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1,645 hits since 28 Apr 2010
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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ThorLongus28 Apr 2010 4:16 a.m. PST

Hi, looking for images of grenadier star soldiers 1983
true 25mm figures. I have about 15 minis stamped grenadier 1983 on bottom. I think they are starsoldiers line but no images at stuff of legends.
also Mirliton is producing some old grenadier…but not these….who owns the rights to these ,and are there any companies producing them?
btw-fantastic minis for 1983-guessing they are star soldiers, they could be traveller also
they have sloped helmets, much like the rebel soldiers on leia's ship in star wars movie,but nice drybrushable armor

zerozero28 Apr 2010 4:30 a.m. PST

Are these of any help link ?

ThorLongus28 Apr 2010 4:54 a.m. PST

will look when home-work internet filter

jizbrand28 Apr 2010 8:51 a.m. PST

Yes, those sloped helmets are a giveaway . . . they're Traveller Imperial Marines. There are about a dozen poses, as I recall -- I really should know since I have about 200 of the little devils. They're my squaddies for Star Grunt; they blend well with GZG's UNSC troopers which I use as command groups.

The stock number was Grenadier 1001 for the boxed set.

And here's the picture of the front and back of the boxed set:

12 figures in toto, including a missile launcher, a prone gunner, and a wounded figure.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian28 Apr 2010 9:38 a.m. PST


are they completely encased in armour like a Star Wars Stromtrooper, or are they only in partial armour?

If they're fully enclosed armour suits, then "jizbrand" is most likely correct given the date stamped on the underside of the figures.

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

ThorLongus28 Apr 2010 9:51 a.m. PST

completely encased very nice sculpting….I want more
but I suspect I am S.O.L.
also has a hvy weapon, assuming a missile launcher

Lerchey28 Apr 2010 10:28 a.m. PST

Yes, the heavy weapons was a separate launcher (2 missiles on a base). Presumably remote controled. I have about 30 of these guys, but no, I won't part with them despite the fact that I do little or no 25mm sci fi gaming these days. The minis are just really, really nice. :)

jizbrand28 Apr 2010 10:29 a.m. PST

Like I said, I have about 200 of them -- some painted, some primed, some bare metal. If you wanted to do a trade, I'd be glad to work with you on it. I got crazy and did a whole company of troops, but there's no table in this town that will hold that many!

I can be reached at

Top Gun Ace28 Apr 2010 12:05 p.m. PST

I'm interested in some too.

Message sent.

Backyardpatrol28 Apr 2010 12:47 p.m. PST

Message sent!

ThorLongus28 Apr 2010 12:56 p.m. PST

yeah I sent a message too, thanks

Top Gun Ace28 Apr 2010 4:11 p.m. PST

I call Dibbs, or Dibs!!!


ThorLongus28 Apr 2010 4:47 p.m. PST

hey, i was the op, i call double dibbs
I thought he was addressing me in his post

GreatScot7228 Apr 2010 5:14 p.m. PST

Yeah, I understand why everyone would be excited about a chance to get some of these figures, but jizbrand was kind enough to make an offer in response to the OP's post. I think it smells of less that good manners for everyone to jump in before the OP who was being addressed even has a chance to respond.

Top Gun Ace28 Apr 2010 5:24 p.m. PST

I agree that Thor should get first dibbs, but that in no way reduces my desire for some of these as well…..


ThorLongus28 Apr 2010 5:57 p.m. PST

no offense taken guys, I didnot respond at first,cuz I cant email from work(and i could not pm him), hopefully he can part with enuff for us all….Im really amazed that these figs were made in 1983 and yet are so nice,crisp,perfectly proportioned. but even more amazed that they have not been reproduced….who has the rights to these?

Farstar06 May 2010 1:45 p.m. PST

The molds may reside with the rest of the Grenadier collection, but the license to produce is long expired and Traveller licensing is currently odd.

LostPict06 May 2010 7:37 p.m. PST

An alternate is the GZG UNSC minis – not the same but similar.

These go really well with the Denizen Ventauri.

Love those 25mm Traveller minis. All the Grenadier Traveller sculpts are well done and work hunting down.

Lost Pict

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