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1,071 hits since 13 Feb 2010
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28mmMan13 Feb 2010 8:52 p.m. PST

Just that a balance of the two universes.

The politics of a prim and proper Trek-verse never bothered me…21yrs of active duty military forged an fair non-hippie thread within me.

And the political correctness was not much of a bother either.

So onto the subject at hand…what goes and what stays.

As much as I like variety…hundreds and hundreds of aliens can get a bit cumbersome…so how many is a fair amount?

Say 15-20? Still sounds like a lot…between the two universes I would suspect there are hundreds of named and documented races.

As for tech…I like the Enterprise/Serenity tech level. Lots of fringe worlds huge distance between space lanes.

Does this combined effort have light sabers and force abilities?

What 5 things would you "have" to have from each setting to bring a smile?

There are numbers of miniatures out there that fit varieties of aliens, so most likely a few conversions and Bob's your uncle for game play.

Would you like to see it 50:50 or much more towards one universe over the other?

Volstagg Vanir13 Feb 2010 9:11 p.m. PST

Initially: I said "No Way: One is Science Fiction, one is Science Fantasy…"
(Being Fully aware they are both "Space Opera", mind you!)

Suppose Palpatine's 'Empire' was …..the Klingons…?
(I'm working from a straight TOS veiewpoint here, BTW)
All of a sudden, the Klingon Snide Superiority makes a lotta sense:
"The Federation can't perceive the Force…? Primitives!"

(I leave all comments regarding Palpatines now quite fashionable
Facial Features to the more observant in the Peanut Gallery)

The Force fits in OK with Trek's stated cosmological viewpoint
regarding evolution and Species Apotheosis into "Intelligent Energy"
(eg the Organians, the Triskelions, the Squire of Gothos,
etc et al)

The Two things that would Absolutely Positively Not Work (IMO)
would be the Federation -and- the Empire BOTH being "Human":
That would Break willing suspension of disbelief (at least for Me!)

as long as you Avoid that mistake? I think you can dovetail 'em together ok.

…and prit' near 'wholesale'….

KeithRK13 Feb 2010 9:45 p.m. PST

WHAT! Blasphemy!

Besides, one happened A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away.

The other one didn't.

LeadAsbestos13 Feb 2010 10:28 p.m. PST


deanoware13 Feb 2010 10:48 p.m. PST

Well I would see the Star Wars stuff more as your "skirmish level" plot basically confined to a small galaxy with all these weird characters and this unending war taking place.

I would see Star Trek as your strategic level world. This would be how the rest of the universe at large is going about. You can assume they know about the mess in that "galaxy far far away" the Prime Directive prevents them from going there and cleaning it up…. at least until the Borg show up!!

Actually if really think about the technology of Star Trek makes the Star Wars stuff look pretty juvenille. What the Empire needed one Death Star to do, just about any Starship can do in Star Trek!

tmason13 Feb 2010 11:16 p.m. PST

Not to hijack the thread, but I have always imagined the star trek version of the 'federation' and the blake's seven version of the 'federation' to be one and the same. Especially in the TNG variant. All that political correctness etc is really just another version of 'newspeak' and I think it would be fun to imagine 'liberalist' rebels in that universe.

However, I do like the idea of the klingon 'empire'. Pity the space ships don't really look similar – I have both an imperial fleet (star destroyers etc) and a klingon fleet.

Bunkermeister Supporting Member of TMP14 Feb 2010 1:01 a.m. PST

At one time I worked up a universe with Star Trek and Star Wars and Starship Troopers and Lost in Space woven together.

The Evil Empire was at the far edge of the Star Trek universe, the humans were human, but were not the main race, as in the Star Wars movies. The Federation was as in the TV shows, primarily Classic Trek, and the Star Fleet was sort of like the Navy, US Coast Guard and US Marshall service all in one. The Starship Troopers were more like the Marines and the Army. The 'nids were at the other edge of the universe and the majority of the "Army" was fighting there, that bleeds them off from fighting the others in the Star Trek universe and the Star Wars types.

The Lost in Space part is the humans sent out to colonize other worlds. Since Earth is overcrowed, and several other human worlds are too, the Jupiter II is the standard civilian colonization ship. It gives plenty of opportunities for the "Navy" and "Army" to rescue the colonists.

I tend to discard most of the "force" and mental powers aspects and focus on technology.

Mike "Bunkermeister" Creek

Zyphyr14 Feb 2010 1:07 a.m. PST

One way to have both having substantial Human involvement is if you assume a "Long Night" scenario. Yes, you have to rework the backgrounds a little, but not so much as to leave things unrecognizable.

Long cycle of rising and falling empires interspersed by near total collapses of galactic civilization (can leave the how/why a mystery if you wish). Make the Empire/Republic have a shorter history, to go with the relatively lower level of technology.

On the issue of Light Sabers and the Force – I don't see Light Sabers to be that much more far-fetched (technologically at least) than Transporters. The force can be considered the equivalent of well developed psychic powers, and pyschic powers are well established within Trek canon.

Fish14 Feb 2010 4:25 a.m. PST

This way you get to the impossible equation…

On other side you have ST redshirt security guards that immediately die when someone shoots even remotely at their direction.

On teh other side you have SW imperial stormtroopers who never manage to hit anyone.

Mind boggles!

Lönkka ;)

Artraccoon14 Feb 2010 5:31 a.m. PST

Funny thing to note…

The armies of the Star Wars universe are really armies, with field gear, various weapons, and lots of vehicles zipping, rolling, or stomping about. And make fun of the poor Stormtroopers accuracy if you want, but it seems as soon as they get ahold of their vehicle or artillery weapons their aim improves. They had armies for taking or holding worlds. Even the silly Gungans had an army, and could fight.

Meanwhile in Star Trek, they have NO armies, NO infantry, combat vehicles, or artillery. They just beam down a handfull of assorted starship crew with only hand phasers and a few phaser rifles, but no field kit, no troop protection, and no AFVs. Their battles are between small groups of combatants…really more like a gunfight, not battle.

Compare…Star Trek's DS9 "The Siege of AR-558" with a starting force of 150 "Starfleet Troops" holding an outpost for 90 days( against Jem'Hadar troops maybe 2 to 3 times their number) vs. Star Wars' "Battle of Hoth" that involves thousands of troops, true prepared positions, and loads of air & ground vehicles struggling in battle that ends within a hour. And Hoth was a small action compared with the Battles of the Clone Wars.

In any planetside battles between the forces of SW and ST, the armies of Star Wars will win the day.

Pictors Studio14 Feb 2010 7:06 a.m. PST

But one takes place in the past, the distant past, the other in the future. It is possible that the enterprise went to see the star wars galaxy and they were all dead at that point.

I Jim I14 Feb 2010 9:44 a.m. PST
28mmMan14 Feb 2010 11:01 a.m. PST

"On other side you have ST redshirt security guards that immediately die when someone shoots even remotely at their direction.

On the other side you have SW imperial stormtroopers who never manage to hit anyone."

Touche' puits fait mon ami attaché de neige

I was thinking of what to leave and what to take if a cross over were considered:

the force…I do not mind the force, but that said I would prefer a toned down version and it is due to a rare aptitude rather than special magic particles in your body…the vulcans have force-like abilities, so an extension of the same.

jedi…again not a problem for me…perhaps consider them knights, honor bound members of a royal guard as it were…doesn't fit the Trek Federation vision but it may fit nice in the mirror mirror Trek Empire vision…Sith Knights and the Jedi Knights.

I like the more than forehead aliens from Star Wars.

Klingons, Rolumans, and Andorians have that "we like to party" attitude so having them bond together into an Empire is considerable.

The bulk of the Star Wars aliens are fun to keep as background types…not allowed to breed in numbers but are kept around for color and to keep the workers (slaves) at odds as they are so different from each other.

So I guess a Trek Empire would work better than a Trek Federation in this example.

Brother Tiberius14 Feb 2010 11:29 a.m. PST

Who'd win a a fight, a Klingon or a Wookie?

darthfozzywig14 Feb 2010 5:55 p.m. PST

Let the Wookie win.

Sargonarhes14 Feb 2010 7:57 p.m. PST

There was combination of Star Wars and Star Trek, it was called Babylon 5.
We know they had land armies (see the episode GROPOS) and huge naval ships.

But I digress.

Gecoren15 Feb 2010 6:10 a.m. PST

How about the Star Wreck universe?

YouTube link

Belay that Twinker order, fire Light Balls on my signal! :-)


Mike at Work 215 Feb 2010 4:33 p.m. PST

my brother is running a game like this right now. basically, he chagned the pre-history a bit (the way in trek the first species seeded their dna onlt all the worlds letting them crossbreed, why intelligent species are defined by forehead bumps, etc), and made a few changes to tech (transporters move you through hyperspace instead of eing replicators, etc).

is well done and pretty brutal. The federation just went to war with the klingons & Hutts again, and the Klingon Jedi is torn between duty to both his order and his people.

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