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1,785 hits since 26 Jun 2010
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Tango0126 Jun 2010 6:01 p.m. PST

Those are some shots of that battle played last month at the "Club des Marie Louise des Flanders".
Please allow me to share with you.











Hope you like them.


Brett Longworth26 Jun 2010 6:21 p.m. PST

Very nice. What range of figures are they?

aecurtis Fezian26 Jun 2010 6:32 p.m. PST

If you don't want to click on each individually:


Adam D26 Jun 2010 7:00 p.m. PST

Great pictures!

@Brett Longworth:

At least some are 15mm Essex and 15mm Freikorps minis. Others I didn't recognize.

Prince Alberts Revenge26 Jun 2010 8:04 p.m. PST

What rules? Volley & Bayonet?

Ditto Tango 2 126 Jun 2010 8:43 p.m. PST

Hi Armand,

No offence meant, but I think you should be presenting these and other pictures you present as part of the blog or web site you lift them from. I would be disappointed if someone were passing around pics from my site (not that anything I have is really worth circulating, but still…) without the context of the site itself and I'm sure Sylvain might feel the same way too.

This really is getting a bit weird.

Flat Beer and Cold Pizza26 Jun 2010 8:53 p.m. PST

"This really is getting a bit weird."

I agree. Dr. Raul Alberto really does want to contribute to the forum, and that's a great thing. Alas, he's not sure how to go about doing it. That's a bad thing. It's kind of like the affectionate house cat who keeps leaving dead rodents as love offerings on your bed; in the beginning it's quaint but creepy. After a time the quaintness dissipates and only the creepiness remains.

95thRegt26 Jun 2010 10:31 p.m. PST

This really is getting a bit weird."
Wow,and I thought I was the only one noticing this!


royaleddy27 Jun 2010 12:06 a.m. PST

everyone is noticing.
I'm still in the 'its kinda sweet' camp but Bill's house is piling up with dead rodents.

Mapleleaf27 Jun 2010 1:43 a.m. PST

Agree it smells – not exactly piracy but pretty close

archstanton7327 Jun 2010 1:59 a.m. PST

Good looking game…So ARmand are they all your figures or do you just collect one side?

Also there should be more round hats at this time….Great looking battle though….Did you see our club battle of Germantown???

archstanton7327 Jun 2010 2:00 a.m. PST

TMP link


aecurtis Fezian27 Jun 2010 7:08 a.m. PST

"Agree it smells – not exactly piracy but pretty close"

I wouldn't say that, and I have been as persistent a critic of "Armand's" practices as anyone.

Where he has run into trouble a couple of times is in posting links to copyrighted material that is inappropriately held on some Web site. Bill has removed those when notified.

But most of the time, "Armand" is just re-posting what he's seen elsewhere, and implying a relationship to the original source. That may well be true. But in some cases, we've already seen the blog entries posted by their authors; and in others (as above) it makes more sense simply to refer to the blog or Web site than posting links to individual photos. That also makes the photos' provenance quite clear.

I have asked "Armand" before to post some of his own work. I think TMPers might be interested in seeing that. Posting links to others' work several times each day: not so much.


Tango0127 Jun 2010 5:13 p.m. PST

Dear sirs, I received the material by mail from friends all over the world, and I posted here as I had received it.
Many times there are good info about what's the matter, but many other only the pics.
My intention was always to share those pics, works, links,etc I had considered interesting to each period.
About posting my work, I had advice many times how bad I am paiting and taking photos, but I had post a link were you can saw some of them. I had not page nor link.
But I always had considered that it's not a problem because many (or more) of the posters here didn't show any work.
So, if I had put some good things and another not so good, aphologies.

AICUSV22 Jul 2010 8:09 a.m. PST

Those of you who have gamed Germantown; how have you handled the reduced visibility issue? A lack of agreement on this has prevent us from doing this scenario for 30 years.

archstanton7322 Jul 2010 12:46 p.m. PST

Well I used Piquet wit a random card event…The Rebels had to pass a difficulty test to avoid shooting at their own men..

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