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"SYW: Prussia, Austria... but who's next?" Topic

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3,257 hits since 10 Jun 2010
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DestoFante11 Jun 2010 8:33 p.m. PST

When I started my SYW project in 15mm, it seemed obvious to build the armies of Austria and Prussia first… but now I am at the point where I can add something more, and I feel a little stuck. Russia would be the next logical player to bring at the table, but I am actually quite attracted by the western front, although I do not know that history very well yet. So, how should I proceed? Adding another major power? The French? Great Britain? Or maybe selected contingents of Saxon and Hanover? Or units from the Reichsarmee?

I am looking for some color, and some interesting historical state that could be deployed on my battlefields either along or against my Prussians or Austrians… what would you suggest to somebody still relative new to the period like myself?

Thanks in advance!

Caldwells Rangers11 Jun 2010 8:51 p.m. PST

Frederick fought the inferior French and thier Reichsarmee allies once, at Rossbach and routed them in short order. Now, the Russians are an entirely different matter and more of a challege to the Prussians. They fought Frederick to a bloody draw at Zorndorf, defeated him at Kunersdorf. With scads of artillery (including the bizarre "secret" howitzers) and exotic troops such as cossacks and kalmuks the russians are my first choice of a SYW army that i'm painting now!
Plus I got bags of Russian figures cheap…

Berlichtingen11 Jun 2010 8:59 p.m. PST

The Russians. An extremely colorful army. Plenty of exotic units to go with the green and red regulars (or all red in the summer). A worthy opponent for your Prussians. As Caldwells Rangers mentioned, the Prussians only fought the French once… ending in one of the most (if not THE most) lopsided victory in the horse and musket era

timurilank12 Jun 2010 1:23 a.m. PST

I would read through some of the western campaigns at to have a better impression.


For my own armies of the German camaigns I have British and allies to field against the French. There are Prussian units present, namely Dragoons and the famous Black Hussars. This would offer a wide variety of uniform colours as would the French with their Swiss, Irish and German regiments.

All of the Hesse Kassel regiments are actually Prussian Musketeer regiments with correct command and flags. So adding only a command element you could field Hessians units rather quickly. Likewise, the Austrians also sent a number of units to assist the French with their campaigns in Western Germany.

Keep us posted.

ochoin deach12 Jun 2010 1:57 a.m. PST

The French are a very colourful army.
And if you ever decide to branch out into the French & Indian Wars, you already have a few units painted.

Hanoverians would be nice to raise to fight the French.

Add a few British units to help the Hanoverians…hey, this sort of thing has no end.

Altefritz12 Jun 2010 3:06 a.m. PST

Red and Green Russian and Blue/white Reichsarmee to beef-up the whitecoats.

Personal logo Lluis of Minairons Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jun 2010 12:55 p.m. PST

Maybe Ottoman Turks? It still stands as a major power by mid 18th century, it is extremely colourful and besides allows you a radical collecting/painting/and-so change.

…Oh, and it's a main concern for your Austrian army.

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jun 2010 6:59 p.m. PST

If you want a pair of armies in Western Germany, then I would recommend Ferdinand of Brunswick's army and use a ratio of 2 brigade Hanoverians, 1 brigade of Hessians or Brunswickers and 1 brigade of British for your infantry. For your cavalry, I would go 40% British, 40% Hanoverian and the other 20% could be a mix of Hessian and Prussian (dragoons and the Black and Yellow hussars).

For your French army, have 2 brigades of French, 1 brigade of Swiss in red coats, 1 brigade of German allies in light blue coats. Your French cavalry should be 100% French.

andygamer12 Jun 2010 9:46 p.m. PST

You could do 1740s WAS Spanish to fight your Austrians in Italy. And use the white-coated Spanish as stand-ins for the French (and Saxons) to fight your Prussians.

DragonfireGames13 Jun 2010 2:16 a.m. PST

You should try the Saxons as they were allied with and against the Prussians. If they were not alled with the Prussians then they were allied with Austria or France….

AICUSV13 Jun 2010 6:32 a.m. PST

Why not Turks to fight the Austrians on their southern flanks???

18th Century Guy Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2010 7:25 a.m. PST

Western Theater would be my choice. Much more color and variety of nations and units involved.

Musketier14 Jun 2010 2:38 a.m. PST

Another recommendation for French or Reichsarmee. Both are colourful, with the latter combining Prussian and Austrian style uniforms.
As others have pointed out, Hessians looked like Prussians for all practical purposes, so with a change of flags, you already have an army to oppose the French. There were several campaigns in which Hessian troops operated separately from their Hanoverian and british allies (whom you can always add later).
On the other hand, after Rossbach the Reichsarmee co-operated more closely with the Austrians against Saxony, so you could have a combined army facing your Prussians, adding Empire units as you finish them.

BW195915 Jun 2010 8:23 a.m. PST

Do the French! As others have said I also have Germans in blue Swiss & Irish in red, French cav in blue, & white. Plus light Inf in variety of colors as well. Plus they are fun to game with.

OldIronsides28 Jun 2010 1:49 p.m. PST

Who makes 25/28mm Russians. You all have me intrigued now reading this thread!?

fitterpete28 Jun 2010 2:19 p.m. PST

I have Foundry and Front Rank.They mix well even in units,but stay away from some of the later Rob Baker sculpts for mixing.Foundry are exspensive these days I got most of mine when a pack was 8 figures for $12 USD to $14. USD

firstvarty197928 Jun 2010 7:22 p.m. PST

If you only want to paint one more army, Russians is the one, since you already have their main opponents the Prussians. If you want to paint what was essentially a completely seperate war, do French vs. Hannover and others.

ge2002bill Supporting Member of TMP28 Jun 2010 8:05 p.m. PST

Frederick's brother Prince Henry maneuvered versus multitudinous and multi-colored contingents of The Holy Roman Empire between the regions in which the French and Austrians operated. You don't have to make Empire commanders and soldiers of low combat value or with little nerve either. Lots of variety and as colorful as a bag of M&Ms too.

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