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"Hydra's War Rocket wave 1 at Little Wars this weekend." Topic

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708 hits since 21 Apr 2010
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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wolfgangbrooks21 Apr 2010 10:25 a.m. PST

Hello everyone. We've just gotten a box with Hydra's first wave of War Rocket ships in here at Recreational Conflict "HQ". We've got a dozen each of the Class 1 & 2 ship packs for each of the four factions and a handful of squadron packs.

They are really neat. :)

As this is an entirely new kind of thing for us, I can't say what demand will be like. So come to our booth in the dealer's area early if you want to be sure to snag some.

CmdrKiley21 Apr 2010 10:31 a.m. PST

I have some of the War Rocket minis and have to say they are fantastic stuff.

I'm really looking forward to this game and the new releases. The new Zenethians are supposed to be coming out next week!

SBminisguy21 Apr 2010 4:21 p.m. PST

How does the game play?? Any reviews available yet?

Hydra Studios Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Apr 2010 4:53 p.m. PST

The War Rocket rulebook will be released at Gen Con in August. The game is very simple with no paper record keeping and you can easily complete a game with 12-15 rockets per side in 2 hours. The game is scenario driven to encourage dynamic play. The gameplay favors the laws of action-adventure over the laws of physics, so some die-hard space gamers might dislike the lack of vector movement. The game is written for play without hexes since space hex maps are so expensive. However, the rules also have a section on hex-based play to suit everyone's play style.

Rules author John Douma did a great job creating a game that captures the flavor of the genre. I absolutely love playing War Rocket--It reminds me of the first time I saw Star Wars as a kid.

Here's a TMP link to a DunDraCon convention report from one of the convention players:

TMP link

Matt Beauchamp
Hydra Miniatures

wolfgangbrooks21 Apr 2010 5:25 p.m. PST

The playtest version I saw was very simple and featured all four factions having different styles of movement. Of course that was almost a year ago.

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