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PraetorianHistorian05 Aug 2010 1:04 p.m. PST

Wonder why I/we(?) never heard of it?

Maybe if they put it in the newsletter! Oh…wait…

Ed Mohrmann05 Aug 2010 1:34 p.m. PST

I received an invitation to join them NING group a year or
so back, IIRC.

I think the NING group mailed them to all the HMGSI
members for whom they had e-dresses.

firstvarty197905 Aug 2010 1:53 p.m. PST

I joined the HMGS NING group when I first heard about it last year. I think information about it was posted as a message on the NOVAG Yahoo! board. It's really grown quiet lately, however, and that may be because the moderation of the HMGS Yahoo! "official" message board has become much less severe than previously. Without the heavy moderation (i.e., censorship) there is not much demand at the momemt for another online discussion venue.

Oh Bugger06 Aug 2010 3:57 a.m. PST

An explaination to savour Allen, nicely observed.

vonLoudon06 Aug 2010 7:27 p.m. PST

Letters of demand for money for allegedly breaking the contract, I presume. One for BCC and one for a hotel or hotels for rooms. Someone said, and I agree, there should have been some sort of escape clause or cancellation clause especially with a 9 month window before the show would take place. Something is wrong with this picture.

28mmMan03 Sep 2010 3:51 p.m. PST

I only found this interesting topic after being directed to the latest dog house crew.

A quick note on watermelon, greens, and chicken.

Here in the states, I will be clear for our out of country friends, along with these three classics watermelon, greens, chicken…it should include cat fish in the South and along the main river states, rice and beans, lobster to the Northeast, etc…clearly it is all about food that the poor could afford, catch, or grow.

The watermelon in particular has its origins in Africa.

As a handful of foods that have ties with those people from Africa who found themselves here in the USA against their will, these foods brought a sense of comfort and familiarity. The generations that followed inherited these foods as tradition.

The use of ethnic or region foods as an insult is usually an issue of colloquialisms. These regional insults gain momentum and here we are…where noting a food item establishes a lack of wealth or social status.

I do not understand the mass consideration that these and other poor foods are relegated to one group of people…there were many races included within this low citizenry, not just the ones from Africa.

Our regional and cultural insults follow race and food throughout our history…American-Irish with potatoes, American-Mexican with beans, etc.. It is all an understood issue about working with what you can afford.

The really funny little bit about all of this, the ironic taste of karma is that these foods are most often appreciated by the very same people who commonly use these foods as an insult.

I grew up in the American South…I was not poor but we often ate watermelon, fired chicken, greens, catfish, etc…these things were and are eaten by lots of people…because they are relatively inexpensive and in most cases, taste good.

The culturally ignorant and socially retarded use these food based insults because they fear becoming what these foods represent, poor.

It is all about fear.

It is interesting how so simple of a thing such as watermelon can represent so much more.

Me, I am first generation American of off the plane/boat Irish and French parents…raised mostly in the American South and a handful of Caribbean islands. And as I spent my early childhood in the 70's in the deep South I saw this cultural hypocrisy first hand…friend of mine found his father hung by the clan, another beaten close to death because he dated a black girl, etc..

These same people that committed these crimes, that use the same food insults and worse, would sit down to a fried chicken dinner with grits, greens, cornbread, and yes…watermelon.

I am sure there are examples of the same everywhere there are people…it is most times easier to push someone down than to lift yourself up.

I love watermelon, grits, cornbread, greens (with vinegar), and fried chicken.


Es gesta non verba, generalia specialibus non derogant…reductio ad absurdum.

(It is actions not words, the common/base thing does not hide the special…leading back to the silly/absurd)

maskedman03 Sep 2010 7:58 p.m. PST

28mm man?????????who cares

28mmMan03 Sep 2010 8:49 p.m. PST

…oh…sorry, I was coming down off my meds…little loopy there :)

47Ronin04 Sep 2010 10:42 a.m. PST

This was an interesting discussion for some of us, until it went on its watermelon detour.

My compliments to Rustycop and vonLoundon for taking the time to post the financial information which started this discussion.

While I don't often comment on the state of HMGS, I don't subscribe to the "leave the BOD" alone approach taken on a related thread for a variety of reasons. My sense of the current situation is that the powers that be at HMGS are enjoying the well-deserved positive post-Historicon feedback that resulted from a convention that was generally well received.

However, "the era of good feelings" might quickly come to an end if the terms of the "letters of demand" referenced above by vonLoudon were made known to the HMGS membership. Then, the true cost of Valley Forge would be clear. And before someone says that the terms can't be disclosed to the membership because of "legal considerations," consider the following. It should be obvious that the representatives of the BCC know what the terms are. The BOD knows what has been demanded of HMGS but they aren't talking. That only leaves the membership in the dark which, presumably, is the way some people want it.

A "boycott," whether here or on the HMGS Forum, only serves to keep relevant questions from being asked. Whether any answers are ever forthcoming, we'll see.

firstvarty197904 Sep 2010 10:21 p.m. PST

Yeah, it's been darned quiet for the past month. And I don't think "no news is good news" in this case.

DJCoaltrain05 Sep 2010 11:24 a.m. PST

47Ronin 04 Sep 2010 10:42 a.m. PST

However, "the era of good feelings" might quickly come to an end if the terms of the "letters of demand" referenced above by vonLoudon were made known to the HMGS membership. Then, the true cost of Valley Forge would be clear. And before someone says that the terms can't be disclosed to the membership because of "legal considerations," consider the following. It should be obvious that the representatives of the BCC know what the terms are. The BOD knows what has been demanded of HMGS but they aren't talking. That only leaves the membership in the dark which, presumably, is the way some people want it.

*NJH: Instead of asking the BOD for a copy of the BCC agreement, why not ask the BCC for a copy? Surely they can't be worried about torches and pitchforks.

Just a thought

BuddyBoy210 Sep 2010 5:30 a.m. PST

As I understand it, the letters of demand are from two of the Baltimore entities – the convention center and one of the hotels. The hotel is reported to be after two years of payments as someone on the Board contracted for two years with that hotel. Total demand for payment is reported to be approximately 120k.

historygamer11 Sep 2010 9:14 a.m. PST

Like many, I am curious too, but even if we knew everything, so what? How, other than satisfying our curiousity, does that help in any way?

Knowing something, then doing something useful with it are two different things.

BuddyBoy213 Sep 2010 6:44 a.m. PST


DJCoaltrain13 Sep 2010 9:25 p.m. PST

Knowledge is power.

Ignorance is bliss.

Bliss only lasts until those with power crush it out of existence!

rustycop16 Sep 2010 5:57 p.m. PST

this posting belongs near the fall in post

vonLoudon27 Sep 2010 3:20 p.m. PST

Well as I predicted here on a previous thread, Historicon is scheduled for the VFCC in July 2011 at about the same time. Although the accolades for this year are pleasant to hear the issues of the date and vacation plans, the costs to dealers and the costs to everyone else are potential problems for a "successful" convention, but with some financial prudence might be doable. It remains to be seen and hopefully those who do attend will enjoy it. That is the reason for it's existence; it's a hobby and it's a fun hobby for me most of the time. Don't let anyone else's opinion including mine stop you from planning and attending because it is ultimately your choice.

Disco Joe28 Sep 2010 9:10 a.m. PST

Even though I would prefer the Host location I have gone and will go to Valley Forge. I just wish the timeframe would be near the end of July like it use to be as opposed to when it is scheduled for.

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