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28mmMan11 Apr 2010 8:07 p.m. PST

Post apocalyptic character types with examples…I am looking for advice for 28mm miniature versions to secure/paint for demo purposes.

This is for my pet project, Ex Terra…the world of tomorrow, and this world features as many of the elements that I like and that could fit without breaking the levies.

There are your classic and familiar flavors found in the settings established in games like Gamma World link , Metamorphosis Alpha link , and Morrow Project link …with some seasonings of movies like Mad Max link , Planet of the Apes link , and THX-1138 …and the herbal tastes found in novels/comics like Daybreak: 2250 A.D. link , Kamandi , and Nausiciaa link

Humans come in several varieties…the choices range from vault dwellers hidden away from the outside world for generations, people who found areas of isolation that have survived beyond the chaos of change, and tribes of men/women who worked through the storms and came out steadfast and resilient.

Humanoids are defined as mutants that come from basic human stock and deviate beyond established normal standards of height, weight, and potential; so while there are 7' men in the world of today…let us be honest, these are mutants compared to the standard bar. Dwarfs, giants, armored skin, the evil eye, etc. etc.; the reasoning behind the mutations were designed for balance and interest rather than wiz-bang and world cracker powers…heightened senses, augmented physical and mental ability, altered systems (hardened bones, regeneration, life support, gills, and much more). For those who slather for the superhero brand of powers with gamma eye beams that can melt skyscrapers, energy draining that can wipe out a square mile of life with a thought, and other over the top abilities…these are here, but toned down to keep the flavor without overloading the plate, a single slice instead of the whole cake/pie.

Moreauvians are stable animaloids that were originally genetically altered to further human genetics and then later for the selfish ends of profit for unique pets and companions. Most of your classic science test fodder and normal pet animal stocks are represented…mice, rats, pigs, lesser/greater apes, cats, dogs, and some of the more exotics of reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish; although the exotics are much more rare. Basically these are your equal balance of human with animal…pig-man, cat-man, etc..

Animaloids or mutant animals are defined as mutants that come from basic animal stock and deviate beyond established normal standards of height, weight, and potential. So a dog mutant could have human features but the overall appearance is a dog with mutations rather than a dog-man.

Exotics…symbiotic, parasitic, and colony mutants that take many forms. These are in the game because I like the idea and potential, but these do represent a difficult road to travel as there are truly alien behaviors to consider. Plants, fungus, insects, slimes, molds, etc.. The best way to picture these would be the classic horror of a creature living within a given creature using the creature as a vehicle, guiding/sharing/or controlling the host. Usually the rest of the gaming group would not be aware of these types as there is a universal terror that all intelligent creatures have for something living within them or controlling them…so it adds a certain element that some players may like.

Artificial or created life. Robots that take a form from an intelligent segway through the very basic human form. Androids that mimic the form and function of people and animals (usually cats, dogs, and birds). And to some degree cyborgs…I am not a huge fan of the super mutant cyborg character, but it is an option that some do like, so we make compromises…I do like the idea that replacement parts could be from one android; imagine your amputated arm replaced with an android arm and the arm has its own computer and links…when you die or misplace the arm (ouch) it could easily be linked with another person…recycling; but who is in control, the man or the computer?

Anyway that is the basic idea…200yrs after a series of serious global events…there is a working space station/small lunar base, a partially working elevator, hundreds of vaults in various degrees of closed and open status, a few domed cities, a single large derelict space ship (semi-crash landed), human population is reduced but in certain areas they are increasing nicely, ape cities, and much more.

Characters needed:

closed vault dwellers…classic clean, well equipt, non-modified equipment (pre-fall tech), ready for first contact with the new world…I would prefer more equipment based rather than gun-bunnies…usually scientist types.

Open vault dwellers…like the above but with considerations of having experienced the outside world…weapons would be expected, some modified equipment if possible, military style uniforms are common.

After the fall humans…run the scales…people with just about any level of equipment but without a doubt live within the changed world…sticks and stones through guns and combat boots. (note, most common firearms are types that could be created/maintained with little tech…black powder and the like)

Classic mutant humans…a tentacle arm, two heads, Siamese twins, goat legs, giant, dwarf, etc..

Humanoid animals…beastmen of all types from close to far from the image of man.

Basic animal stock…cats/dogs (usually larger), apes, etc..

Robots, androids, etc…from service droids to those that have a more prickly personality.

Any assistance in these miniature suggestions would be welcome and appreciated.


Top Gun Ace11 Apr 2010 8:52 p.m. PST

GZG has some nice figures in their 25mm range.

A number of women armed with various guns, which would work well, and even though they aren't 28mm scale, since women are generally a little shorter than men, should work just fine.

GypsyComet11 Apr 2010 11:31 p.m. PST

Aberrant Games/Rezolution: robots and various humans or near-humans
MegaMinis for animals
Privateer Press/Hordes/Circle, Everblight, and Skorne for animalia and human "mutants"
Dark Age/all factions

Palewarrior12 Apr 2010 5:45 a.m. PST

The em-4 Future skirmish range is very good, plus if you like those, check out "Copplestone castings" as they where sculpted by the same guy.

Feet up now12 Apr 2010 7:43 a.m. PST

These are quite good for post apoc ..Northstar have nice Trent figures
and some real characterful figures and vehicles from Ramshackle

28mmMan12 Apr 2010 9:39 a.m. PST

Thanks, I am checking through all those suggestions :)

Lord Hypnogogue12 Apr 2010 3:49 p.m. PST

I'm liking these fellas!


28mmMan12 Apr 2010 7:26 p.m. PST

The ferals make great scavengers and quite close to tusken raiders.

Those guys do make good general badguys…I like 'em!

TeknoMerk16 Apr 2010 6:11 a.m. PST

For post-apocalyptic miniatures, cruise over to the Metamorphosis Alpha forum at:

Miniatures section

I and some other members put together the most comprehensive post-apocalyptic miniatures list that I've found on the net. You will need to join the forum to see it, but I think it's worth it. The miniatures section has mutated humans, mutated animals, mutated plants, various terrain pieces (home-made and professional).

Check it out.

Lampyridae16 Apr 2010 6:22 a.m. PST

Hasslefree minis has a few nice minis, mainly modern, but a few which would do as post-apoc or futuristic. They have two very nice SF troopers. Plus hi-tech space dwarves. Actually, that's what I'd expect from low gravity colonists (the Niven idea that you get taller is not supported, the medical reality is that long bones would probably be shorter).

alien BLOODY HELL surfer16 Apr 2010 7:33 a.m. PST

How can long bones be shorter than normal bones?

28mmMan16 Apr 2010 7:44 a.m. PST

Shorter bones would be less susceptible to stress if they were short?

ThorLongus16 Apr 2010 8:13 a.m. PST

long bones is a medical term for the "long bones" in the body, such as the femur,tibia,fibula,humerus,radius,and ulna
(arms/and legs)

ThorLongus16 Apr 2010 9:10 a.m. PST

I like to use a lot of starwars CMG repaints…Hoth rebels paint up pretty good as wasteland survivors. yuzzem make good hairy supermutants..I also do a lot of weapon/head swaps ,and the minis are dirt cheap

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