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"'Starving yogi' astounds Indian scientists" Topic

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GreatScot7210 May 2010 2:01 p.m. PST

Geez, the hungry look on the guy's face alone makes me want to go hit the vending machine for a Snickers. I am a bad human being. evil grin Even if I could imagine going that long without food-no water?

Seriously, that is some supercool-if not a little creepy-news. I could see cultists, government agents, crime lords, and corporate thugs all fighting over his dark, hungry secret.

Now how would we stat him for SoF&F???

Personal logo Wolfshanza Supporting Member of TMP10 May 2010 3:28 p.m. PST

Vell…food and water may not be essential does he live without beer ? ? ACK !

Jovian110 May 2010 4:00 p.m. PST

I said it before and I'll say it again – what a bunch of BS. Let me do the experiment and monitoring – in two weeks you would have nothing but a bunch of rotting flesh as he would die of dehydration and starvation by day 6. Some scientists! LOL!

I'm with you Wolfshanza – beer – this Yogi does not know what living is – perhaps he is the progenitor of zombies!

jpattern210 May 2010 6:37 p.m. PST

I'm with Jovian – I call BS.

He could live without food for two weeks, but not water, no matter how "holy" he is.

. . . only contact with any kind of fluid was during gargling and bathing . . .
So, he's gone 70 years without food or drink, but he can't go 14 days without *gargling* or *bathing*? "I do not eat or drink, but I do not wish to offend with my body odor, and I like my breath to remain kissably sweet."

Did they measure the amount of fluid he was gargling, before and after? How about the bath water? Even if he was sponge-bathing, he could have slurped some fluids. And that's assuming that no one was slipping him anything.

Why did they call off the study after two weeks? Hell, if he's that good, keep the cameras rolling 24/7 for 6 months, see how he does then.

I'm not saying that going two weeks with just a little water is child's play, but it's definitely survivable. Two weeks with no fluids at all? No way.

Whatisitgood4atwork10 May 2010 8:20 p.m. PST

He's obviously smaaarter than your average Yogi. He's probably living off pilfered picnic baskets.

StarfuryXL510 May 2010 10:24 p.m. PST

Hey, there, Boo Boo, slip me some of that bath water.

Henrix11 May 2010 1:59 a.m. PST

Wasn't there a woman just a year ago or so who only lived on air and sun?

And cheesecakes.

flooglestreet11 May 2010 5:13 a.m. PST

@whatisitgood4atwork LOL, you made my morning.

Klebert L Hall11 May 2010 5:48 a.m. PST

Just another fraud, and just another poorly-designed experiment.

John the OFM11 May 2010 7:31 a.m. PST

It's the five minute breaks he takes to "go out and have a smoke" that puzzle me.

The Tin Dictator11 May 2010 7:31 a.m. PST

perhaps he is the progenitor of zombies!

No, even zombies eat.

jpattern211 May 2010 8:10 a.m. PST

It's the five minute breaks he takes to "go out and have a smoke" that puzzle me.
Hah! Yeah, and he returns smelling like Gatorade and Slim Jims. Maybe that's why he needs to gargle.

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP11 May 2010 10:08 a.m. PST
flooglestreet11 May 2010 12:13 p.m. PST

What did yogi's do before there were gullible scientists to fool?

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