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1,384 hits since 13 Feb 2010
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Cacique Caribe13 Feb 2010 7:39 a.m. PST

In case anyone wants to build their own Mars settlement:


Other cool images:



War Monkey13 Feb 2010 10:09 a.m. PST

Why not you could use a collective group of robots like Asimo, SDR-4XII or Qrio or a combination of, to do the grunt work, of preping the area long before the first humans get there. The first lander could have them in it with a combination of solar panels and self rising wind generator, as a charging station for them with a command control unit, powered moving equipment and special connecting tools, with a landing zone for the following supplies, the landers would have to serve double duty one as the supply transport the second as on site structures, they could set up living quarters, refineries for making fuel, water and oxygen, power stations for energy use, labs, launching platforms, etc. saving fuel, water, food and oxygen. Lab equipment, food supplies, and human moving equipment could be sent ahead of humans, Then the first human crew can just recheck the work and make any finial corrections.

Now on the gaming side of things, as they build the site over time they become self aware and humans are BAD, and know we are coming! the first crew will have to deal with them with crude primitive weapons, made from only items already there!

Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian13 Feb 2010 10:27 a.m. PST

Hey CC,

On the caves/volcano 'mods'….considering there are no 'tectonic plates' (that we know of!) on Mars…and the volcanos haven't been active for several million, possibly billion? years…

Who's to say the ORIGINAL 'Martians'…(as their world died)…didn't do the exact same thing and now have a massive UNDERGROUND/Subareaean (ares instead ot subterrian) civilization…where they could tap the remaining geothermal heat…minerals, water? from underneath the surface????

We've talked about cave systems…(we've spotted caves from ORBIT even)…and how entire ecosystems on earth live/have lived, completely underground for thousands/millions? of years…

The more we find out about the fact that Mars WAS 'habitable' at one time in it's geological life…(and still has some 'cycles' of cooling/warming as it 'wobbles' and so on…

And considering the EXTREMOPHILES we've 'discovered' on earth alone in the last DECADE (where we didn't think life could exist)….

And now they're saying some of the outer moons…like Enceadelus at Saturn may have liquid SALTWATER inside it…even as small as it is…

Maybe Verne and all those other early writers were 'right', that we'll find life UNDER the surface of Mars or even our own Moon…in caverns…entire ecosystems??? But will they be intelligent…do we have the 'right' to INVADE their world…(intelligent or not)…

For the 'moon' I point out the novel 'The Lotus Eaters'…as one possibility…for Lunar life….

But doesn't it put a little more 'science' into any fiction or fantasy…to realize that the possibilities are INCREASING…rather than the other way around?

Consider how man viewed Mars before the Mariner probe in 1964 showed 'moonlike craters'…or the Mariner 9 Orbiter and then the Viking Landers in 1976…or the rovers now..

Our viewpoint, our 'knowledge' of Mars keeps changing, evolving and getting MORE 'complicated'…

So…why not Martian Volcano cities….

Sgt DWW-btod

Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian13 Feb 2010 1:18 p.m. PST

Maybe the 'Martians' have already 'beat us'?


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP13 Feb 2010 5:32 p.m. PST

I got to love those "Mars Project" type kind'a guys … Everytime I see some one strongly advocating trips to and colonization of Mars(or the moon for that matter !), etc. I marvel at the focus and motivation. It's kind of like the "While Rome burned, Nero fiddled" kind'a thing … Or like if the ship Columbus was on, was sinking, and they're discussing what color to paint their houses when they get to the "New World". evil grin If God wanted us to go to Mars … we would have been born there ! wink Well … then if that was the case … huh? we'd be Martians not Earthlings ! evil grin wink

Cacique Caribe13 Feb 2010 9:08 p.m. PST

"Well … then if that was the case … huh? we'd be Martians not Earthlings!"

And we would be making all sorts of plans for that blue marble in the distance. :)


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP13 Feb 2010 9:25 p.m. PST

Sure … we'd all want to go swimming !! evil grin

bullant13 Feb 2010 10:31 p.m. PST

What if they (the robot advance team) build it and we never come?

Would they defend it if others come?

Cacique Caribe13 Feb 2010 10:34 p.m. PST


Wow. That puts a whole new twist on this other theme . . .

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