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"Could 6mm GZG Walkers Be Used As Tall 15mm Robots?" Topic

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Cacique Caribe21 Mar 2010 1:34 a.m. PST

I'm asking about the "AT-71 Hound Dog Infantry Walkers" (product no. DSM-139) and the "AT-71B Hound Dog Support Walker Heavy support versions" (product no. DSM-140), normally sold by GZG for "Dirtside" 6mm.

They are the last two items listed at the bottom of this page here:



1) How tall are they really?
2) Could they pass for "tall" robots for 15mm?



Dropship Horizon21 Mar 2010 1:38 a.m. PST

Yes Dan. They are 15mm human size. I have both types embedded into some of my 15mm units.


Cacique Caribe21 Mar 2010 1:44 a.m. PST


That is excellent. Any side-by-side pics?



Dropship Horizon21 Mar 2010 1:59 a.m. PST

Not just now. See what I can do and will post on the blog.


Cacique Caribe21 Mar 2010 2:09 a.m. PST

No rush. Whenever you get to it.



CATenWolde21 Mar 2010 2:35 a.m. PST

Yep, they can. I have all the various GZG types (there are 3-4), and they are variously 14-16mm tall if memory serves. The Hound Dogs are great combat droids, especially with their weapon option. DS9 also has Fleet Scale mechs that are about the same size.

Cacique Caribe21 Mar 2010 3:27 a.m. PST


My idea is to use them in a Terminator type ("Humans Against Machines") setting.

I just wouldn't want them to look puny against the humans. Slightly imposing in height would be best (no taller than 20mm or so, if possible).


CATenWolde21 Mar 2010 5:57 a.m. PST

They'll work great for what you have in mind, and the extra weapons pack will allow them to field the big boomsticks. Don't overlook the other two types of 6mm walkers, which are a bit clunkier but heftier, and also the chicken walker in the other GZG 6mm line … can't remember the name at the moment.

Dropship Horizon21 Mar 2010 6:24 a.m. PST


They're not imposing. They are 14-15mm to top of head and definitely a head shorter than most human models. They are around same bulk as Rebel Minis but slighter than many GZG figures.

They make great robotic infantry in support of human troops but I'd use Rebel Scourge (Heavy Weapons) or Automatons as 'Terminators'.

Why don't you wait to see what 'Terminators' Mike is cooking up at The Scene.


JRacel21 Mar 2010 7:27 a.m. PST


What figures do you want them pictured with and I will see if I can't make it happen later today?

PM me later to remind me if you don't see them by early afternoon.


JRacel21 Mar 2010 8:40 a.m. PST


I went ahead and took a few pictures. I added a few Critical Mass Scouts and some Rebel Minis Earth Force Marines to go with an assortment of GZG 6mm Walkers. Sorry, none of them are painted and the bare metal is hard to take pictures of, but I darkened the contrast to make them stand out a little better.

Photo link: link

Hope this helps.


Wellspring21 Mar 2010 9:17 a.m. PST

You can also use them as robot combat bodies for recorded personalities (uploaded human brains).

ZeroGee221 Mar 2010 10:04 a.m. PST

Yes Dan, they work great in this role and we certainly sell quite a few in with orders of 15mm stuff, so I'm assuming that those folks are using them like this.

As you'll note from some of the posted pics, they are just a little shorter than the average 15mm human trooper, but I don't see that this should be a problem – if you can get all the required mechanical systems and weapons into a slightly smaller-than-human frame, that might actually be an advantage in combat – why have something that is eight feet tall when it doesn't need to be, that just screams "target" to anyone that sees it….?

Jon (GZG)

Cacique Caribe21 Mar 2010 8:22 p.m. PST

"slightly smaller-than-human frame, that might actually be an advantage in combat – why have something that is eight feet tall when it doesn't need to be, that just screams "target" to anyone that sees it….?"



Cacique Caribe21 Mar 2010 9:23 p.m. PST

CATenWolde: "DS9 also has Fleet Scale mechs that are about the same size."

About the same? Taller? Shorter?


Cacique Caribe22 Mar 2010 3:38 a.m. PST


This picture's interesting:


Also, how would something like this do, but if done as a 20mm tall machine?


TMP link

CATenWolde22 Mar 2010 7:33 a.m. PST

Here's a link to an old thread that I keep around, just to remind me of a project I never finished … ;)

TMP link

Here's the info from the thread:

Hound Dog (DSM 139), Tortoise (DSM 141), Fat Boy (GZG 142), Sturmkampfer (DSM 143) mechs. These are 13-14mm from foot to eye, and very nice typical anime style mechs. The Hound Dog also has a support weapon variant pack (DSM 140) with missile packs and Big Boomsticks. These are all 6 for 2.50 GBP. Don't overlook GZG's Future Wars range, which has two chicken-walker style armless mechs, about 15-20mm tall. They are a bit clumsy looking, and only 3 for 2.50GBP.

Gladiator Games
Command, Combat, Support, and Assault Walkers, packs of 5 for 2GBP, about 20mm high. Armless bodies with different weapon configurations, perhaps a bit rough.

Adler, Dark Star line
FD4 Hornet Scout Walker, 15mm tall
FD10 Valkyrie Battle Walker, 20mm
VT4 Zukat Scout Walker, 15mm
Armless bipeds again, but nicely done. Price 2 for 2.25GBP.

DP9, Heavy Gear Fleet Scale
Hunters are 15mm tall, 10 for $19.95.
Jagers are 14mm, same price.
Type 6-16 are 17mm, also same price.
These are typical "Anime" style with arms.
Mammoths are 17mm and Nagas 19mm tall, but only 3 for $19.95. These are strider types without arms.

Cacique Caribe22 Mar 2010 9:57 a.m. PST


Wow. Thanks for all that wealth of info!

Question: The one in the middle here is the GZG Hound Dog, right?


Also . . .

"Don't overlook GZG's Future Wars range, which has two chicken-walker style armless mechs, about 15-20mm tall. They are a bit clumsy looking, and only 3 for 2.50GBP."
Hmm. I can't seem to find them in that range:

However, based on your tips, I found these other pics.

Gladiator Games:


Great stuff.

I'm still trying to track down photos of the DP9 Mammoths and Nagas you mention.



CATenWolde22 Mar 2010 1:48 p.m. PST

Hi Dan,

Yep, that's the Hound Dog. Here's a link to the DP9 "Fleet Scale" stuff:




Cacique Caribe22 Mar 2010 1:50 p.m. PST


Thanks again!


Cacique Caribe22 Mar 2010 2:59 p.m. PST

Does anyone know how tall these CMG "Drone Walkers" are?




Covert Walrus23 Mar 2010 1:59 a.m. PST

CC Go have a look at Eureka Miniatures – thay still make a lot of obsolete Future Wars items.

Dropship Horizon23 Mar 2010 5:22 a.m. PST

Does anyone know how tall these CMG "Drone Walkers" are?

I'm at work – I know there's a picture or two on my PC if not the blog – I can upload fairly quickly when I get home. They are taller than GZG classic New Israelis.


Cacique Caribe23 Mar 2010 6:13 a.m. PST


Thanks so much. I'll check your blog.


Cacique Caribe23 Mar 2010 7:49 a.m. PST

Found it!


Perfect height.

Thanks Mark.


Cacique Caribe01 Nov 2010 11:15 a.m. PST


Has anyone attempted to add taller heads to the GZG "Hound Dog" walkers, to make them even more imposing?

They seem to have a short round head that might work as a neck for something else.

Middle figure is a GZG "Hound Dog":




Dropship Horizon03 Nov 2010 1:55 a.m. PST

At one point I had thought of converting the Hound Dogs using a Peter Pig skull to turn them into some kind of 'Terminator'.

But there are several good ranges of 'Terminators' on the market and really imposing ones favailable from Mike at The Scene. Other imposing bipedal robotics are found in Critical Mass Games' Blockheads:


I like the Hound Dogs as they are – they have a look about them of being real-world Mid Tech military robotic soldiers and embed them in my units as such.

The tactical and gaming challenges of 1 robotic infantryman per squad leading to 1 per fireteam intrigues me.


Cacique Caribe03 Nov 2010 6:55 a.m. PST

Got the ones from The Scene already. They look great.

However, as I already ordered and received my GZG Hound Dogs, I was hoping I could "convert" them a little, by simply adding a head to them to increase their height a bit (2mm or so).

Would one of these head styles look ok?


It would be added on top of the short dome head of the Hound Dog pictured here (middle figure):




Dropship Horizon03 Nov 2010 10:01 a.m. PST


Why not just buy Khurasan's Mechanoids and use their heads on the GZG Hound Dogs?



Cacique Caribe03 Nov 2010 10:20 a.m. PST

I have them too! But did not want to mutilate them. I guess I could try to sculpt a similar style on the Hound Dogs.

The Khurasan Mekanoid Grenadiers and the Critical Mass Blockheads have similar heads.



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