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"Ottomans for the Napoleonic Period in 15mm" Topic

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4,242 hits since 20 Feb 2010
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jet74720 Feb 2010 4:03 a.m. PST

Just wondering if anyone has photos of any of the Ottomans available for this period.

I understand that Old Glory 15s have these in a SYW range and also I've seen some referred to on the Navwar website, without pictures.

Also any opinions on the figures would be welcomed. Thanks in advance for any replies

SJDonovan20 Feb 2010 4:13 a.m. PST

Minifigs also has a big range: link

But frustratingly they haven't posted any pictures on their website. (I can never understand why so many figure manufacturers seem to expect people to buy a product without being able to see it first).

Connard Sage20 Feb 2010 4:14 a.m. PST

One Tree have some on their site, with pictures.


Don't know how they compare with OG or Navwar, but most Navwar tend to be 'true' 15s and so on the small side.

Chocolate Fezian20 Feb 2010 5:32 a.m. PST

Black Hat do some link
and there's a few AB's link

genew4920 Feb 2010 5:37 a.m. PST

Eureka USA has pictures of AB Napoleonic Ottomans. The direct link didn't seem to work on last reply so try main page.Eureka

ajbartman20 Feb 2010 6:34 a.m. PST

Has anyone seen the Minifig range? Reviews?

JCBJCB20 Feb 2010 7:14 a.m. PST

The Old Glory range is very pretty – and may have been sculpted before the 15mm and 25mm lines mostly split into different companies.

If memory serves, the janissaries were the only disappointing part. The officers and musicians are lovely, but the infantry had (if I recall) only one or perhaps two poses.

Timmo uk20 Feb 2010 8:07 a.m. PST

The MF range are like all MF good proportions but a bit staid in pose.

ajbartman20 Feb 2010 8:13 a.m. PST

JCB – are you talking about their Field Of Glory Battlegroups » Eternal Empire » Later Ottoman Turk

These? link

JCBJCB20 Feb 2010 9:00 a.m. PST

Tough to tell, ajbartman. I can't find any images anywhere. Sorry.

It's been a decade or so since I had them – and I only had them long enough to pass on to someone else in a trade.

I do remember thinking the artillery was terrific.

ElGrego20 Feb 2010 9:55 a.m. PST

I have a pic or two on my blog of some Napoleonic Janissaries:


Not certain but I think they are Battle Honours – I bought them 13 years ago or so…

Cincinnatus20 Feb 2010 12:57 p.m. PST

JCB – interesting comment about the OG line. Many years ago I purchased one bag (which was the Janissaries) and was so disappointed in them that I gave up on the whole line. Never having seen pics of any of the others, I had no idea it wasn't representative. The limited poses were very different than what I had come to expect from the company and certainly didn't fit the idea of Ottomans.

The Outlander20 Feb 2010 2:55 p.m. PST

I love the Minifig ones…
They paint up nicely and many other ranges they have fit right in, like their Arab conquest figures for Fellahin and Berber Pirates as militia…

JCBJCB20 Feb 2010 6:58 p.m. PST

Cincinnatus, I think we're talking about the same thing. That's what turned me off to the janissaries, too – the limited pose. I didn't think the figures themselves were that bad from a technical view (except for more cast-on flags), but I don't need a ton of fellows in one saber-swinging pose. Too bad.

The cavalry was terrific, and the other infantry was very, very nice. The artillery was spectacular, and really looked the part. It was almost like someone sculpted a really nice line, then got to the janissaries (which should have been like sculpting the Ottoman version of the Old Guard) and thought "Ah, the heck with it." Weird.

Cincinnatus20 Feb 2010 9:28 p.m. PST

Yeah, very weird. I figured that would be the best bag of the lot.

blucher21 Feb 2010 3:09 a.m. PST

I used AB as my janissary core and but they dont have command figures. Luckily vexillia ones mixed in fine.


vexillia24 Jul 2011 6:24 a.m. PST

Update – One Tree Miniatures now owned by Vexillia.

Martin Stephenson
Vexillia: Wargames Miniatures & Accessories

SJDonovan24 Jul 2011 7:03 a.m. PST

Minifigs have finally got some pictures of their Ottoman range on the website:




Panda103 Feb 2013 10:28 p.m. PST

Anyone got any pics of the og15s syw ottomans?

BrettPT04 Feb 2013 12:08 p.m. PST

I'm building an Ottoman army (for FoGN) at the moment.

After trolling what is available, seeking out larger 18mm and compatable figures, I settled on:

1. AB Janissaries (lovely figures) with Vexilia command

2. AB light infanty – these figures are even nicer than the Janissaries

3. Some AB Mamelukes

4. Old Glory for most of the cavalry. I prefer the AB horses to Old Glory ones and so bought a bunch of AB mameluke horses seperately from Eureka and used these with Olg Glory riders (who, like AB, have saddles molded on the riders. Probably unneccesary however as the Old Glory horses are fine, just a little bigger than the AB ones.

5. Old Glory for the artillery.

6. Old Glory for the Nizami. Not great figures but the best I could find.

7. I've not been able to find any fellahin/rabble figures that particulary grab me, still a work in progress on this one.

I'll see if I can get some photos and post them over the next couple of days.


reds2105 Feb 2013 7:40 a.m. PST

Brett gives good advice. Minifigs and Navwar are small 15s and quite basic figures. Black hat are specialists in nap ottomans but their figures to my mind are poor, no animation, weird horses but their generals and artillery give some variety to your army. Having said that I have several nizam and janissary inf from black hat thanks to a fortunate ebay purchase. They are ok on the tabletop but no more than ok.

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