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tillono2g09 Mar 2010 12:45 a.m. PST

Hiya everybody, longtime lurker, short time poster.
I hope ya all can help me; I'm trying to strip the paint of the WoTC star wars minis, but unfortunately so far none of the usual methods seem to have any effect.
Neither mr Muscle ovencleaner and the braking fluid do not seem to make a dent in the (strangely tough) paintjob of these minis. Simple green, which seems to come highly recomended across the board, does not seem to be available here in the land of cheese and wooden shoes. Does anyone have any out-of-the-box ideas to rid them of the horribly bad paintjob (without melting the plastic of-course)?

Thanks and cheers!

Top Gun Ace09 Mar 2010 12:51 a.m. PST

You could just try painting directly over them, and/or priming, and then painting over them.

There are some tips in the message archives, but I think the general concensus is that the methods weakened the plastic a little.

Sorry, I can't recall which methods were deemed to be effective other than Simple Green. You may also need to use a toothbrush with some cleaners, in order to scrub the paint off.

Given up for good09 Mar 2010 12:53 a.m. PST

Try here for Simple Green link

Only way I have seen to get this paint off is to soak for a week or so. Please try it first with a figure you do not want just in case it melts.

Other thing to consider is a simple undercoat as you do not get much detail on some of the figures anyway.


tillono2g09 Mar 2010 1:03 a.m. PST

Wow, quick responses. A toothbrush, toothpicks and soft cloth are my standard equipment for cleaning figs. However I think there may be some detail beneath the (I think dipped) paint, which is why I regulated just priming them and repainting them to the 'very last resort' part of my plan.

Dervel Fezian09 Mar 2010 4:33 a.m. PST

I did my repaints over the existing.

Light primer, and paint over it. the current paint is on so well it makes a good base coat.

tillono2g09 Mar 2010 4:35 a.m. PST

Did you not have the problem that several figures (for example my stormtroopers) have lost all detail on the head because the current paint is so thick?

Dervel Fezian09 Mar 2010 7:07 a.m. PST

Oh, well I was painting the WOTC ships :)

So no problem. I had not tried a storm trooper.

Bishop Odo09 Mar 2010 1:32 p.m. PST

That is one of the problems with the WOTC Star Wars figures, the thick paint, if it is thick paint; some are just bad casts from poor greens. I used brush cleaner and simple green in an attempt to clean up the figs, and the paint removal was spotty, so I decided to just re-prime and paint. It's much harder to remove the flash, head swaps, and Green Stuff work for conversion are difficult because of the flexibility of the base model.

I was forced to make resin copies, by picking an choosing the best helmets and arm set for a good set only 5 Storm Troopers, It was a lot of work and a pain to do, but once done they where easier to model.

wehrmacht09 Mar 2010 1:55 p.m. PST

Just lightly prime right over top of 'em.


tillono2g09 Mar 2010 11:57 p.m. PST

Oof that sounds like a big project. I had also hoped to combine the best heads into some passable models.
Thanks for all the advise guys!

Hazkal18 Mar 2010 2:47 a.m. PST

The one time I wanted to repaint one (for a Star Wars RPG I was playing in) I just painted over in acrylics. The result wasn't brilliant but it passed.

Personal logo optional field Supporting Member of TMP10 Jun 2010 12:44 p.m. PST

Just a belated attempt at help, but in the USA I VERY rarely see Simple Green in the you would expect such as supermarkets.

However, I've found that hardware stores often carry it. Even my little neighborhood Ace hardware has it.

Just a heads up for anyone that sees this down the line.

richarDISNEY17 Jun 2010 9:53 p.m. PST

Your best bet is to primer over it. Don't waste the time stripping…

ThorLongus18 Jun 2010 9:08 a.m. PST

krylon plastic spray primer ,comes in many colors, perfect for nice basecoat, khaki, stone…nice for droids, followed by a dip or ink wash and drybrush

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