alien leader, somehow lost in the excitement over War Rocket. I also got a brain and a tube to hold it in, de riguer equipment for a mad scientists lab, some street fixtures like a post box and a newspaper box, some novels (all hail Half Price Books) including a Doc Smith I haven't read yet. Also some modules for Buck Rogers.

Roderick Robertson Fezian14 Aug 2010 9:51 a.m. PST

Nuthin'. Really.

I wandered the Dealer's Hall with money in my pocket, but nothing piqued my interest enough to put money down for it. (maybe it was just lack of sleep)

On the other hand, I *did* get given a "Puppy-kicking Bad Guy" T-shirt by the Zombie Buddy folks, and a few other things, including dice and the Arcane legions starter, but this was a remarkably cheap GenCon for me.

Jana Wang14 Aug 2010 9:53 a.m. PST

I grabbed a new Hirst arts mold (#95, egyptian blocks) and a handful of half-price Croc Games blisters. Also picked up one of DarkSword's new figures, and Reaper's Frumitty. It was a really light year for me, I usually spend $$$ on figures but just did not find much exciting this year. That and the hall was so packed the 3 days I went (Thu, Fri and Sun) I could barely see anything. Some booths were so jammed with people I couldn't get in them to look. And the line for the auction store was out the door and down the hall each time I went by. I don't know if folks were spending but they sure were in there shopping and looking.

Backyardpatrol14 Aug 2010 11:24 a.m. PST

Dark Heresy for a friends birthday. I would have bought Dust tactics but it was a bit lame to make us wait in 2 lines, one to get your copy of the game and one for the checkout!
So I took the money FFG lost and spent it all on Zombies!!! and some expansions from Twilight Creations.
I bought a box of shock Troops by wargames factory (nice, BTW) from the Warstore.
And some OOP Mordheim sisters and bits.

Tommy2014 Aug 2010 11:34 a.m. PST

Aside from picking up the last remaining Star Wars Miniatures singles to round out my collection, I got the two new releases for Memoir '44 (gotta keep the collection complete!), a copy of Elk Fest ('cause it made me laugh), the Leverage RPG (just to see how they turned that show into one), and the "Complete" Canal Priests of Mars (now available after 20 years).

Forager14 Aug 2010 10:37 p.m. PST

More than I should have! Here's the line-up:

1. A bunch of those colored magnetic discs from Alea Tools. I thought they'd be useful markers for some skirmish level games.

2. From Acheson Creations, I got some THW products (the eastern front supplement for NUTS! and the card deck for use with ATZ) and a sampling of nifty resin trench system and foxhole terrain pieces that are made to be inserted into 2" thick insulation boards.

3. A half-dozen or so minis from Reaper's Chronoscope series.

4. From Mayfair Games, the latest addition to the Conflict of Heroes (squad level WWII boardgame) series called "Price of Honour" and a copy of "The First World War" strategic level boardgame.

5. Pre-cut bases (from Warstore?), dice from Koplow Games, and the Capital City base set of paper terrain from Fat Dragon.

6. A few ruins/rubble terrain pieces from Armorcast. I also got some of their "soda can" toppers which convert empty aluminum cans into nice looking terrain pieces.

7. I finally got a start on a collection of the excellent medieval foot and Arthurian knights by Thunderbolt Mountain for a little project I've been wanting to get to for awhile.

8. A variety of historical minis from BowenDragon1. He mainly sells swords, but he also had a box of minis he was selling for 1/2 price or less and virtually everything in it was something I'm interested in. So I got a couple bags of BH 15mm ACW Rebs (50 foot, 16 mtd), a few bags of 15mm OG Normans(100 foot, 16 mtd), a large bag of 15mm OG SYW Austrians (100 foot), and 4 small bags of BH 25mm WW2 Soviets and Germans (43 figures total).

Fortunately for my wallet, I did fairly well on my auction items (several boardgames I won't miss), so my net out-of-pocket for these purchases was about $150. USD

mad monkey 115 Aug 2010 10:10 a.m. PST

1. Dust tactics.
2. Savage Worlds books for Space 1889, Iron Dynasty, and the Superpowers companion.
3. Couple of Bawidaman T-shirts.
4. Some BEVO figs from Mongoose.
5. Pole dancer for Yoders from MBA.
6. Book of Shadowrun short stories.
7. Some t-shirts from the Ram.
8. GURPS sourcebook for the Wild West.
Ran out of funds.

rmaker15 Aug 2010 3:58 p.m. PST

War Rocket and some miniatures from Matt.

Wings of War:Flight of the Giants from FFG.

Red Sands and the basic Savage Worlds rules from Pinnacle.

The new Zeppelin Age book from Heliograph.

A 40th Anniversary T-shirt and a copy of Tunnels & Trolls (the latter for my 11-year-old godson) from Flying Buffalo.

Some dice at Gamescience.

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