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"15mm modern/sci fi pilot?" Topic

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2,970 hits since 1 Jun 2010
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McLovin01 Jun 2010 3:37 a.m. PST

I am looking for a model suitable to use as a sci fi pilot something like this;


Thought there could be something suitable in a modern range, perhaps vietnam?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



VonStengel01 Jun 2010 3:49 a.m. PST

Go to Peter Pig and buy a pack of their Israeli Tank Commander heads. Stick one of them on the miniature of your choice.

McLovin01 Jun 2010 3:55 a.m. PST

Do you know of any pics of the PP Israeli heads please?



GeoffQRF01 Jun 2010 3:57 a.m. PST

I have a seated crew figure (somewhere), but meanwhile, would these help? : link

McLovin01 Jun 2010 4:05 a.m. PST

Hi Geoff,

Sorry I should have been clearer; I want a fully standing miniature that I can use in rescue scenarios etc.

Nice figs though, might get a pack to custom one of my sci fi APC's. The 2nd figure in from the left, who is pointing. Does he have a beret on?



GeoffQRF01 Jun 2010 4:16 a.m. PST

Yep, same figure as the third along in the bottom row, just showing the back.

No standing/wounded/'Behind enemy Lines' aircrew yet. One day.

15mm Gnome01 Jun 2010 4:25 a.m. PST

Some pics of Peter Pig Israeli crew


McLovin01 Jun 2010 4:48 a.m. PST

I thought somethinmg like this would be suitable but can't seem to find anything in any 15mm Vietnam ranges;




bandit86 Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2010 5:47 a.m. PST

I would go with Ground Zero Games

SG15-A18 NEW – Available: 931

NAC troopers seated (9 figs, 3 each of 3 poses – including one bareheaded with separate helmet)
And any of standing NAC troopers could be Pilots too.

McLovin01 Jun 2010 6:38 a.m. PST

Bandit86; I have seen those GZG NAC's and really like them but will be collecting them seperately as my next 15mm sci fi army!

I want this pilot figure to fit with QRF's "Deep space marines".

I thought I would find something in a Vietnam or modern range but can't seem to find anything suitable in the 15mm Vietnam ranges I am familiar with.



Colonel Bogey01 Jun 2010 9:14 a.m. PST

Peter Pig also do some nice downed air crew on foot in their Vietnam range.

Which I'm currently painting up for use in an Ambush Alley rescue scenario…

McLovin01 Jun 2010 9:31 a.m. PST

Colonel Bogey; I've seen them and like all PP figs really liked them but not quite what i'm after.

I'm looking for a figure with thier helmet on with a hand gun as apose to a machine gun. Maybe I am just being too specific as I can't find anything. Might need to find a suitable pilot head and do a head swop.

Thanks for all the suggestions.


Top Gun Ace01 Jun 2010 11:36 a.m. PST

Some of the new GZG Light UNSC troops would look excellent, if they will produce seated variants of them.

You'll have to ask Jon nicely though.

I've been bugging him for seated troops for some time, for spaceshuttles, spaceship crews, etc.

About the closest minis that appear somewhat seated are their floating astronaut figs.

Von Trinkenessen01 Jun 2010 1:01 p.m. PST

I use a Rafm figure dismounted pilot in vac/gsuit with helmet on:-

or try:-

or try-the girl on the right is holding a helmet with visor?

PS she also has muscles like Vasquez!!

Good hunting
Guy T

McLovin02 Jun 2010 1:57 a.m. PST

Von T; Really like the RAFM figs, be able to use most of the other figs in that set too.




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