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Stealth100005 Aug 2010 3:13 a.m. PST

I know a lot of you may have seen this blog before but I only just came across it after a mate on our clubs yahoo group pointed it out. It's set in the late 1980's and revolvers around the defeat of Maggi and a taking over of the UK by a hard line left wing government that tells the USA to get off British soil. Soon the civil war starts. What is so fun is it's done as new reports. It's a great read. I was pretty political back then and would have ended up as a rebel. Have a read it's very good. I would be interested to hear what you U.S. guys would have thought back then. Me I would have been out there fighting the commies for queen and country. LOL

Sane Max05 Aug 2010 3:39 a.m. PST

Then you and I would have been looking at each other over the barrel of a gun. I was a member of the Youth Wing of a Certain Organisation, and would have been among the shock-troopers of the Revolution.

It is quite a good read.


Stealth100005 Aug 2010 3:44 a.m. PST

@ Pat. LOL. Glad it never happend mate. :-)
I may have ended up in clink anyway. My Nan was pretty left wing (being a union rep; wow we had some fights back then me and her, bless her) and who knows, she may have handed me over the the police.

14th Brooklyn05 Aug 2010 3:46 a.m. PST

Oh great… it all started on my 11th birthday! evil grin



Steve Blease05 Aug 2010 4:15 a.m. PST

I must apologise for the lack of updates as Britaon stands on the brink but more is coming soon along with news of American and European intervention.

In the meantime check out Mark's similar (but one election earlier) English Civil War:

Sane Max05 Aug 2010 4:18 a.m. PST

and who knows, she may have handed me over the the police.

It would be her patriotic Duty.

Derek Hatton would have made a Great PM… "Better to Break the Law than Break the Poor"


Steve Blease05 Aug 2010 4:42 a.m. PST

Derek will be rising to prominence soon… :-)

Stealth100005 Aug 2010 5:20 a.m. PST

Long live the Queen. Death to the republic. :-)

(I make fun of others)05 Aug 2010 5:58 a.m. PST

I noticed the guy on Dropship Horizon is blogging about a British Civil War lately too, though his rev is set in the late 70s, fairly sure. Can't imagine why there is so much nostalgia for civil wars that never happened lately (wink) when there is a perfectly nice historical one to game. grin

Sane Max05 Aug 2010 6:07 a.m. PST

More Dakka Porfirio – More Dakka.

Oh, and 'We will Hang the Last Queen with the Guts of the Last Tory'


Steve Blease05 Aug 2010 6:16 a.m. PST

@porfirio: "Can't imagine why there is so much nostalgia for civil wars that never happened lately"

From my pov it was to use existing old Cold War forces that I'd had since my youth, however newer models have proved too tempting…

Stealth100005 Aug 2010 6:59 a.m. PST

It really has some good gaming potential for the modern figures I have. And as a lot of us lived through the highly political 1980's it is an interesting time that we can relate to. I have never had much of an interest in the first ECW but a modern one has an odd appeal.

fleabeard05 Aug 2010 7:10 a.m. PST

I used to game this after reading James Clay's articles in MW or WI, I forget which. I liked being able to justify the use of almost anything in my modern collection and beyond. I particularly liked the war's "fuel crisis" which meant cavalry and armoured (steam!) trains were often the norm, and airsrikes a luxury. One suggested scenario was the rescue of an armoured train that had broken down in hostile territory whilst under attack from tanks and infantry.

Oh Bugger05 Aug 2010 7:27 a.m. PST

Pat, Derek Hatton will now sell you a timeshare if you want.

The Labour PM in 'A Very British Coup' was modelled on Ken Livingstone. Someon told me its on tv again a must see for fans of the new English Civil War.

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP05 Aug 2010 8:14 a.m. PST

What a horrifying concept for gaming.

WarpSpeed05 Aug 2010 8:23 a.m. PST

Dont let the topic mislead you ,the real schism is over who prefers cod to halibut.Fans of bangers and mash with mushy peas will be purged by both pescivorous clans.

Fatman05 Aug 2010 8:26 a.m. PST


I don't see why its any more horrifying than the 1930s BCW that is currently popular, or Cold War goes hot type games. As stated above it lets you put lots of cold war toys on the board and have some fun.


CooperSteveOnTheLaptop05 Aug 2010 8:31 a.m. PST

Hmmmm… that wouyld have disrupted my A-levels (not necessarily a bad thing)

CooperSteveOnTheLaptop05 Aug 2010 8:32 a.m. PST

Yeah I'm with Fatman. War is grim. Get over it. Its a game

chaos0xomega05 Aug 2010 9:15 a.m. PST

Well… I wouldn't be born for at least another year after all this happened, but if I was alive, I know I would be shocked that this could happen to our most stalwart ally (I'm an American)…

…although I am slightly confused. I profess no true understanding of the British political system, but I was under the impression that a government could only be formed with permission of the (otherwise largely powerless) Queen. I.E. – why would she abdicate when she could abolish?

AndrewGPaul05 Aug 2010 10:38 a.m. PST

I don't see why its any more horrifying than the 1930s BCW that is currently popular, or Cold War goes hot type games.

Or any other war, frankly.

chaosxomega, that's one of those powers that's never been tested – certainly she can legally abolish the government, but it's pretty obvious at this point that Prime Ministre Jacma- I mean, Cranwell, will refuse to step down. It's doubtful that anyone in the UK would even hear of it, given that the government has control of the BBC, and probably other media.

chaos0xomega05 Aug 2010 10:46 a.m. PST

ah, fair enough point. I was just curious, as it was my understanding that abdication in Britain had some rather severe, irreversible consequences, and it seemed like an extreme measure… although the situation itself is also rather extreme…

flicking wargamer05 Aug 2010 11:00 a.m. PST

The book How To Stage a Military Coup also has a takeover of the government by the military in Britain. What is up with that?

Zephyr105 Aug 2010 3:23 p.m. PST

Just replace the zombies in your favorite zombie game with chavs…. ;-)

boggler06 Aug 2010 2:27 a.m. PST

I reckon an AK47 based system would work really well for this.

Lord Flashheart06 Aug 2010 5:23 a.m. PST

I play modern 28s and this has left me cold i'm afraid. Would be a bit like gaming the Miners strike i suppose, doable but not a project i could get excited about.
For those looking for more on this,1970s,VBCW 1938, and even Victorian varaints go to GWP3. The whole concept of variants of a British Civil War seem to have taken over the forum which is a bit of a shame and i now visit a lot less frequently then i once did as the variety of periods posted on has dropped.

dwight shrute06 Aug 2010 6:13 a.m. PST

i believe dropship horizon is working on a similar project as well …

nikharwood10 Aug 2010 4:38 a.m. PST

I've just got into this, having been pointed to the England Prevails blog – you can see my background here:


and my first scrap, in 10mm using Cold War Commander rules, here:


majormike6901 Sep 2010 11:46 a.m. PST

Looking good Nik, Paticularly like the Berlin Chieftains

lutonjames01 Sep 2010 4:04 p.m. PST

Would have been better set in the 1970's.

Pat- my group of shock troops always considered your shock troops- no more than sand bags- so there!

Seamus02 Sep 2010 9:44 a.m. PST

"I must apologise for the lack of updates as Britaon stands on the brink but more is coming soon along with news of American and European intervention."

If the idea is Blease' doing, then it must be awesome!

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