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"Flag Pole Finials for 28mm Minis and Pole Size" Topic

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Correus14 May 2010 6:06 a.m. PST

Hello Everyone!

I've placed my first order for flags from the 'Flag Dude'. Now I need to find flag pole finials for 28mm minis.

So far, all I've found are the ones from Front Rank. Are there other suppliers out there?

I've heard the Front Rank ones don't fit well with the pole size I'm wanting to use – 1/16" (0.0625).

The 'Flag Dude' uses .032"/.81mm but some had said those are too small (that's why I'm looking at the 1/16 size).

Anyone know the thickness of the wire used by OG in their weapons pack?


What size of poll do you all use?


A Twiningham14 May 2010 6:37 a.m. PST

I thought the Dude's flags came with finials/eagles.

Correus14 May 2010 6:45 a.m. PST

Hmmm…I don't see anything saying that. All it says is that they come pre-crumpled and on wire.

Connard Sage14 May 2010 7:18 a.m. PST

I've heard the Front Rank ones don't fit well with the pole size I'm wanting to use

That's what this stuff is for


Chris Rance14 May 2010 8:40 a.m. PST

The Flag Dude's stuff I have got came complete with Front Rank finials attached – but if you want to be sure, send an email and ask. Rick O'Brien is very helpful.

FireZouave14 May 2010 1:52 p.m. PST

I believe Bicorne Miniatures has some, that used to be Firing Line Miniatures.

Widowson15 May 2010 11:44 p.m. PST

A couple of companies out there make spears/lances out of wire with the finial/spearpoint stamped into the end. Really nice. Can't remember the name of the companies involved, but look around.

If you could find those, you could send them to the dude and I'm sure he'd be happy to use your flagpoles.

John de Terre Neuve20 May 2010 4:21 p.m. PST

Flag dudes come with the finials, victrix are smaller than front rank and I believe nicer

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