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"Looking for rules and 15mm figures suitable for Star Wars" Topic

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sffant20 Jun 2010 8:37 a.m. PST

Just watched the prequel and the original series of Star Wars on DVD.

I would like to play some games which can be finished within 2 hours.

Any thought?

Martin Rapier20 Jun 2010 8:48 a.m. PST

i) used micro machines SW figures.

ii) I wrote my own.

chuck05 Fezian20 Jun 2010 9:08 a.m. PST

Hordes of the Things perhaps. Cant really say about miniatures.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Jun 2010 9:29 a.m. PST

There will be folks who can discuss 15mm proxies. I think some work ok, others not as much. I am like Martin. I use Micro Machines scale figs. You can also use figs at the MM scale from the Risk Star Wars boardgames. My son and I are fighting Clone Wars era battles too.

Go here for cool pics and the Clone Wars rules. The Yahoo group has the rebellion Era version. We have used them and like them. We will likely tweak the sequence of play though.



The rules are called Small Wars.



Martin Rapier20 Jun 2010 11:15 a.m. PST

HoTT works very well for SW, as chuck05 indicates, the SW archetypes map very nicely onto HoTT troop types and you can happily field the Death Star as a 'god' or whatever. They don't suit everyone though.

Yes, I do have the Death Star (who hasn't), and use it in games…

Dunadan20 Jun 2010 8:15 p.m. PST

Stargrunt II would work nicely I think, though if you want more emphasis on personal heroic combat, then either Song of Blades & Heroes of Lord of the Rings SBG would work, with a few modifications to represent the Force.

Top Gun Ace21 Jun 2010 11:47 a.m. PST

The SW Micromachines troops are your best bet, if you really must do this scale.

However, they are rather scarce, and expensive.

I'd suggest jumping up to the larger WotC minis, e.g. around 30mm scale, since those can still be purchased rather inexpensively.

You can use the cards that come with the figures for quick skirmish games, or you can look for another set that is to your liking.

There are lots of decent, free sets available. Check the TMP message archives for more info on that subject.

If you are not totally married to the SW look, you can use 15mm GZG, Rebel, and/or Khurasan minis as stand ins instead. There are also others, e.g., Old Crow, etc.

Ivan DBA21 Jun 2010 1:17 p.m. PST

The Micro Machines figures are something like 1/76 scale--just a bit smaller than most soft plastics figures out there, though they vary in size a bit. For example, the Echo Base troops are quite small, more like 18mm figures, but the Storm Troopers are bigger more like 20mm. In anycase, they are all bigger than 15mm, but as others have said, if you want actual Star Wars figures in a scale close to 15mm, they are the way to go.

You can get the Micro machines figs affordably, but it takes time and patience. The best bet is to save a search for them on ebay, and wait for a big lot of them together in a single auction, preferably loose. The "collectors" out there want them mint in the blister pack, and thus won't bid against you for loose figures.

But some packs are super rare, such as Scout Troopers. And they never made Snowtroopers, even though they did make Echo Base troops (grrr…). By contrast, some less-useful types, such as Tie-Fighter and Rebel pilots, are quite common. So it can be a frustrating series of figures to collect. But, the figures you can get are pretty nice sculpts, with a reasonable variety of poses (usually 5 different poses per pack). They are very basically painted, but would benefit in many cases from a dip and highlighting.

I've been unimpressed with most attempts to use other 15mm lines as Star Wars proxies. Star Wars figures have a distinct look to them that is not easily replicated in 15mm figures.

Kremlin Miniatures has a pack of sci-fi ninjas that can serve as 15mm Jedi or Sith. Ground Zero has some New Scandinavians (or something like that) that have parkas similar to Han Solo on Hoth.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Jun 2010 9:24 p.m. PST

I couldn't agree with Ivan more. I haven't been too excited by 15mm proxies. I was lucky. Toys R Us was clearing out all their Star Wars ranges a decade ago. They were a dollar each. I bought 100's. The Ewoks are also pricey. The Clone Wars era sets are all hard to find. I use the cheap Buck Rogers figs from the boardgame. They cost almost nothing.

Cacique Caribe23 Oct 2010 11:34 a.m. PST

Hope this helps:

TMP link


Cacique Caribe01 Apr 2011 1:49 a.m. PST

TMP link

Cool "Wookies" for 15mm, right?


Lampyridae01 Apr 2011 3:51 a.m. PST

If you are patient and very dexterous, you can add a bit of putty to the faceplates of GZG New Israelis to make them look like clone troopers.

infojunky01 Apr 2011 1:15 p.m. PST

If I where going to game Star Wars I would use Savage Worlds as the base rule set there are a couple of good fan conversions out there.

As for figures I would start with Khurastan's new Ship's crew. Critical Mass Games make nice alien mercenaries. As for the hordes of armored targets I would sort through the selection of fully armored figure lines.

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