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943 hits since 14 Mar 2010
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olicana14 Mar 2010 4:14 a.m. PST

Hi guys,

this is one of those topics that it is hard to find a catagory for, so I've put it here.

A new set of rules for governing wargame campaigns will be available in Miniature Wargames in the Summer – probably the June edition.

For more details:

toofatlardies14 Mar 2010 4:41 a.m. PST

Sounds interesting. I have always used the map rules from the original Kriegsspiel rules for campaigns. As they were written by a veteran of the Napoleonic Wars they fit the bill ideally for me.

What sort of subjects will these contain? Obviously movement, presumably supply, but anything else?

Timmo uk14 Mar 2010 5:25 a.m. PST

Yup looks interesting.

BTW always admired your blog.

olicana14 Mar 2010 5:36 a.m. PST

The rules encompass most things you would encounter in a campaign.

Supply, sieges, raiding, spying and scouting, etc.

More interresting aspects are the effect of command and motivation on movement, supply, campaign [army] morale, recruitment, etc. In fact, almost all actions are governed by the quality of leadership and motivation.

As with Ager Sanguinis (derived out of Field of Battle by Brent Oman), the campaign is card and impetus / initiative driven. This means that the aspects of the campaign are broken into managable chunks, actions do not happen in a set sequence, and there is no need for orders or book keeping.

Map to table and back again is simplicity itself. The rules do not require you to have stacks, and stacks, of wargame soldiers – so most gamers will be able to use it providing they have a dozen units a side. This is not a lot for a campaign. More units means you use bigger armies to achieve the same result (I'm using a maximum of 37 big units a side, but that's because I do BIG). This is achieved by using a flexible SP system and the use of a battle 'hand', the latter can effect the SP strength and battlefield deployment options.

But, and I say this in case anyone believes I'm pushing a work of genius (however unlikely), this system is not a utopia for the purist, it is for fighting a warGAME campaign. It is for fun, and although it throws up a lot of strategic problems to surmount, at the end of the day it is a GAME! I like to have fun; I do not like to wade through paperwork, campaign diaries, muster rolls, and tables of factors as long as your arm in a vain attempt to recreate some kind of reality. The system links battles into a narative and to some purpose – and that's all it does – with lots of fun along the way.

Timmo uk14 Mar 2010 5:56 a.m. PST

I'm buying. Sounds great – all I want is a GAME system that generates meaningful tabletop battles without taking too long to administer in its own right.

Personal logo deanoware Supporting Member of TMP14 Mar 2010 12:01 p.m. PST

Really spectacular work you are doing there. I am very interested in looking at the rules. Just from reading the post it seems to employ an "army morale/breakpoint" system which I have always tinkered with.

mghFond14 Mar 2010 2:21 p.m. PST

Years back, I once got involved in a Napoleonic wargames campaign created by a guy who really loved both that era and minutia. We rebelled when he made supply rules which included keeping track of wagon wheels as replacements for supply wagons and artillery pieces.
The thing flopped quite early. Probably for the best as I was running the Duchy of Warsaw and was going to be overrun by the Russians and Austrians. Who'da thunk it??

Your campaign ideas sound like a lot of fun!

Joe Legan20 Mar 2010 7:09 p.m. PST

Sounds interesting. How does it differ from Theater of War?


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